A story I've written on and off for a while now. Not the best, but I like it.
I hate that guy so much!
Hes a jerk!
Youre a jerk, and I dont hate you. Fenwick hated to admit it, but Agent Dark had a point. The two sat quietly in the waiting room of the New York Federal Metaphysical Human Department. A single wilting plant sat beside the door. The paint on the walls was stark white, with black and white tiled floor. In short it looked like every government office ever. Above the entry way was a small plaque from the sixties which read, With great power come great responsibility.
Fenwick was wearing a long black trench coat, with thick glass like the kind wielders use, and a fedora atop his head. Agent Dark wore a full mask that was bright red, that went down his costume to around his waist which ended in black. His costume made him look like his top half was on fire, and in Fenwicks opinion a much better costume then his. Of course it covred him up, so sometime it was hard to know if the guy was angry.
True, but at least I'm funny. Its just stuff like that which pisses me off, Fenwick replied pointing to the television. Standing atop the latest robotic creation of Max Sinister was the Grey Wolf. He was strong, fast, could jump five city blocks, and the media loved him. Of course as a Class AH-1 metahuman who wouldnt? On the television he smiled at the camera and spoke in his confident voice, Why do I do it? Its because I need to help people. With great power comes great responsibility you know.
The room let out a collective boo, Fenwick shaking his head, What a shmuck.
So what? He saved the day, big deal! Agent Dark said pointing at the screen.
He always saves the day! He gets to go after that stuff and get those fat checks, while you and I get stuck with purse snatchers, Oddball, and Pyro.
Agent Dark grunted, Dont get me started on Pyro! Why I cannot have that name is beyond me. I mean I have the ability to create fire, so what does the government codename me? Firestar? Match? Noooo, I get to be called Agent Dark!
Well I mean isnt cause youre black?
Agent Dark turned to face Fenwick, with mask covering every inch of his head it was hard to tell the mans reaction, What makes you think Im black?
I dont know. I mean Ive never seen you not wearing that costume. For all I know youre green, Fenwick said with a grin.
Good point. Well no big deal. So here for a check or looking for work?
Work. You?
Check, and work.
Something that many did not understand was that government sponsored superheroes lived paycheck to paycheck. Fenwick was given three thousand dollars a month for rent, and utilities, plus whatever commissions he could pick up by fighting crime. Anyone who lived in New York knew three grand was nothing. So most days Fenwick would sit in the small waiting room drinking bad coffee, watching TV, using his x-ray vision to peek at the new receptionist, and praying for a job.
Around the waiting room were eight clusters of chairs, a brightly, darkly, or oddly clad hero sat, all of them most likely in Fenwicks shoes. For AH-4s, which meant Augmented Human Class 4, life was difficult. By law they had to be superheroes, and like most government jobs it was a big waste of time. It wasnt like Fenwick was weak, he had super strength, and X-ray vision. Yet with guys like Grey Wolf, Count Dearborn, and The Amazing Ion moving about Fenwick looked pathetic.
Turning left Fenwick saw Archangel Michael, a guy who could fly at mach one, and create a flaming sword. He used to have a very solid set of commissions in Spanish Harlem. Robbers, muggings, and general crime went down 20% in the months he worked the region. Now the poor guy was stuck in the waiting room with guys like Fenwick. It seemed community leader felt they where being wrongly persecuted, so the government responded by pulling most heroes from the area. Same thing happened in Harlem, the Bronx, even the upper class regions. It seemed no matter where crime was, politicians wanting to get voted into office counted for more then walking safe on the streets.
Hey Fenwick.
Howd you get your name?
Oh god, you know the Name Designer Plus 2 program?
Agent Dark let out a laugh, I get it. Most heroes, well first generation heroes anyways, had it easy they picked a name and enjoyed it. Nowadays every single hero had to be registered, codenamed, and categorized. A genius some time in the early nineties made a program that looked through available code names, looked a powers and made brand new names. The simple fact that Fenwick was sitting next to a human flamethrower named Agent Dark, a shape shifter named Susano, and a man who created Sonic waves by screaming named Quiet Man, spoke volumes of how well the program worked.
Fenwick, report to the front counter please. The single speaker besider the television blared out the monotone voice. Leaping up and smiling Fenwick made his way forward, Hello Janine.
Are you Fenwick? the woman said looking bored with her job entirely.
Yes I am, he responded holding up his ID card.
Alright, we need you to go to Queens and do a patrol around Long Island City, Jamaica and Flushing. Any crimes averted need to be documented, and signed by police officers who take custody of any criminal, or criminals. Are these facts understood by you as I have said them?
