In what the comic book influence in your life


Oct 10, 2005
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Me (early 80) i always like to read the superheroes comic book for hours.
The video games did not exist or less was not carried it for everyone.
My favourite heros was captain america and I passed hours to read the comic book.
I wanted and dreamed to be like captain america.
I was small and skinny like Steve Rogers before it becomes cap , then i begin to lift weight ,because I wanted a physics like cap.
The Fact that I a lift weight I say it help me in my high school time. The influence on my life was that instead of hitting and bashing on the smallest one I took their defense.

I was indignant in front of injustice. today several years later (25 years later) I have never attain 6,2 but only 5,11 but at least I weigh 230 lbs of muscle J.

I train 1 ½ hour a day and I always takes for the defensless the best I can and I have a good life .

if I does a comparison of the type of heros I am . I am more old fashion hero type , the one that has not have any super strength and that must train every day and try to have a good life than the antihero like wolverine don’t care about nothing.

You. which influence that had on your life and which type of hero to identify youself the most

picture of myself lot of my friends thinks, i look alike crusher creel (the absorbing man) for my height.

they are crazy
let this tread die je suis ecoeurer du peu de support que j'ai. j essai de faire differents des autres j en n ai plein le cul des anglais intolerants
Mine was "The Amazing Spider-Man". It gets me through a lot, even today and that's one reason why I can't drop it. Sometimes it's as if my life runs in parallel with the story or that they are both allegories of one another. I've also had about 5 dreams where I actually was Spider-Man and an interest in science. Peter Parker is the character I relate to the most (although I'm starting to feel more and more like Wolverine lately).

This is a cool thread. Lay off his english, he's from Quebec.
i would say spider-man too. from as far back as i can remember. like xofenroht said, there are a lot of parallels i find in a majority of spidey's stories and i love how he always finds a way to come out on top...(which im certain he will do with this whole OMD devil-deal a lot more optimistic about it now than when i first finished 545).

i remember getting bit by a spider in 1st grade and i was excited as hell. i asked my dad if he could build a machine to zap me with radioactive energy and he said hed get right on it.

needless to say, that didnt happen.
it's a lil cliche but the majority of books offer some sort of response that my life isn't as bad as it could be and there are people who have to deal with everyday crap and all their superhero crap and just get on so why should I.

peeps like spiderman who come up against incredible foes and just keep digging and digging and digging till they come out on top have always been an inspiration to me. The last time that happened and was well illustrated was the 'coming home' arc which i thought was a masterpiece.

other heroes in this field are ben reilly and most recently best done is Rock Lee in Naruto whos is the pinnacle flagship character for showing hard work and determination can achieve anything. He is the fictional character i admire the most.
Everything I know about life, I learned from looking at grown men in armor punching the hell out of each other. Aka manga.

let this tread die je suis ecoeurer du peu de support que j'ai. j essai de faire differents des autres j en n ai plein le cul des anglais intolerants
Okay, this isn't correct either:o.
let this tread die je suis ecoeurer du peu de support que j'ai. j essai de faire differents des autres j en n ai plein le cul des anglais intolerants
I wonder if he knows that I know French.
Ou pourrais-je trouver du gaz du petrole?

Je suis malade et je vomis souvent
Ia ontda nowka hatwa ourya alkingta about?!


Heh... just kidding.

Though Spider-Man was a big influence for me due to his morals, I'd say X-Men and their message of people who are differant trying to be accepted and such was the BIGGEST influence to me. I was raised by a man who was fairly racist. It was to the point to where when I came up into Jr. High School and was around black kids for the first time I was afraid of them because I just KNEW that if I looked at them they'd hurt me and steal my stuff and such. They were stupid and about as good as dogs. And though I was quiet and never said anything, you should have heard my thoughts when I saw one dating a white girl. I was also very disgusted by homosexuals and thought they were horrible... all thanks to my ex-stepdad.

I got into X-Men around that time and kept thinking "Why are people mean to mutants? They're people like anyone else"... while thinking Black people and homosexuals were less than I. Eventually it started to click what the X-Men books were about and I started giving Black people and homosexuals a chance to 'grow on me'. While it's not what changed my perception of them, it really layed the ground work to allow for that change. It's when I started going to church that I really finally accepted them as equals to I (and yes, despite the steriotype, my church taught that though the homosexual lifestyle is sinful, they are no better or worse than us and that we're to love them just as we love anyone else. They're people like me with sins like me and should be respected like me). Anyhow, these days I am so against racism and such that I'm debating moving to an area where my daughters will be around more cultures than just white so that they can learn early that all races are wonderful and should be treated with equal respect. I don't want them being racist and upity like I used to be.

And it all began with the X-Men.
pifpaf said:
I was indignant in front of injustice. today several years later (25 years later) I have never attain 6,2 but only 5,11 but at least I weigh 230 lbs of muscle J.

