Is there any way to save Flash Animations from websites?

Another way is to "View/Page Source", and search the page for ".swf"
they're also in your temporary internet files once you've watched them, you could just grab them from there
Lackey said:
they're also in your temporary internet files once you've watched them, you could just grab them from there

This is especially true if you look through your temporary files and cache while the animation is still loaded in your browser. Some things will disappear out of there once you don't have it loaded anymore because you've gone to another page. This also works with other media files you may want to save.

I had Cable Guy ask me about the TV Show 24, there is I guess a Count Down to the show and it is a JScript clock. I told him how to put it on as the desktop background, the thing is pretty cool. I love the fast clocks with just digits.
D_D said:
For saving flash animation from website, i recommend to try Flashfethcer

Alright, well thanks for joining to tell us about your shareware program? :confused:


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