Yes, Fenwick said nodding.
Make sure to mark the sign out sheet, so we can reimburse you for any travel expenses on your return.
Thank you Janine, Fenwick turned around smiling and heading out the door. It was time to be a superhero! Of course to do such he had to take the subway. It wasnt a long trip, Fenwick just had to take the IRT Ninth Avenue Line, get off wait for the Lexington Avenue Line, and then Archer Avenue Line all the way to Queens. Now it was time to be a superhero!
Maybe after a slice, after a slice of pepperoni, a coke, and a trip to the restroom, it was time to be a superhero! Like any good hero Fenwick, turned his police scanner on, and simply walked the streets waiting for something to occur. People tended to get out of his way, and Fenwick enjoyed that, sometimes youd get people wanting to fight, demean, or in some cases save him. It was never like that in the comic books, it was always fighting, pretty girls, and the public loving you for it. Fenwick had an ex-wife, a soon to be ex-girlfriend, a dump for an apartment, and a Masters degree in Post-modern History he could never use.
Like many heroes Fenwick blamed George Bush for his life being so bad. The first Bush, not the second. In the late eighties Bush and a bunch of other politicians got together and decided that people with superpowers needed to work for the government. When the seventies ended, and superheroes seemed to really turn the tide in the growing drug trade, gangs, and random SVV (supervillian violence), it looked to be a good idea to have a permant group of metahumans on the payroll. It also seemed to be a way to keep the public safe, "just in case." After all in normal jobs they would be wasting their gifts, and depriving America of the safety its citizens deserved. Until he was twenty-four Fenwick agreed with such thinking, for the most part. One day while driving home in 2005, he was sideswiped by a semi-truck. Such a thing would have killed Fenwick, but instead he discovered he had superpowers. His life has sucked ever since.
The borough of Queens is the most ethnically diverse region in the United States. With a population of 2.2 million it is the second most populous borough in New York City, just behind Brooklyn. All Fenwick knew was that people who lived in Queens often closely identified with their neighborhood rather than with the borough or city as a whole. Postal addresses are written with the neighborhood, state, and then zip code rather than the borough or city.
Walking up 49th Street Fenwick knew he stood out a great deal. Flushing had one of the largest Asian populations in all of New York. Fenwick, a 6'4" white man was walking down one of the many roads which separated the patchwork communities of Chinese, Korean, and Filipinos. Well and the fact that he was wearing a floor length trench coat, fedora, and had a bright yellow utility belt on certainly did not make him fit in. Despite everything the superhero was enjoying himself. School was just getting out, so the various kids walked by and they would smile, wave, some even stopped to thank him, something many parents taught their children to do to superheroes.
Walking up a side street Fenwick noticed a beat cop heading his way. As they passed the officer stopped, Hey.
Hey, Fenwick looked down at the man, at 6 4 he normally had to look down at people. Fenwick had a theory that he had gotten taller since gaining super powers, he noticed that a lot of his peers were all tall, so there must be something to that.
Im Officer Mitchell. Ya patrolling this month?
No Im a day shifter, for The Dean and his sidekick what-his-name.
Whats yer name?
Fenwick, The look on the officers face said he never hear of such a man.
The Officer grinned, So you ever meet The Dean and Dean the Young before?
Oh yeah. Those guys are great.
Super intelligent right? Mitchell asked lifting his hat off to scratch his head.
I know The Dean is. He has an IQ of like 400 or something. Dean the Young, Fenwick looked up thinking for a moment, I think his sidekick just is good at fighting to be honest. Not saying his dumb
I know what you mean, pal. All I want is those two to just sign the freakin paper work and not explain what a Atomic Cheerio field, or some **** like that is.
Tell me about it. I beat guys up, and wait for someone to take them from me.
Ahem at that brother! the officer shook Fenwicks hand, Ill see you around.
Anything I should look out for?
Eh, nothing right now. We got a few stickups but nothing major.
Fenwick nodded, and started walking off. After awhile he tired of walking the sidewalks, and climbed onto the nearest roof. Most of the buildings where two to four stories tall, so it was quite easy to jump from one to another. The truth is the man just needed to find a place to hide so he could smoke, and eat one of his high calorie protein shakes before continuing on. Something that always annoyed the man was that his body burned up calories fast. So fast in fact that every day he needed at least six thousand calories in order to stay at a normal weight. Well, as normal as a superhero got. After chugging a chalky shake, and quickly huffing down his camel, Fenwick was off. Leaping from roof to roof, scanning the streets, listening to the police, and emergency channel scanner in his ear. For someone who was rather indifferent to his job, the man did it rather well.
