Yeah, sort of. I knew I was getting too old (in my opinion) to keep doing "fan films" but that I honestly thought I could and should do one that would leave people talking forever. I wanted to do the things that I knew would never happen in an official movie, whether they were epic or humorous. I didn't want to have to kiss fans' asses like most comics/movies do. Every time their fav. character gets beat up by a character they don't like, the writers leave some cheesy "out" or excuse... a "well, he would have won if THIS had happened" sort of cop out. I hate that. I love Cyclops but Thor's hammer would crush him. I love Grayson but Flash would destroy him in the blink of an eye. Doesn't make the characters any less interesting, cool, or fun. This was our FINAL "fan film" so I wanted to go out with a bang.
And lastly... I gave it a title that I knew would create a bias against our project because I HATE when people say something is good just because they're bias. If people went in WANTING to hate it and loved it by the end, we knew we had a genuinely good film. Plus, we're cocky as hell. :0)