Heh, not to be disrespectful in the slightest, but I find it funny you're as 'beefy' as you are and go by 'pifpaf'. It's awsome!
Mine was "The Amazing Spider-Man". It gets me through a lot, even today and that's one reason why I can't drop it. Sometimes it's as if my life runs in parallel with the story or that they are both allegories of one another. I've also had about 5 dreams where I actually was Spider-Man and an interest in science. Peter Parker is the character I relate to the most (although I'm starting to feel more and more like Wolverine lately).

This is a cool thread. Lay off his english, he's from Quebec.
I loved Spider-Man since I was little. Peter Parker was an intelligent but not popular. I really related to that. One of the things that has disappointed me in the movies, is that they haven't captured that as well, they also don't capture Peter's quick wit as a Spider-Man.
Cap and DP.

I know that sounds silly, but I was always the skinny weakling in elementary school. I started reading Captain America and I was like, " I can do that, if Steve Rogers can make the change, so can I." So I started playing sports, and that helped a bit. Physically I got a little bigger, but I'm never gonna be a beast. (At this point I'm 6'5" , 195lbs, The Incredible Hulk I'm not...)
I was 12 you know? That's a rough age for a skinny ADHD nerd in a snobby private school...

Then I found Deadpool, and man, Sarcasm, wow. It's been such a good friend to me. That and constant humor. I was ADHD (heck I still am).
It was FANTASTIC to find someone in comics who talked and thought like I did, a million miles an hour, always talking about at least three things at once.

So Captain America and DP, a weird tag team, but there it is.
I have this condition known as Kallman's Syndrome, which (in a nutshell) requires that I get testosterone injections once every three weeks, because my body doesn't naturally produce enough testosterone to allow any further development.
If anyone helped me get over that, it was Steve Rogers. Every time I get an injection, I imagine it's like a Super Soldier Serum. Technically, for me, it is, since I'm being enhanced beyond what my original body would have been able to achieve without the medication. Add to the fact that he was an artist and I'd say I've got myself a nice American role model.

Then there's DD, who I came to appreciate mainly because I lack a sense of smell. It's not as bad as being blind, but your other senses really are more sensitive.

Man...Marvel rules!
Since I got back into comics 2 yrs ago, my most influential is definitely Captain America.

He's a poster boy for standing up for what you believe in, and always doing the right thing. CW=:heart:
Pifpaf is 80?
my teen years the 80's was the 80 to 90 like 10 years old to 20 years old

by the ways in quebec the only comic in french translation in this time was
captain america
iron man
fantastic four
and superman
I have this condition known as Kallman's Syndrome, which (in a nutshell) requires that I get testosterone injections once every three weeks, because my body doesn't naturally produce enough testosterone to allow any further development.
If anyone helped me get over that, it was Steve Rogers. Every time I get an injection, I imagine it's like a Super Soldier Serum. Technically, for me, it is, since I'm being enhanced beyond what my original body would have been able to achieve without the medication. Add to the fact that he was an artist and I'd say I've got myself a nice American role model.

Then there's DD, who I came to appreciate mainly because I lack a sense of smell. It's not as bad as being blind, but your other senses really are more sensitive.

Man...Marvel rules!

you make my day i am really happy to have made this tread because the comic book help you to feel better and i am really happy for that

it was not a stupid idea after all what comic book bring on your life i am really sorry for my english i just try to be a better person
Cap and DP.

I know that sounds silly, but I was always the skinny weakling in elementary school. I started reading Captain America and I was like, " I can do that, if Steve Rogers can make the change, so can I." So I started playing sports, and that helped a bit. Physically I got a little bigger, but I'm never gonna be a beast. (At this point I'm 6'5" , 195lbs, The Incredible Hulk I'm not...)
I was 12 you know? That's a rough age for a skinny ADHD nerd in a snobby private school...

Then I found Deadpool, and man, Sarcasm, wow. It's been such a good friend to me. That and constant humor. I was ADHD (heck I still am).
It was FANTASTIC to find someone in comics who talked and thought like I did, a million miles an hour, always talking about at least three things at once.

So Captain America and DP, a weird tag team, but there it is.

you see i am not creazy comic is great for life inspiration
Heh, not to be disrespectful in the slightest, but I find it funny you're as 'beefy' as you are and go by 'pifpaf'. It's awsome!
no offence taken :pifpaf is french for (boom !and bang! )is the sound whene someone hit another person in comic
i was a cb club in late 80 's a guy had cb (radio) truck he name himself butterfly but he weight 300lbs it was realy funny my nick was pifpaf too in this time pifpaf is my old cb nickname and in english it mean boombang
you make my day i am really happy to have made this tread because the comic book help you to feel better and i am really happy for that

it was not a stupid idea after all what comic book bring on your life i am really sorry for my english i just try to be a better person

Glad to be of service. Thanks for making the thread. :word:

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