As the day rolled on, all Fenwick had to show for himself was one pickpocket, who punched him in the nose rather hard. Well at least thats sixty bucks. Sitting on the ledge of a Old Navy store at the intersection of Main Street and Roosevelt Avenue, the superhero looked out at the city. Soon the work day would end, and he could head home and try his best to get his girlfriend to stay with him. Work took up most of his time, he never had money to really take her out, and to be honest Fenwick was simply dating her to have something to do on Friday nights.
His thoughts quickly came back once the screeching of tires echoed down the street. A black Lincoln, a sedan, no it was a Town Car. It was driving away from a small bank. The two men running outside in obvious panic told Fenwick all he needed. It was a big commission.
Without thinking Fenwick ran after the car, on the streets he would never catch up with it, but going across the roof let him cut over traffic, and all obstructions. Leaping from the roof top, twisting his body so his knees almost touched his chest he grabbed a streetlight post, and tried to flip onto the roof across the street. Try was the key word, for Fenwick missed the ledge by a good two feet, he feel to the ground hard, so hard a normal man would have broken bones, he simply stood up and kept after the car.
Running, jumping, knocking people out of his way Fenwick kept the car in his sights. Slowly it was getting closer, not cause he was fast, but because for some reason the robbers had slowed down for a stop light. The light changed to green as Fenwick grabbed the rear passenger door handle. Inside three men looked at him, one started screaming, another slammed his foot down on the gas, and the last one pointed his gun at Fenwick. Gripping the door handle tight, he was dragged along the road with the Town Car. He was lucky for the force of the car moving sent him down just as the bullet shot an inch from his face.
The car swerved along the road trying to get rid of the unwanted hero. Now was the time when the Grey Wolf would make a snappy come back, plant his foot in the ground and stop the car. All Fenwick got out was, Ow ow ow ow ow. He knew his coat was getting torn up, but luckily he wore light chain mail under it. Being super strong didnt make him invulnerable, just tough.
With a shout Fenwick punched at the door with his free hand. His arm broke through the door giving him something to hold onto. With all the strength he had Fenwick swung his feet up smashing into the passenger side window. His right foot kicked the driver in the head, his left knee was at the throat of the man in the passenger seat, and the final robber in the rear got a punch to the face.
The car kept driving, Fenwick did not move at all, STOP THE CAR!
An hour later, two patrol cars, and a single reporter deciding it was nothing newsworthy cause no one was hurt, and the hero saved the day, Fenwick sat on the side walk doing math in his head. Base commission is 50, plus three perps is at 15 each for carrying weapons is 45, so that 50+45=90. Add to that the 60 from earlier that day and Fenwick had made an amazing $150.
Fenwick? An officer stood beside him holding as clipboard. Standing up Fenwick took the clipboard and checked over the facts, making sure to sign it at the bottom.
Anything else?
Not a thing. Thanks for the assist.
Not a problem officer. You guys find a hat by any chance?
Nope, the officer responded walking away. Fenwick sighed, his coat was thrashed, his hat was gone, and the strap to his goggles was being held together with duct tape.
Why do I even bother?" he looked around frowning "Who the hell and I talking to? Fenwick shook his head and looked at his watch, not the broken one on his wrist, but the one he kept in his utility belt. His work day was over, he made $150, most likely $120 after taxes and he needed new gear. This looks like a job for booze!
Pardon me? the officer looked over at Fenwick standing on the side walk hands on his hips in a traditional heroic pose.
Good bye officer.
See ya. Oh, the officer walked over smiling, Can I ask you a question?
You superheroes all hang out together right?"
"For the most part. I mean we all get together for the staff meeting, so yeah."
"If you see the Grey Wolf tell him the boys of the 17th precinct appreciate all the work he did for the city, Fenwick wanted to tell the guy off, point out that Grey Wolf defeats one villian every month, sure they are AH-2 and up, but most guys like Fenwick get six, seven, some guys twenty commissions a week.
What came out was, "Sure."
"Thanks buddy. You did good today, but next time try not to tear the road up so bad we gotta use it ya know." Fenwick nodded and walked away. He was in New York city, it was almost six oclock, somewhere there was a bar calling out to him. Taking his tattered coat off he dumped it in the nearest trash can. Fenwick hoped no one would give him trouble for wearing his costume in a bar later.
