Zombiekiller. Again thanks for the comments, but have to correct you on a few things.
Making castable molds is not easy, and it is time consuing and expensive. To make molds of all the parts rough figure, the molding compound is going to run an easy $5-800. Depending if I get the molds right the first go around. A lot of times you mess it up and it does not work, so scrpa $100-200 of molding compound.
Stomtrooper armor, for the most part, is vacume fromed, heated plastic then droped onto a solid mold. Fairly easy to crank out if you have the right system. My armor is fiberglass, could be made by vacume forming I guess, or parts of it. But still would be hard to do.
Anyway, my guess to get this into a castable situation for me is at least $1500-2000 not including my time.
Also the helmet is not my cast, and I am not going to recast somone elses work, no way no how. As in wrong wrong wrong. I want to stay in this hobby for a while, I am not going to get branded a recaster.
The other thing is the body suit, helmet, boots, ( armor fits over the boots) is something you would have to buy on your own.
Also, $1000 ??? that would buy you the helmet, boots body suit, and maybe 1 arm. I am not kidding. There is close to 400 man hours into this armor, my material cost in clay, fiberglass, molding compound itself is almost $3000. I put close to 2 hundred hours into just doing all the sculpting.
Not trying to dampen your entusiasim, but even on my end, if I was able to cast up all the parts to sell, thats the vinly for the knees elbows, neck, and all the fiberglass, supply a bodysuit, I could not do it for like less than the $3000 mark. And again I can not as I am not in a position to do it.
This was just an experiment for me to A) see if I could do it. B) have fun making it. C ) make it look like something. I did not get into building it to make copys.
Not only that, I would not want the wrath of a Marvel or something to clamp down on my head for license infringment, thats a sort of serious thing I dont need on my back. So maybe other guys can make armor like this and sell it and can do it for $1000 ( I dont know who ??? ) but it is not me.
Sorry if I come accross as being rude or anything, not my intent, just trying to give you some facts. Again long and short, I am not going to be making copys, this is a once only build just for me.