Leaked PS3 Info?


Feb 15, 2004
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Wow okay I went onto google and have been searching for like ten minutes on new PS3 information and I came across this game sight that seems to be very good contacts with SCEA and developers and have been talking alot to them. The PS3 price has now been official/unofficial to the public but official to Developers. Sony told developers that the PS3 is going to cost $499 and my god I am excited that its not that much higher in the 600-700 neighborhood. Enclose at the bottom is the article however names have been removed because they don't want to get into trouble. This was posted today.

This is the price article:

US$499 is the latest Playstation 3 price point being banded around the internet. Apparently several Californian based publisher-owned developers that have also been receiving their dev kits have been told that the pricetag is confirmed.
But (yes there is always a but), this “confirmation” should only be treated as speculation due to supposed inconsistencies regarding exactly what the developers have been told.
SPonG had the following to say:
“The first is that not all the developers we spoke to had heard of the price, though some were adamant that SCEA had told them the price was final. The second is differing sources within SCEA purportedly offering the information to developers, explicit details of which we cannot elaborate upon for reasons of confidentiality.“
Either way, $499 sounds about right and given what we know already and hopefully shouldn’t really surprise anyone.

Then here is what Sony is planning at E3

SPonG have been doing some digging into exactly what we can expect from Sony in terms of hands on PS3 experience at the coming E3 next month. Sadly, it would seem that we will not be getting lots of demo stations spaced throughout the event, and instead access to the console will be very restricted.
“From what we have been hearing, the PlayStation 3 will be shown in a similar way to which the PSP was debuted at E3,” one publishing source told SPOnG last week. “Attendees will be able to view the machine in a tightly-restricted environment. People thinking the floor will be awash with playable demo pods will be sore if they walk through the doors expecting to be able to sample a massive range of [PlayStation 3] software at leisure.”
FYI, the PSP launch was very frustrating for non-press attendees to E3 as you had to negotiate queues of up to five hours for a glimpe of the portable device. After listening to their sources, SPonG then went to SCE America and tried to get their side of the story, they replied as follows:
“We have always said that the PlayStation 3 will be playable at this year’s E3 and that hasn’t changed. We have a three platform showing this year and of course the PlayStation 2, which is now more popular than ever, will share space with the PSP and the PlayStation 3.”
The Sony spokesperson continued, “We are expecting big queues to see the PlayStation 3 and so will be taking great care to manage the crowds in the best way possible. All press will certainly have no problems seeing everything we are showing. This year is going to be huge for us. Not just in terms of what we’re showing, but in the major announcements we have planned.”
Sounds like people who aren’t associated with the press could be out of luck in terms of the PS3 offerings at this years E3.

I hope this was a good find. If not sorry.
Is this good or bad? I'm not really that knowledgeable when it comes to computers and stuff?

PS3Portal have written an article on the differences between the operating systems in the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. Specifically, they discuss the amount of console power that the O/S takes up in each of the consoles. This is especially important in this generation because on the 360 you will note that the O/S is constantly running in the background and it is expected the same will occur in the PS3.

They claim that the O/S on the Xbox 360 uses 32mb of the 512mb available RAM, and also 3% of the CPU time on Core 1 and Core 2.

“Everything that one wants to do involving software on a game console, specifically while the user is playing games, comes at a cost. In the case of the Xbox 360, this cost is approximately 2% of total CPU time and 6.25% of the Xbox 360’s total available RAM. Balancing these out, one could argue that MS has removed a total of 4% of the Xbox 360’s total available system power in order to provide these features and more which were not mentioned. They also left room, CPU and RAM wise, for future features. In other words, they are not entirely using all of the CPU Time and RAM that they have reserved to date.”

They also have information on the PS3 O/S running costs, which are 32mb of the 256mb available GDDR3 memory on the RSX chip, 64mb of the 256mb available XDR memory off the Cell CPU, and 1 SPE (Synergistic Processing Elements) of the 7 available is constantly taken, with another available if needed.

“In the case of the PS3 this equates to 25% of the available cores on the CPU and 18.75% of the available RAM in the system. Balancing these out, one could argue that Sony has removed a total of 23% of the available system power in the PS3 for these features as well as others that are not mentioned here or will be added in future updates to the PS3 Operation System.”