I hate that guy so much!
Hes a jerk!
Youre a jerk, and I dont hate you. Fenwick hated to admit it, but Agent Dark had a point. The two sat quietly in the waiting room of the New York Federal Metaphysical Human Department. A single wilting plant sat beside the door. The paint on the walls was stark white, with black and white tiled floor. In short it looked like every government office ever. Above the entry way was a small plaque from the sixties which read, With great power come great responsibility.
Fenwick was wearing a long black trench coat, with thick glass like the kind wielders use, and a fedora atop his head. Agent Dark wore a full mask that was bright red, that went down his costume to around his waist which ended in black. His costume made him look like his top half was on fire, and in Fenwicks opinion a much better costume then his. Of course it covred him up, so sometime it was hard to know if the guy was angry.
True, but at least I'm funny. Its just stuff like that which pisses me off, Fenwick replied pointing to the television. Standing atop the latest robotic creation of Max Sinister was the Grey Wolf. He was strong, fast, could jump five city blocks, and the media loved him. Of course as a Class AH-1 metahuman who wouldnt? On the television he smiled at the camera and spoke in his confident voice, Why do I do it? Its because I need to help people. With great power comes great responsibility you know.
The room let out a collective boo, Fenwick shaking his head, What a shmuck.
So what? He saved the day, big deal! Agent Dark said pointing at the screen.
He always saves the day! He gets to go after that stuff and get those fat checks, while you and I get stuck with purse snatchers, Oddball, and Pyro.
Agent Dark grunted, Dont get me started on Pyro! Why I cannot have that name is beyond me. I mean I have the ability to create fire, so what does the government codename me? Firestar? Match? Noooo, I get to be called Agent Dark!
Well I mean isnt cause youre black?
Agent Dark turned to face Fenwick, with mask covering every inch of his head it was hard to tell the mans reaction, What makes you think Im black?
I dont know. I mean Ive never seen you not wearing that costume. For all I know youre green, Fenwick said with a grin.
Good point. Well no big deal. So here for a check or looking for work?
Work. You?
Check, and work.
Something that many did not understand was that government sponsored superheroes lived paycheck to paycheck. Fenwick was given three thousand dollars a month for rent, and utilities, plus whatever commissions he could pick up by fighting crime. Anyone who lived in New York knew three grand was nothing. So most days Fenwick would sit in the small waiting room drinking bad coffee, watching TV, using his x-ray vision to peek at the new receptionist, and praying for a job.
Around the waiting room were eight clusters of chairs, a brightly, darkly, or oddly clad hero sat, all of them most likely in Fenwicks shoes. For AH-4s, which meant Augmented Human Class 4, life was difficult. By law they had to be superheroes, and like most government jobs it was a big waste of time. It wasnt like Fenwick was weak, he had super strength, and X-ray vision. Yet with guys like Grey Wolf, Count Dearborn, and The Amazing Ion moving about Fenwick looked pathetic.
Turning left Fenwick saw Archangel Michael, a guy who could fly at mach one, and create a flaming sword. He used to have a very solid set of commissions in Spanish Harlem. Robbers, muggings, and general crime went down 20% in the months he worked the region. Now the poor guy was stuck in the waiting room with guys like Fenwick. It seemed community leader felt they where being wrongly persecuted, so the government responded by pulling most heroes from the area. Same thing happened in Harlem, the Bronx, even the upper class regions. It seemed no matter where crime was, politicians wanting to get voted into office counted for more then walking safe on the streets.
Hey Fenwick.
Howd you get your name?
Oh god, you know the Name Designer Plus 2 program?
Agent Dark let out a laugh, I get it. Most heroes, well first generation heroes anyways, had it easy they picked a name and enjoyed it. Nowadays every single hero had to be registered, codenamed, and categorized. A genius some time in the early nineties made a program that looked through available code names, looked a powers and made brand new names. The simple fact that Fenwick was sitting next to a human flamethrower named Agent Dark, a shape shifter named Susano, and a man who created Sonic waves by screaming named Quiet Man, spoke volumes of how well the program worked.
Fenwick, report to the front counter please. The single speaker besider the television blared out the monotone voice. Leaping up and smiling Fenwick made his way forward, Hello Janine.
Are you Fenwick? the woman said looking bored with her job entirely.
Yes I am, he responded holding up his ID card.
Alright, we need you to go to Queens and do a patrol around Long Island City, Jamaica and Flushing. Any crimes averted need to be documented, and signed by police officers who take custody of any criminal, or criminals. Are these facts understood by you as I have said them?
