I'm Not A Dork...


Nov 19, 2004
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...in any way.

Unless it comes to: Star Wars, Jack Kirby, Led Zeppelin, Conspiracy Theory, Horror Movies, Alchemy, S+M/B+D, Antiques Road Show, 70's Sit-Coms,
and the inexplicable magic of -


These anagrams either inspire me or disgust me. But I feel like I want to alert your ass to how weird they are. They interest me in the same way that that old saw-horse does:
Clint Eastwood = Old West Action

So here's what I was thinking:

Abaddon - A Nad Bod

AndThePickles - Elephant ***** (sorry! :(,I calls 'em like I sees 'em. :( )

Aunt Petunia - It Naut A Pune (get it?...like "POON"?...heh, get it?) (btw...Isn't that weird that I can't say ***** but I can say, "POON" ?!? :confused: Explain that to me.

Babs Gordon - Grand Boobs

Bishop Cori - Sir Bi Pooch

Camera Obscura - Occam Rubs Area

Colossal Spoons - Colon's Ass-Pools

Corinthian(tm) - Ram Inch In Tot (the worst of the lot :( )

Dangermouse - Dong Measure

Darnell - All Nerd.........(if you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Darnell, please call (206) 329-55.......LOL, J/K

Dog Lips - God Lips ( a lame anagram, but I'm a fan so it had some significance,.....leave me alone! :mad: )

Guitarsingerguy - Itsy Arguing Urge (ain't that weird, GSG ?)

Hey,Yo It's Sean - I Yeast Honeys (Please don't! :( )

Kaleb - Bleak :(

O Captain My Captain.
Dork spelled "D" "R" "U" "N" "K".

....can you blow up a ":)" until it fills the entire screen? 'cause that's how I emote when Green Day agrees to break up and Sasha's coming over and I finally got that root-canal so I don't have to avoid drinking anti-biotic slaying whiskeys.?
Erzengel said:
O Captain My Captain.
I was going to add, apparently the coolest of the cool have names that make no anagramatical sense.

I challenge you to find anything good in "Erzengel", "Equint77", "Wilhelm-Scream", "AHW", "Bathrat", "E.Bison", "Matt", or "dpm07 (a.k.a. C-3PO).

Wilhelm-Scream said:
I was going to add, apparently the coolest of the cool have names that make no anagramatical sense.

I challenge you to find anything good in "Erzengel", "Equint77", "Wilhelm-Scream", "AHW", "Bathrat", "E.Bison", "Matt", or "dpm07 (a.k.a. C-3PO).


E.Bison = B. Noise

AHW = Wha?:eek:

Bathrat = Bart Hat

Wilhelm Scream = She will creamm

Yes she will.
Or She will cram me. Ewww
Be the cobra, Wilhelm! Be the cobra! Hissssss!

jag, adding 7% more surrealism to this thread...

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