Lifeguard gets 2,600$ bill after saving boy from the Surf


House Stark
Jan 19, 2005
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Seventeen-year-old John Clark of Vancouver, Wash., knew what to do when he saw a boy struggling to stay afloat in the surf off the Oregon coast.

The trained pool lifeguard jumped through the breakers and heavy swells to reach the boy in the ocean, reports KOIN-TV. Clark then calmed the boy and kept him afloat until watercraft arrived to take them to shore.

"I don't know exactly how big the swells were," Clark told the TV station, "but they were big enough to push both of us underwater—all the way down to where we were touching sand."

An ambulance came and took the 12-year-old boy, wrapped in a towel, and Clark—who complained of a headache—to the hospital.

Clark thought it was standard procedure until a few weeks later when he was shocked at the bill from the hospital.

The emergency room bill came to $449. The physician's bill was $227. The 15-mile ride in the ambulance was $1,907. The total bill for saving a young man's life was nearly $2,600.

"I had a feeling there would be a bill," Clark told the news station. "But I didn't know how much it would be, and I kind of feel bad for the fact that it's so expensive. But I couldn't just let the kid go—I had to do something."

He and his family are making arrangements to pay the bill.

Here is my question, why would the lifeguard be responsible for the bill?

I am curious about this
How can this be right? Wouldn't we have heard of similar cases before, if lifeguards were liable to pay the bills of people they saved?
This is utterly ridiculous, the guy saves a kid from drowning & the vultures at the hospital saddle him with the bill for an insane amount, no less. :whatever:
Why the hell would they send him the bill?

Isn't it the kid's family's responsibility?
Staggering. It's things like this that show human nature at it's worst.
I'm pretty sure the bill was since he went to the hospital as well....
Still ridiculous
I'm pretty sure the bill was since he went to the hospital as well....
Still ridiculous

Yeah, it's pretty evident that the bill is for him going to the emergency room and not for the kid. The article is misleading.
Yeah, he received a bill for his treatment. Absolute crap, though.
Is it really absolute crap? The hospital can't just say "Oh we'll take care of this one." They charged him, his story inspired people to offer to pay for his bill. Overall, I'd say it ended pretty well.
I took from the article that he wasn't a life guard working at the beach, he was just someone there who happened to be a trained life guard. He got in the ambulance and went to the hospital, and is being charged for it. That's not crap. I think it's awesome that he leaped into action and saved a life, but this doesn't make the hospital evil. If anything, the boy's family looks ****** for not offering to pay the bill.
I took from the article that he wasn't a life guard working at the beach, he was just someone there who happened to be a trained life guard. He got in the ambulance and went to the hospital, and is being charged for it. That's not crap. I think it's awesome that he leaped into action and saved a life, but this doesn't make the hospital evil. If anything, the boy's family looks ****** for not offering to pay the bill.

Yeah, the article is pretty bad journalism.
Oh, I agree that the hospital isn't to blame for billing for their services. It just sucks that the rescuer is got hit with the charges.
Is it really absolute crap? The hospital can't just say "Oh we'll take care of this one." They charged him, his story inspired people to offer to pay for his bill. Overall, I'd say it ended pretty well.

I'm glad people offered to help. :up:
I'm glad people offered to help. :up:

Absolutely. It's an unfortunate reality, but hospitals cannot just pick and choose to give free health care to certain individuals, but it's great that as a society, people stepped in to help.
I had a similar bill from the ER one time. They gave me a bag of salene thru an IV and a warm towl. Bill was over $2000. I kept refusing to pay it and eventually they settled for $114. Key is to keep working them down.
Now tell me again why health care is a bad thing. :o
Now tell me again why health care is a bad thing. :o
You talking universal health care? Well...

Reason 1: Its logical. This country is opposed to logical thinking.

Reason 2: Its socialism. Socialism bad. Die socialism die!

You talking universal health care? Well...

Reason 1: Its logical. This country is opposed to logical thinking.

Reason 2: Its socialism. Socialism bad. Die socialism die!


1) healthcare isn't free. Everyone in Canada and the UK pay a ****e load in taxes for UHC. They also wait a long time for procedures and treatment.
2) healthcare costs are ridiculous here in the US.
3) full on socialism is horrible. Not one fully socialist country thrives or will ever thrive.

The news story...that is stupid. The kid's family should foot the bill. They are terrible parents if they shirk that responsibility.
Why is the ambulance ride $1900? That's outrageous.
This reminds me of "Ghostbusters 2" when they mention that they got stiffed on the city clean up bill after saving it from Gozer/Marshmallow Man.

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