Yes, Fenwick said nodding.
Make sure to mark the sign out sheet, so we can reimburse you for any travel expenses on your return.
Thank you Janine, Fenwick turned around smiling and heading out the door. It was time to be a superhero! Of course to do such he had to take the subway. It wasnt a long trip, Fenwick just had to take the IRT Ninth Avenue Line, get off wait for the Lexington Avenue Line, and then Archer Avenue Line all the way to Queens. Now it was time to be a superhero!
Maybe after a slice, after a slice of pepperoni, a coke, and a trip to the restroom, it was time to be a superhero! Like any good hero Fenwick, turned his police scanner on, and simply walked the streets waiting for something to occur. People tended to get out of his way, and Fenwick enjoyed that, sometimes youd get people wanting to fight, demean, or in some cases save him. It was never like that in the comic books, it was always fighting, pretty girls, and the public loving you for it. Fenwick had an ex-wife, a soon to be ex-girlfriend, a dump for an apartment, and a Masters degree in Post-modern History he could never use.
Like many heroes Fenwick blamed George Bush for his life being so bad. The first Bush, not the second. In the late eighties Bush and a bunch of other politicians got together and decided that people with superpowers needed to work for the government. When the seventies ended, and superheroes seemed to really turn the tide in the growing drug trade, gangs, and random SVV (supervillian violence), it looked to be a good idea to have a permant group of metahumans on the payroll. It also seemed to be a way to keep the public safe, "just in case." After all in normal jobs they would be wasting their gifts, and depriving America of the safety its citizens deserved. Until he was twenty-four Fenwick agreed with such thinking, for the most part. One day while driving home in 2005, he was sideswiped by a semi-truck. Such a thing would have killed Fenwick, but instead he discovered he had superpowers. His life has sucked ever since.
The borough of Queens is the most ethnically diverse region in the United States. With a population of 2.2 million it is the second most populous borough in New York City, just behind Brooklyn. All Fenwick knew was that people who lived in Queens often closely identified with their neighborhood rather than with the borough or city as a whole. Postal addresses are written with the neighborhood, state, and then zip code rather than the borough or city.
Walking up 49th Street Fenwick knew he stood out a great deal. Flushing had one of the largest Asian populations in all of New York. Fenwick, a 6'4" white man was walking down one of the many roads which separated the patchwork communities of Chinese, Korean, and Filipinos. Well and the fact that he was wearing a floor length trench coat, fedora, and had a bright yellow utility belt on certainly did not make him fit in. Despite everything the superhero was enjoying himself. School was just getting out, so the various kids walked by and they would smile, wave, some even stopped to thank him, something many parents taught their children to do to superheroes.
Walking up a side street Fenwick noticed a beat cop heading his way. As they passed the officer stopped, Hey.
Hey, Fenwick looked down at the man, at 6 4 he normally had to look down at people. Fenwick had a theory that he had gotten taller since gaining super powers, he noticed that a lot of his peers were all tall, so there must be something to that.
Im Officer Mitchell. Ya patrolling this month?
No Im a day shifter, for The Dean and his sidekick what-his-name.
Whats yer name?
Fenwick, The look on the officers face said he never hear of such a man.
The Officer grinned, So you ever meet The Dean and Dean the Young before?
Oh yeah. Those guys are great.
Super intelligent right? Mitchell asked lifting his hat off to scratch his head.
I know The Dean is. He has an IQ of like 400 or something. Dean the Young, Fenwick looked up thinking for a moment, I think his sidekick just is good at fighting to be honest. Not saying his dumb
I know what you mean, pal. All I want is those two to just sign the freakin paper work and not explain what a Atomic Cheerio field, or some **** like that is.
Tell me about it. I beat guys up, and wait for someone to take them from me.
Ahem at that brother! the officer shook Fenwicks hand, Ill see you around.
Anything I should look out for?
Eh, nothing right now. We got a few stickups but nothing major.
Fenwick nodded, and started walking off. After awhile he tired of walking the sidewalks, and climbed onto the nearest roof. Most of the buildings where two to four stories tall, so it was quite easy to jump from one to another. The truth is the man just needed to find a place to hide so he could smoke, and eat one of his high calorie protein shakes before continuing on. Something that always annoyed the man was that his body burned up calories fast. So fast in fact that every day he needed at least six thousand calories in order to stay at a normal weight. Well, as normal as a superhero got. After chugging a chalky shake, and quickly huffing down his camel, Fenwick was off. Leaping from roof to roof, scanning the streets, listening to the police, and emergency channel scanner in his ear. For someone who was rather indifferent to his job, the man did it rather well.
