Sequels Late 90's or present day? (Possible Captain Marvel spoilers)


Oh boy yeah
Mar 10, 2015
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When do you think the sequel will take place? Would you rather it be another prequel, or do you hope it's present day?
Pretty much has to be present day. I loved the 90s but I think they’ve gone as far as they can with it
Yeah makes more sense at this point for it to be present day given last night's film and how it ended
Pretty much has to be present day. I loved the 90s but I think they’ve gone as far as they can with it
I guess it'd depend since it would probably be set entirely in space

and they set Ronan up as a possible villain in the sequel...which can't happen if it's present day
Given the fact that she's not in the 90s anymore and she found her way towards Avengers Headquarters it makes sense for the movie to be in present day given the fact that Ronan we know is dead
Given the fact that she's not in the 90s anymore and she found her way towards Avengers Headquarters it makes sense for the movie to be in present day given the fact that Ronan we know is dead

Except if they were setting up Ronan as an enemy the story would take place before GOTG. Just because she appears in Endgame doesn't mean she had no other stories to tell between leaving Earth and coming back aftee Thanos does what he does.

Feige himself hinted that there is a reason they opened up a few DECADES worth of time for her to have adventures in. He even hinted that she may have returned to Earth during this period only to go back out into space.

There is nothing that says that the solo Capt. Marvel films have to take place in the present. Why can't the solo films take place between 1995 and 2019 and her Avengers appearances can be in "the present"?
I guess it'd depend since it would probably be set entirely in space

and they set Ronan up as a possible villain in the sequel...which can't happen if it's present day
Except if they were setting up Ronan as an enemy the story would take place before GOTG. Just because she appears in Endgame doesn't mean she had no other stories to tell between leaving Earth and coming back aftee Thanos does what he does.

Feige himself hinted that there is a reason they opened up a few DECADES worth of time for her to have adventures in. He even hinted that she may have returned to Earth during this period only to go back out into space.

There is nothing that says that the solo Capt. Marvel films have to take place in the present. Why can't the solo films take place between 1995 and 2019 and her Avengers appearances can be in "the present"?
Yeah this is my thought about it. They clearly set up Ronan to be a future villains, which is kinda bad move imo, but they did it. So I think it'll be in the past with her present adventures taking place in the new Avengers movie.
I guess it'd depend since it would probably be set entirely in space

and they set Ronan up as a possible villain in the sequel...which can't happen if it's present day
This. If its in space there is no concept of time to worry about
This. If its in space there is no concept of time to worry about
It could be late 90's, early 2000's, etc. I'm sure it would mostly take place in Space, so it wouldn't really matter
I feel based on comments made by Captain Marvel in Endgame, I would insist and hope that Captain Marvel's sequel is set in space. She mentioned a few times that she needs to look out for defenseless planets, so CM2 would see her interacting with life on different planets. (Hopefully one of them being Korbinite so we can see Beta Ray Bill). Whatever planet she left the Skrulls on among others.

I'm still hoping we can see Inhumans make an appearance. CM and the Inhumans both have a common enemy in the Kree, so I think a team up wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. If you're not going to give the Inhumans a movie, make them cosmic co stars in Guardians, Thor, Captain Marvel etc.

I don't think anyone would mind if we just ignored the tv show. Maybe it was set in a different reality? Yea lets go with that. ;)
Doing another prequel to her EG appearance is all fine and good but we sort of know how that goes and it'd once again be kinda similar to the route that Wonder Woman is taking with her appearances in the DCEU. I think you could have her revisiting a situation in the present that she'd previously dealt with in that intervening 20+ year period.
Present day.

I would love a Secret Invasion storyline (with heavy GWOT echoes) where she has to solve the problems raised in the plot with words, not punching. Such as maybe by talking a Skrull infiltrator (Talos’ daughter?) down.

Of course throw in a Super Skrull for her to punch, and a warship for her to kill by punching really hard because I want that to be a running gag in every movie she appears in.

There is nothing that says that the solo Capt. Marvel films have to take place in the present. Why can't the solo films take place between 1995 and 2019 and her Avengers appearances can be in "the present"?
Part of the reason why her standalone films should be in the present is to develop a supporting cast that is active in the present IMO.
I was thinking since
she spent most her time off world in Endgame
it'd be interesting to see it take place during those events seeing the impact of the snap, or even the return snap on other worlds would be interesting
she's a character best suited for inner-galaxy stories

present day earth seems to limiting
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Except if they were setting up Ronan as an enemy the story would take place before GOTG. Just because she appears in Endgame doesn't mean she had no other stories to tell between leaving Earth and coming back aftee Thanos does what he does.

Feige himself hinted that there is a reason they opened up a few DECADES worth of time for her to have adventures in. He even hinted that she may have returned to Earth during this period only to go back out into space.

There is nothing that says that the solo Capt. Marvel films have to take place in the present. Why can't the solo films take place between 1995 and 2019 and her Avengers appearances can be in "the present"?
The problem with Ronin is ultimately there would be small stakes. We know Carol Danvers survives and Ronin is not put down either as he will be working for Thanos in the future.
The Ronin character doesn't seemed to be the draw hoped for so using him like Jaws in James Bond really doesn't gain you much.
Captain Marvel is one of the few MCU characters in the unique situation of being able to have two continuities going at once.
I say save the Avengers themed movies for her present day adventures and slowly move forward in time with her solo adventures - certainly she did a lot in the past 20 years.
CM1 was set in the '90's so set CM2 in the early 2000's and bring back Yondu and Peter Quill in his teens. There's lots to be done with Ronan, Yon-Rogg, the Sentry robots, the Supreme Intelligence, etc. I see no reason to rush her solo series into the present.
Yeah I would set at least the first sequel in the past. Have Ronan, The Accusers and the Kree Sentrys as the bad guys, with Yon Rogg tagging along also.
I would say going by the end of Captain Marvel (with Ronan saying he'll be "back for the weapon") it'll be set pre-GOTG. I hope it'll be set entirely in space and on other worlds.
I would say going by the end of Captain Marvel (with Ronan saying he'll be "back for the weapon") it'll be set pre-GOTG. I hope it'll be set entirely in space and on other worlds.

I agree 100%! No reason for her to revisit Earth in the sequel, just like there's no reason for the Back Panther sequel to be coming to America again...these characters universes are bigger than that and they need to be fully explored.
Well it seems we won't be seeing Ronan again in the MCU if this set in present day. Strange as he is one of the most popular cosmic characters, would have thought Marvel would want to capitalise on that.

Seems we won't see CM take on the Supreme Intelligence anytime soon either.
Ronan was already killed anyway back in 2014. There's no need to feature him and set this movie in the past because of him.

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