Whatcha mean?
Sorry,.. No pic available but Mary Marvel Is in a Black Long Sleeved Micro-mini with the body of a healthy 20 - something year old.
I'm thinking things are gonna get shook up.
I think he thinks they're gonna make her evil or a ****, or both.
Wouldn't Billy still be more powerful now? He's got all of Shazam's power in addition to his own...I expect if the Previews are anywhere near accurate that she'll be having Eclipso's power added to her own,.. making her the most Powerful Marvel there ever was.
I miss Captain Atom.
Wouldn't Billy still be more powerful now? He's got all of Shazam's power in addition to his own...
He's dressed like him, yeah. The last time I saw him was in Ion, where he was hanging out in the Bleed.