As the day rolled on, all Fenwick had to show for himself was one pickpocket, who punched him in the nose rather hard. Well at least thats sixty bucks. Sitting on the ledge of a Old Navy store at the intersection of Main Street and Roosevelt Avenue, the superhero looked out at the city. Soon the work day would end, and he could head home and try his best to get his girlfriend to stay with him. Work took up most of his time, he never had money to really take her out, and to be honest Fenwick was simply dating her to have something to do on Friday nights.
His thoughts quickly came back once the screeching of tires echoed down the street. A black Lincoln, a sedan, no it was a Town Car. It was driving away from a small bank. The two men running outside in obvious panic told Fenwick all he needed. It was a big commission.
Without thinking Fenwick ran after the car, on the streets he would never catch up with it, but going across the roof let him cut over traffic, and all obstructions. Leaping from the roof top, twisting his body so his knees almost touched his chest he grabbed a streetlight post, and tried to flip onto the roof across the street. Try was the key word, for Fenwick missed the ledge by a good two feet, he feel to the ground hard, so hard a normal man would have broken bones, he simply stood up and kept after the car.
Running, jumping, knocking people out of his way Fenwick kept the car in his sights. Slowly it was getting closer, not cause he was fast, but because for some reason the robbers had slowed down for a stop light. The light changed to green as Fenwick grabbed the rear passenger door handle. Inside three men looked at him, one started screaming, another slammed his foot down on the gas, and the last one pointed his gun at Fenwick. Gripping the door handle tight, he was dragged along the road with the Town Car. He was lucky for the force of the car moving sent him down just as the bullet shot an inch from his face.
The car swerved along the road trying to get rid of the unwanted hero. Now was the time when the Grey Wolf would make a snappy come back, plant his foot in the ground and stop the car. All Fenwick got out was, Ow ow ow ow ow. He knew his coat was getting torn up, but luckily he wore light chain mail under it. Being super strong didnt make him invulnerable, just tough.
With a shout Fenwick punched at the door with his free hand. His arm broke through the door giving him something to hold onto. With all the strength he had Fenwick swung his feet up smashing into the passenger side window. His right foot kicked the driver in the head, his left knee was at the throat of the man in the passenger seat, and the final robber in the rear got a punch to the face.
The car kept driving, Fenwick did not move at all, STOP THE CAR!
An hour later, two patrol cars, and a single reporter deciding it was nothing newsworthy cause no one was hurt, and the hero saved the day, Fenwick sat on the side walk doing math in his head. Base commission is 50, plus three perps is at 15 each for carrying weapons is 45, so that 50+45=90. Add to that the 60 from earlier that day and Fenwick had made an amazing $150.
Fenwick? An officer stood beside him holding as clipboard. Standing up Fenwick took the clipboard and checked over the facts, making sure to sign it at the bottom.
Anything else?
Not a thing. Thanks for the assist.
Not a problem officer. You guys find a hat by any chance?
Nope, the officer responded walking away. Fenwick sighed, his coat was thrashed, his hat was gone, and the strap to his goggles was being held together with duct tape.
Why do I even bother?" he looked around frowning "Who the hell and I talking to? Fenwick shook his head and looked at his watch, not the broken one on his wrist, but the one he kept in his utility belt. His work day was over, he made $150, most likely $120 after taxes and he needed new gear. This looks like a job for booze!
Pardon me? the officer looked over at Fenwick standing on the side walk hands on his hips in a traditional heroic pose.
Good bye officer.
See ya. Oh, the officer walked over smiling, Can I ask you a question?
You superheroes all hang out together right?"
"For the most part. I mean we all get together for the staff meeting, so yeah."
"If you see the Grey Wolf tell him the boys of the 17th precinct appreciate all the work he did for the city, Fenwick wanted to tell the guy off, point out that Grey Wolf defeats one villian every month, sure they are AH-2 and up, but most guys like Fenwick get six, seven, some guys twenty commissions a week.
What came out was, "Sure."
"Thanks buddy. You did good today, but next time try not to tear the road up so bad we gotta use it ya know." Fenwick nodded and walked away. He was in New York city, it was almost six oclock, somewhere there was a bar calling out to him. Taking his tattered coat off he dumped it in the nearest trash can. Fenwick hoped no one would give him trouble for wearing his costume in a bar later.