Lucky Star


<insert witty title>
May 10, 2002
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If you ever thought no one could make an anime as cool and awesome as Azumanga Daioh, you were wrong. If you are an anime and manga fan who has seen a lot of the current scene you should probably know about this show. If you haven't heard about it you should check it out.

It's a comedy about 4 high school girls that just talk about anything and everything. From cellphones to snacks to kidnappers to astrology. It's like seinfield but with more teenage girls that look like lolitas and less jewish

youtube has it subbed or if you wanna be a good boy wait for it when it eventually gets released (of course, edited as hell since the american community won't get the jokes in it :o)
wow, we are meant to be anime pals! :up: Watched a few eps at Otakon, and it was hilarious. Didn't get to see all four showing, because It was so crowded, I couldn't sit. But well worth a watch. The whole room was laughing.

Corin, you need to try, to start watching anime. It loads the whole ep, so you aren't stuck looking for the next part every 9 mins.
wow, we are meant to be anime pals! :up: Watched a few eps at Otakon, and it was hilarious. Didn't get to see all four showing, because It was so crowded, I couldn't sit. But well worth a watch. The whole room was laughing.

Corin, you need to try, to start watching anime. It loads the whole ep, so you aren't stuck looking for the next part every 9 mins.
I tend to do 3 things at the same time I watch anime so I enjoy the pauses and it works as a comercial break if needed for me... I only use veoh when I can't find it on youtube... I used to watch naruto and bleach there... but since I just concentrate on the manga on both of 'em... Naruto right now is in the slow part of the sasuke ark

and we totally are anime pals :o

if you were at my uni you could totally be my ***** at the uni's anime club
I've heard this is a copy of Haruhi.But i will wait to see the dub.
nothing at all

actually, the main character's favorite anime is Haruhi... the japanese voice actress is also the one that does Haruhi's voice....

And in one episode, Konata cosplays Haruhi... it's awesome

I've heard this is a copy of Haruhi.But i will wait to see the dub.

Um, there are tons of shows just like Haruhi.

Honestly, Azumanga was the original Haruhi.

I think Haruhi is completely over hyped, and isn't really everything people want it to be. Azumanga Daioh ftw.
Um, there are tons of shows just like Haruhi.

Honestly, Azumanga was the original Haruhi.

I think Haruhi is completely over hyped, and isn't really everything people want it to be. Azumanga Daioh ftw.
You know... I've never seen the relationship between either Azumanga or Lucky star with Haruhi :huh:
Corinthian&#8482;;13419213 said:
You know... I've never seen the relationship between either Azumanga or Lucky star with Haruhi :huh:

Well, there are going to be people who are going to compare any zainy, off the wall show, with Japanese inside jokes, and a few cute girls to Haruhi. As much as I dislike it, it is what it is.
lucky star is more like azumanga daioh, i'm half way done with LS; it started a bit slow at first then it started to pick up.
lucky star is more like azumanga daioh, i'm half way done with LS; it started a bit slow at first then it started to pick up.
uhm... the anime is like that all the way...

there's no plot behind, just a "regular" continuity

Lucky Star is like seinfield for jeebus' sake
Corinthian™;13635673 said:
uhm... the anime is like that all the way...

there's no plot behind, just a "regular" continuity

Lucky Star is like seinfield for jeebus' sake

I said that about Azumanga when it came out xD

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