Looking for a Batman cowl


WTF face
Apr 16, 2006
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I'm making my own Batman outfit, but I'm going to buy a the mask.
Anyone know any good sites to buy a really good cowl?
Do you have a cowl? Post pics if you could please.
Also do they fit all heads?
agh, two https, sorry about that. I've been looking for this site for a while.
Yikes. How did that happen?!? Sorry bout that guys.
I hope you're not wanting one of those to wear...
Notice where it says 'Height: 15cm'?
I hope you're not wanting one of those to wear...
Notice where it says 'Height: 15cm'?
Just noticed it after the post:csad:
I tried going on them batman boards but I still have not received an email to verify my account.

Anyone own any cowls?
Yea I do

this is the 5th one I've owned
Not all cowls fit everyone. You need to measure your head size. around the forehead.

Brotherhood of the Bat is on a public board, you should be able to access the site just by signing up with a user name. When you get on, research the archives on cowls. Also, PLEASE, read the terms of service before you go posting anything. There are plenty of different cowls available, both custom and retail, but you need to research first.
Not all cowls fit everyone. You need to measure your head size. around the forehead.

Brotherhood of the Bat is on a public board, you should be able to access the site just by signing up with a user name. When you get on, research the archives on cowls. Also, PLEASE, read the terms of service before you go posting anything. There are plenty of different cowls available, both custom and retail, but you need to research first.

Thanks for the advice.
Just got my email to verfy my account there!

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