If Bruce becomes a New God, would it bother you?

Miss Webb

Apr 4, 2004
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Personally I like the thinking behind the concept (IF DONE CAREFULLY!)

I also think he could incorporate his tech into his new abilities (Like Metron does)

Could hook up with all kinds of immortal chicks.

Could protect Gotham indefinitely, eliminating the successor crapola.

There would be more reasonable battles (c'mon, throwing batarangs at Darkseid?) that make sense.

The perfect human/tech concept has gone as far as it can. Other than new gadgets what more can be done?

State your case here. :cwink:
Personally I like the thinking behind the concept (IF DONE CAREFULLY!)

I also think he could incorporate his tech into his new abilities (Like Metron does)

Could hook up with all kinds of immortal chicks.

Could protect Gotham indefinitely, eliminating the successor crapola.

There would be more reasonable battles (c'mon, throwing batarangs at Darkseid?) that make sense.

The perfect human/tech concept has gone as far as it can. Other than new gadgets what more can be done?

State your case here. :cwink:

I'm personally not a fan of the idea, but that's just me. I like Bruce fine and dandy as a mere mortal relying on his wits, physical abilities, and gadgets (although I don't really like it when writers play up the whole "James Bond" aspect either).
you should probably mention which comic you're discussing.
I think it can be pretty cool if done properly. At least it's an interesting concept for Batman to undergo.
Yes it'd bother me. But him dying would bother me too so...
I don't know what a "New God" means but I do think Bruce Wayne be awesome as THE SPECTRE, Avenging Bat-Wrath of the Murdered Dead. I think Bruce would seek and welcome this fate.
I'm up for pretty much anything but Bat Spectre is kinda stupid as it was with Hal.
yeah there is alot of potential for cheese but I don't think it wouldn't be so gimmicky with Bruce as with Hal. the concept makes perfect sense. but as with everything it's in the execution
I don't know what a "New God" means but I do think Bruce Wayne be awesome as THE SPECTRE, Avenging Bat-Wrath of the Murdered Dead. I think Bruce would seek and welcome this fate.
the new gods were the inhabitants of new genesis, which was at constant war with apokolpsis, home of darksied
^ that's still meaningless to me. does this mean Batman would suddenly become part alien? or go to live on New Genesis? I've read the wikipedia and yeah I dont get the idea in relation to Batman, nor the attraction to New Gods in general I guess I'd have to have read some comics about em. But right now I think there could be more simple and logical ways to "upgrade" Batman

sorry is this a rumour or an existing story or just an idea?
Basically Bats would gain god like powers.

This is rumored to be the outcome of his death. He gets killed but becomes a newgod.
I wouldn't mind Bruce becoming a New God as long as it wasn't a permanent arrangement. Batman with God like powers would create an interesting potential avenue for storylines, what would the man who always relied on wits cunning and physical skill do if he suddenly had superhuman gifts?

Still I think the essence of Batman and what makes him so special as part of the DCU is that he is completely human. There are already loads of heroes with God Like powers running around, I think Batman should go back to being completely human.
Yes, I think this can be potentially pretty bad. A great part of Batman's strenght as a character is the fact that he is just a human being, he doesn't have any superpowers, in fact he shouldn't be considered a superhero.

Giving him god-like powers would destroy part of what makes him such a complex character. Most of his villains aren't superpowered villains as well. They would have to become gods as well or things would get really easier for him.

What would be next, Batman fighting aliens in Mars, like in the 50's comics?

Plus, I don't believe in God. :dry:
I actually think a god-powered Batman is a pretty terrifying idea. He could very well become a domineering facist, he'll try to "fix" humanity's problems and then he'll flatten the JLA and whoever else when they try to take him down.
It would work temporarily as a way of exploring what would happen if Bruce was given Godlike powers, what he would do to the JLA, the villains and how he would act around his allies, but long term it's a bad idea being human is what makes Batman, Batman.
I'd posted this on another thread but will include it here, too...I found out that many of the New Gods don't even have powers! Some are really tech based (like Metron). There's no consistent portrayal. They also aren't indestructible either, since Highfather is gone and his staff still survives. Bekka described being a "god" as being defined by an obsession or concept. For her it was love. So they become whatever embodiment they choose, apparently. To me they seem like 'tweeners', somewhere between real gods and mortals. I think it could work for Bruce, I mean how many more decades can you show him throwing batarangs at everything? The baddies grow more powerful in the DCU. You've gotta counter. And tech is only as good as science allows.
Yes, I think this can be potentially pretty bad. A great part of Batman's strenght as a character is the fact that he is just a human being, he doesn't have any superpowers, in fact he shouldn't be considered a superhero.

Giving him god-like powers would destroy part of what makes him such a complex character. Most of his villains aren't superpowered villains as well. They would have to become gods as well or things would get really easier for him.

What would be next, Batman fighting aliens in Mars, like in the 50's comics?

Plus, I don't believe in God. :dry:

Well put - being a mere mortal is what makes Batman the character we all know and love - in my opinion these plans of DC's would be the worst decision the company ever makes!
okay i think it's a foregone conculsion that he won't remain a god forever. you can all stop freaking out now. it's just one story
okay i think it's a foregone conculsion that he won't remain a god forever. you can all stop freaking out now. it's just one story
In this case, I just couldn't care less. :dry:
In this case, I just couldn't care less. :dry:


Don't like the idea, and if it only lasts temporarily then whats the point.

It completly take away from the character who is essentially the most human and perhaps even relatable of heroes. But then again i wouldn't be surprised if DC did this.:whatever:

Batman a great character - he diesn't need gimmicks like this. Just good stories and good art. Its not that hard when you think about it.
all of you seem to be hating on this idea, and while i don't particularly care for it, i'd like to see it happen to see how it would play out. batman has always been my favorite character, but he just seems a little stale sometimes, you have to shake things up like this now and again to keep things fresh and worth reading. if you're looking for is your typical batman story go read the batman strikes, it's full of the fluff and good guy punching bad guy you may crave

all of you seem to be hating on this idea, and while i don't particularly care for it, i'd like to see it happen to see how it would play out. batman has always been my favorite character, but he just seems a little stale sometimes, you have to shake things up like this now and again to keep things fresh and worth reading. if you're looking for is your typical batman story go read the batman strikes, it's full of the fluff and good guy punching bad guy you may crave


The batman strikes primarily is for young kids coming fresh to batman... just like you did once.

For example if it wasn't for B:TAS i wouldn't be a bat-fan... wat got you into batman as a child?

Don't say the batman strikes is stale or fluff when it serves a very useful purpose with nice stories and beautiful art.!!!
The batman strikes primarily is for young kids coming fresh to batman... just like you did once.

For example if it wasn't for B:TAS i wouldn't be a bat-fan... wat got you into batman as a child?

Don't say the batman strikes is stale or fluff when it serves a very useful purpose with nice stories and beautiful art.!!!
i'm not hating on strikes, i think it's great and serves it's purpose fairly well, i just think that the simple batman finds a crime, throws some punches/batarangs and everthing continues on like that forever story should be relegated to that place as well. it was TAS and the burton fims for me, and i understand that that is the purpose of "the batman" (though TAS did it much better :cwink: ) and have given some of those comics to my little brothers, i just think that in the regular batman title, they should explore new ideas and allow for the groth of the characters, not just the same old same old

Where the hell does this come from?!!!:wow:

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