PS3 Portal don’t claim to have the technical knowledge to properly decode their figures, and neither do we! Interesting nonetheless.
Sorry to dissapoint everyone but Crysis might not be making a PS3 appearance any time soon:(

Speaking in an interview, CEO and President of Crytek, Cevat Yerli, has revealed that the successor to Far Cry, Crysis, will not be making it to the Playstation 3 at this stage.

CVG are reporting that when questioned on the game making it to the next generation console Yerli replied, “It crossed our minds, but we’re sticking with PC. One thing about our company is that we want to focus, we don’t want to do multiple things, we want to do one thing and do it well. PC is our focus right now, we were born there and we want to showcase what we can do there, before we made any move onto consoles.”

So it would seem we need to wait until the PC version of the game is well and truely sorted before we can start to look out for Crysis on the PS3. You can check out information on Crysis on the link entited “read” below, however please be aware that it is now, officially, known to be a PC only title at this stage.
If they're bringing out the PS3 right after E3, they should have around a dozen PS3 demos, to give the average joe an idea, and not just the media, who don't actually buy the product.
villejo said:
If they're bringing out the PS3 right after E3, they should have around a dozen PS3 demos, to give the average joe an idea, and not just the media, who don't actually buy the product.

I would agree, except the average joe won't be attending E3. The people (that aren't press) that attend E3 are die-hard videogame fans. Yes they'll be dissapointed if they don't get a chance to play the PS3, but that won't turn them away from buying one. All those people will read all the articles the press write about how it played anyway.
I'm just excited that it costs 500 dollars thats not that much for the stuff your getting with it. I can't wait for this console. I wonder what games will be at E3? I know Resistance is one and that will definatly be a launch title!
THE LIZARD#1 said:
I'm just excited that it costs 500 dollars thats not that much for the stuff your getting with it. I can't wait for this console. I wonder what games will be at E3? I know Resistance is one and that will definatly be a launch title!

500 U.S so 600 for us Canadians. * Thinks for 30 minutes*

Ahh, that's more then the 360. :down
XwolverineX said:
500 U.S so 600 for us Canadians. * Thinks for 30 minutes*

Ahh, that's more then the 360. :down

Well obviously its going to be alot more than the 360 because of the technology they are using. The PS3 technology is mature from what Starbreeze has been saying. They said it was very impressive and very complex technology.
But keep in mind Team Ninja (among others, including John McCormack and The guys making Stranglehold) have said that PS3 is MUCH harder to programe for, never mind take advantage of, and Team Ninja was especially critical of it.
It will not cost 500$. It will be 400$ It's the only logical price.
TheCardPlayer said:
It will not cost 500$. It will be 400$ It's the only logical price.
What do you care, you'll never buy it you ****ing fake, christ :rolleyes:
THE LIZARD#1 said:
Well obviously its going to be alot more than the 360 because of the technology they are using. The PS3 technology is mature from what Starbreeze has been saying. They said it was very impressive and very complex technology.

Wait and see. The graphics will be the same.
No I won't. You'll get banned again...then you'll come back and get banned again.

It's the way of life.
And as I get banned, I'll introduce the new, uppity mod that keeps doing it to the cold hard facts of life - you can't. And I'll stay for a long time, until a new one is crowned, and I make that one a real mod as well. And as I do, everyone will make fun of you until you either
A) Stop being a stupid *****e
B) Leave

Look at "I don't talk like a superhero anymore, now my stupidity is more subtle" guy over there, or Riz. Idiots won't last.
Why do you act like I should take you and your little buddies seriously?

I'm not here to listen to your babbling, I'm here to talk videogames and I will and I still won't care what you think or say.
Because "me and my little buddies" are the ones you're talking to, and us not taking you seriously and generally thinking your a pretentious ass that changes his entire personality upon being called "fanboy" for the first time pretty much ruins the entire point of you being here? I mean, understanding my complaints about you is also understanding that you're too dumb to understand this, so I won't be surprised when you write a response to this and then go on to feign interest in a sony game with all the subtlety of crapping a brick. I'm basically just answering your question so that I can see your response to it and add it to the ammo box accordingly.

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