I would like to dedicate this thread to crossover events and how they may or may not be needed and why or how you believe so.
Now I will make the first argument. Since their is a possibility that Nolan and the director may decide to not follow Marvel and tie Superman to Batman,Flash,Hawkman,Wonderwoman,Martian Manhunter,and etc who are in the JLA. But a crossover event can be done in any DC film and doesn't necessarily mean it has to be this one. Since Superman is such a figure head I can see why they dont think it would be. Superman and Batman are the most known superheroes across the globe and far more known in western and international societies than any Marvel Hero many may say and doesnt need a back story due solely to those facts. Since they may be thinking everyone knows superman knows batman blah blah blah. So they may not fill the need to make a scene saying hey look he is here too. Now I would expect a crossover somehow in a Green Lantern or Flash film due to the fact they arent figure heads such as them and many don't recognize these characters like fans.Some would say well they should learn from Marvel and do crossover events. Marvel may find it needed to crossover due to the fact that it deeps the story and that if no one knows this guys and they will now.So if a crossover event occurs here it will be minor almost unnoticed the first time and may be just unconfirmed rumors or speculations like Thor in The Incredible Hulk. Their main goal in this film is to get Superman back on the podium he rightfully deserves like Batman. A crossover event can occur at any moment and before or after the film because its so easy to do just by showing or having a conversation and his name comes up. So that is my first argument get Superman where he belongs first then connect the dots.
Now I will make the first argument. Since their is a possibility that Nolan and the director may decide to not follow Marvel and tie Superman to Batman,Flash,Hawkman,Wonderwoman,Martian Manhunter,and etc who are in the JLA. But a crossover event can be done in any DC film and doesn't necessarily mean it has to be this one. Since Superman is such a figure head I can see why they dont think it would be. Superman and Batman are the most known superheroes across the globe and far more known in western and international societies than any Marvel Hero many may say and doesnt need a back story due solely to those facts. Since they may be thinking everyone knows superman knows batman blah blah blah. So they may not fill the need to make a scene saying hey look he is here too. Now I would expect a crossover somehow in a Green Lantern or Flash film due to the fact they arent figure heads such as them and many don't recognize these characters like fans.Some would say well they should learn from Marvel and do crossover events. Marvel may find it needed to crossover due to the fact that it deeps the story and that if no one knows this guys and they will now.So if a crossover event occurs here it will be minor almost unnoticed the first time and may be just unconfirmed rumors or speculations like Thor in The Incredible Hulk. Their main goal in this film is to get Superman back on the podium he rightfully deserves like Batman. A crossover event can occur at any moment and before or after the film because its so easy to do just by showing or having a conversation and his name comes up. So that is my first argument get Superman where he belongs first then connect the dots.

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