Marvel drops GIT.


Mod of Thunder
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
This is so like freakin Marvel man. This totally stinks!

According to a letter to retailers posted on his company’s website by GIT Corp President Raymond K. Pelosi, GIT will no longer offer Marvel comic books on DVD-ROM. The question of how the collections would work in conjunction with Marvel’s new online comics initiative had been raised by many fans when the publisher’s plan was announced. Over the years, GIT had released collections of Marvel titles from Fantastic Four to Amazing Spider-Man, the X-Men, Avengers, and more. Popular with many fans, the issues in the GIT collections were scanned in copies, presented in pdf format. Utilizing the technology, GIT would collect decades worth of issues on single DVDs.

On the upside, the company announced that it has signed a similar deal with Archie Comics, and will begin releasing DVDs of Archie material in early 2008.

Pelosi’s letter reads:

November 15, 2007

Dear Loyal Customers and Retailers,

It brings me grief to inform you that Marvel Entertainment has chosen not to renew our licensee contract and effective 01/01/2008, GIT Corp. will no longer have the rights to develop, manufacture and distribute Marvel comic books in digital format on DVD-ROM. Marvel has chosen to take an alternate approach on digital format for their comic books, which is to place them online at for a monthly fee of $9.99 and annual fee of $59.88 respectively. This service with not allow you the end user to physically own these publications; they are only readable from their website and not downloadable. Which means you are now only renting these publications, and when you choose to unsubscribe to this service, you will no longer have any access or own any of these great publications.

GIT Corp. has a limited stock of these fine titles and when they are all gone, they are gone forever. I suggest you purchase any and all titles you have not collected yet, so when they are gone, you will have a complete collection that you will be able to cherish for many years to come, to pass down to your children and their children,

and their children’s children..

Please feel free to voice your opinion at: Greedy bunghole Marvel feedback Page

On a good note, GIT Corp. will be signing a (3) year license agreement with Archie Entertainment, which will allow us to bring all your favorite characters like Archie, Reggie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica titles to digital with our first release scheduled in February 2008.

GIT Corp will be releasing our last (2) new titles in December 2007, Civil War – The Complete Collection, and House of M – The Complete Collection.

GIT Corp. will continue to work with comic book publishers across the country to bring to you, our loyal customers and retailer as many digital titles as possible.

Thank you for your loyalty and support in our products over the past (5) years, and we at GIT Corp. will continually stride to earn that loyalty and support for many years to come.


Graphic Imaging Technology Inc.

Raymond K. Pelosi
President & CEO
I figured this would happen when they announced they would be offering an online "rental" service for comics. On a side note, that guy's name made me laugh. Raymond K. Reminds of me of poor Raymond K. Hessel. I wonder if he ever did get around to becoming a vet.
Very disappointed to hear this. I've bought all the ones that they've come out with, and now I'm very glad that I did. As soon as I heard they were doing the online thing, I knew it was just a matter of time. I willing to bet that part of this is to give Marvel a legal leg to stand on if they would ever decide to go after downloaders like the music industry did. I hope not. Just like the music industry, I hope they find a way to make downloading profitable for them and give the fans what they want.

On the silver lining side of things:

The pdf format that GIT chose is not the best out there. A lot of the ones on DT's site that use other formats are much cleaner and easier to read. If Marvel ever did decides to have a pay-for-downloading system, hopefully they would use a better format.

I actually hope that their online site does well. I would love for them to realize that there is a market here, and that they could sell downloads of whole runs and "recent past" comics. But for me, it just doesn't work unless you can download them. I'm just not online enough for it to make sense (although $60 is about two weeks worth of comics. It's very tempting.)
It's not temping to me. I was looking forward to Thor which was due out next year for one.
Two you do not get to KEEP the issues they put on-line.
I would love to have even the pdf format of comics, b ut, that's not gonna happen apparently.
Yeah, I'm disappointed about Thor (and DD). But just like I used to tell people years ago about music downloading: there's nowhere in the constitution that says Marvel has to provide us with free (or extremely cheap) entertainment. They're in it to make money. Me, I'd rather show them that there's a market for this type of thing.'s not like this stuff isn't readily available anyway. And, those collections stunk, where you have crossovers and comic references that would be unavailable on those DVDs. (X-Men and Spidey in particular.)

Plus, while comics on DVD might seem neat, they are little use, except for research purposes. There is hardly any enjoyment in reading a comic on your computer.
Thor's books aren't THAT available. Two it's cheaper to buy them on rom by far, and not only that if you live in an apartment like I do, Storing over 500 books isn't exactly easy.
Plus, while comics on DVD might seem neat, they are little use, except for research purposes. There is hardly any enjoyment in reading a comic on your computer.

I used to agree (kind-of). Mostly I used those DVDs when I hadn't read something in a long time, or wanted to remember something.

But because of this discussion, I went to their site and read a few (Star Brand, Alpha Flight), and I have to say that I like the format a lot. It might fall under the category of unintended consequences, but this thread may have tipped me over in favor of subscribing.
Vartha, don't be too upset. Things change. Hopefully Marvel will keep adding comics (like your Thor). It will probably take longer to see what I want to see there, like Rom or minis from the 80s.
Vartha, don't be too upset. Things change. Hopefully Marvel will keep adding comics (like your Thor). It will probably take longer to see what I want to see there, like Rom or minis from the 80s.

Yeah, i think after Lee/Kirby's FF, and Lee/Ditko's Spider-Man, the Lee/Kirby Thor is probably the next biggest Silver Age Marvel run. It'll be added for sure! :up:
Yeah, i think after Lee/Kirby's FF, and Lee/Ditko's Spider-Man, the Lee/Kirby Thor is probably the next biggest Silver Age Marvel run. It'll be added for sure! :up:
Thor WAS to be the next one on rom. Not sure of the exact count tho.
I can't see paying a fee and not being able to copy or download the books.
It's up there with paying for a premium Cable channel that's not always on.
This isn't unexpected. I'm not entirely happy about this though, because I liked being able to read the DVDs whenever I wanted on my laptop, even if I didn't have internet access. Plus, once I bought it, they were mine. With Marvel's new online comics, you basically rent the comics, and they can take them away anytime they want, no matter how long you've subscribed.

I am excited to hear that they will be doing Archie comics though. I've been an Archie fan since I was a kid and would love to be able to read all of their stories.
Thor's books aren't THAT available. Two it's cheaper to buy them on rom by far, and not only that if you live in an apartment like I do, Storing over 500 books isn't exactly easy.

Well, they are available to me. I have all of Thor's appearances on DVD readily available.
GODDAMNIT!!! This sucks big time!!! I was really looking foward to the Thor and DD collections, especially DD. Friggin Marvel, I guess I'd better scoop up the ASM DVD-rom, FF/Silver Surfer combo, and Ultimate X-Men from Amazon ASAP.
I can imagine Marvel decided to do that,because they could charge more if they solid the online comics themself.
I am excited to hear that they will be doing Archie comics though. I've been an Archie fan since I was a kid and would love to be able to read all of their stories.

Same here... if they put out 50's/60's era Archie, I'll be all over that.
Some of the funniest comics ever came out of that Archie period...

:word: :up: :word:

I got the X-men one and I love it. This is a shame. It's definitely nice to have it as a reference. It certainly wouldn't stop people from buying the actual books, nothing beats having the actual issue in your collection.

On a side note, that guy's name made me laugh. Raymond K. Reminds of me of poor Raymond K. Hessel. I wonder if he ever did get around to becoming a vet.

I flippin love that movie. "You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake."

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