I WAS THERE!!! (At The London Premiere!!!)

Was this the hat???

TDK said:
That hat really is sweet. You can't tell by the pic. But the web has a silvery effect to it.

Hmmm... seeing as my girlfriend got one too- I could try and persude her to put it on eBay! I wonder how much it would fetch? (Not that she would!)

If you give me the hat, i'll give you $1 for every spiderman movie Raimi has made......deal?:)
Never doubted any of you guys, too freaking bad everyone's a skeptic....

Congrats on being at the right place at the right time, when requested...

Too bad I living in freaking Oklahoma and we don't have ANYTHING like that.....

damn you were telling the truth dude, spideys official website has the confirmation, sorry everyone doubted you
I think TDK and Goose have earned the right to say I told you so everyday until SM3 hits theaters.
Ha! let this be yet another lesson to all of you, dont be such ***** and bash the noobs...

cool video
The Amazing Lee said:
I believed him.

I know you did lee :p others didn`t dam hippies thinking they are always right! pisses me off!
Yeah I know. Id like to see most of the users on these boards try and create the perfect Spiderman film.

I know I couldn't and I have good ideas :)
The Amazing Lee said:
Yeah I know. Id like to see most of the users on these boards try and create the perfect Spiderman film.

I know I couldn't and I have good ideas :)
I could. But it would be animated. And have nudity. Mmm....Gweeeen.
DOG LIPS said:
I could. But it would be animated. And have nudity. Mmm....Gweeeen.

LMAO, i would be first in line to see your movie :up:
The guy didn't really explain himself very well in his first posts so you can see why we didn't believe him.
i believed him noobs arnt dumb every 1 was a noob at some time
Only way to prove it:

Show us ze hat and you holding it while making a video of gay porn.:)
Masta_mind257 said:
Only way to prove it:

Show us ze hat and you holding it while making a video of gay porn.:)
Look at the official site. The guy is telling the truth.
HAHA I love how thoroughly this guy was proven right! I had no idea this thread existed until just now and reading the early posts, knowing he was right, are hilarious.
He's not lying, go to the site, they have a video of them with thye link up showing the trailer....Happy?
At last! From the audio it sounds like they edited out some of Thomas Haden Church. lol

Hopefully they'll sort out the video soon. :(

It was great to be there :up:

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