My ideas would be:
2-3 years later they're 21 year olds. More mature.
Somehow Usagi is met. Maybe a time/space machine (no not the TARDIS) could transport them to Usagi's universe or something. I would like to see a story revolved around something huge in the Usagi world because that universe is Rich in great storylines; maybe adapt Grasscutter...'course, it'd end up as an Usagi Movie which aint bad! I want one turtle to at least fall for someone...cause romance isn't a horrible thing in a movie about mutants and weird samurai bunnies!
2-3 years later they're 21 year olds. More mature.
Somehow Usagi is met. Maybe a time/space machine (no not the TARDIS) could transport them to Usagi's universe or something. I would like to see a story revolved around something huge in the Usagi world because that universe is Rich in great storylines; maybe adapt Grasscutter...'course, it'd end up as an Usagi Movie which aint bad! I want one turtle to at least fall for someone...cause romance isn't a horrible thing in a movie about mutants and weird samurai bunnies!