Is maturity/responsiblity a swift kick in ass?

Nah, i found that it gradually got more and more. saying that, i was living away from home from about 11.
Originally posted by Project Mayhem
Yes, I know. But are we still going on that trip to the Poconos, sweetie?
Yes, because you're paying. :( :)
Originally posted by GunBlade
When it catches up to you..

Sometimes. When you realize everything is on you, it's kinda hard to deal with.
I have to say it definately is a swift kick in the arse. It's like getting the rug pulled out from under you. Trust me.
Originally posted by Project Mayhem
First, you ask for a prenup, now I gotta pay for THIS?
you're going to be paying till you die

I do it out of love. :)
Originally posted by CrouchingGoblin HiddenSpiderman
I have to say it definately is a swift kick in the arse. It's like getting the rug pulled out from under you. Trust me.
Very much so.

I'm turning 18 soon and my parents practically let me run my life now. "You're on your own now." It's kind of scary.. since I've been dependent on them for so long.
Originally posted by GunBlade
Very much so.

I'm turning 18 soon and my parents practically let me run my life now. "You're on your own now." It's kind of scary.. since I've been dependent on them for so long.
are you moving out?
Gradually, and then *WHAM* You sort of get it all at once.

Not fun and very stressful. I've got my responsibility all at once this week.
Originally posted by twylight
Gradually, and then *WHAM* You sort of get it all at once.

Not fun and very stressful. I've got my responsibility all at once this week.
I just started working at a Daycare a while ago and my mom told me today that as of now, I will be handling the cable bills. I was like WTS? :confused:
Originally posted by GunBlade
I just started working at a Daycare a while ago and my mom told me today that as of now, I will be handling the cable bills. I was like WTS? :confused:
My mother miscarried on tuesday, so I'm in charge of the chores, food, laundry and the rest of the family. All in the course of a day. Really weird. I run the household, basicly now.
responsibility only annoys me when others aren't responsible and all the responsible people have to pick up the slack.

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