I'm getting a little tired of this fanboy label people like to use to excuse our disatisfaction of weak product. Our disapointment isn't becuase we're "fanboys" it's because we can see the forest amongts the trees.
As a long time reader of this comic (in my opinion) no later version of this comic has ever had the impact on it's readers as the 60's version did. Thats not becuase the newer stories aren't good and I'm sure there are many of you who enjoy them. But with the flood of titles and over saturation of like titles the impact on our culture is very small.
Fact is the FF in the 60's was huge they were the greatest comic of it's time done by the best artist of our time, huge at the college level. Almost every story teller or artist in the busness will tell you how they owe a debt or were influenced by it.
So when I speek of magic I mean capturing the flavor, spirit and impact the title had in it's time. I challenge any of you to go back start around issue 45 and read thru issue 75 there you'll find the wonder and heart of the group called the Fantastic Four. This was Stan Lee and Jack Kirby at there greatest as a team. There has never been a run of creativity to match it since. You might even put on the best of 60's rock to play in the background as you read them ha ha.
That's what all us FANBOYS! as you like to call us were looking for and hoping for in the first movie, if they had found that magic believe there would have been sequels probably more then we're going to get now.
As it is we're lucking to be getting a sequel out of the first movie, yes it did well but it could have done much better and that shows in the amount they're spending, not much more then the first compared to the jumps in spending in the spiderman movies. Of course we're talking fox here and not sony ha ha.
I'm afried some of you will never get what I'm talking about but thats cool!
but just magine this title in the hands of a Peter Jackson, now that would have been a movie