I've look at online bookstores that deal in rare and out of print books, and I STILL can't find it! It's really annoying, cause I REALLY wanna read this. Does anyone know where I might find this for sale online? Thanks ahead of time.
MaskedManJRK said:I know--I honestly think DC just decided not to print them anymore.
That would be sweet. Who knows how likely it is, but I'd welcome it.tom123 said:I'm hopin for a second printing around the time The Dark Knight comes out.
Motown Marvel said:you shoulda bought it when it came out.
Mister J said:That would be sweet. Who knows how likely it is, but I'd welcome it.
tom123 said:Yeah, I really should've, but to be honest I only started reading Batman comics around the second half of the Red Hood storyline. When did this come out originally?
I know that if DC was anything like Marvel they would. Marvel plans quite a bit to coincide with the films. Also, I've heard that Nolan is using that issue as inspiration for the movie, so that should help the odds.
Flexo said:The only way to get it now is to find someone that has a copy... and declare Mortal Kombat on them.
dude love said:Well, DC recenty reprinted Gotham By Gaslight and it's sequel, if they reprinted that, I wouldn't worry about Man Who Laughs.
SpideyInATree said:Hmmm, sounds interesting. I've never heard of that story before.
SpideyInATree said:Well, there's plenty I could want.
But I'm going to have to put that on my "to buy" list for the holidays and check that bad boy up.