Michael Savage, Black Strippers, and Brown Supremacists


One Sexy Lemur
Sep 18, 2003
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Savage called alleged Duke rape victim a "dirty, verminous black stripper"; described illegal immigrants as "brown supremacists"

Summary: Michael Savage referred to the woman who alleged she was raped at a party attended by members of the Duke University lacrosse team as a "Durham dirt-bag" and "dirty, verminous black stripper" because, according to Savage, she "lied when she said she was raped at a party." Savage added that "[t]his is the radical, feminist, lesbian agenda being acted out on our campuses in a witch-hunt manner against these white boys, very much like the socialist communist agenda being acted out on the American stage by the extras called the illegal aliens," whom he also referred to as "brown supremacists."

During the April 11 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage referred to the woman who alleged she had been raped at a party attended by members of the Duke University lacrosse team as a "Durham dirt-bag" and "dirty, verminous black stripper" because, according to Savage, she "lied when she said she was raped at a party." Savage's comments came after the results of initial DNA tests did not implicate any member of the Duke team. Declaring that the Duke case is evidence that "the cards are stacked against white males in America" because the "white leadership of America is out to lunch," Savage added: "This is the radical, feminist, lesbian agenda being acted out on our campuses in a witch-hunt manner against these white boys, very much like the socialist communist agenda being acted out on the American stage by the extras called the illegal aliens," whom he also referred to as "brown supremacists."

Savage's reference to the "verminous ... stripper" came during the same broadcast in which he responded to a Media Matters for America item documenting his previous reference to illegal immigrants as "vermin."

Both Duke and North Carolina Central University (NCCU), where the alleged rape victim is a full-time student, are located in Durham, North Carolina.

From the April 11 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: The white male leadership of America is out to lunch, and because the white males of America are quaking on the golf courses, not realizing the danger they are in.


SAVAGE: There's another story that's very important to show you the twisting of justice in America, the lack of justice in America, and the viciousness of prosecutors in America, and how the cards are stacked against white males in America; and that is the case in North Carolina where a Durham dirt-bag made false accusations against members of a lacrosse team. DNA evidence was collected -- has proven to show that there was no reference to any rape.


SAVAGE: The DA in charge of the Duke University fake rape investigation said that he does not need DNA to bring charges and vowed, quote, "This case is not going away." All I can say is I hope that DA Mike Nifong goes away real fast, because he spoke one day after defense attorney said DNA testing failed to connect any of Duke's lacrosse players to the alleged attack on a black stripper who lied when she said she was raped at a party.


SAVAGE: We have here now the voice of a so-called student body president. Listen carefully.

RENEE CLARK (NCCU student body president) [audio clip]: Students at NCCU, alongside with students from Duke, know that it is time to come together to ensure that justice is served. No longer will sexual assault against women, sexual injustice, or any timeless -- or the timeless of due process be issues that render the legal outcome of current --

SAVAGE: Now, wait a minute. Hold on. This idiot can't even read a three-syllable word, but I think what this moron -- this sub-moron -- just said is that due process should have no bearing upon the outcome of the case because they're guilty, because she wants them to be guilty. Go ahead. Continue.

CLARK [audio clip]: This entire ordeal has been played out in the media from evidential findings to the character of the parties involved.

SAVAGE: Hold it. She said because of the character of the parties involved, they're guilty? Did you hear what this thing just said? This thing just said that their character has convicted them. This is the same person that if one of her brethren were brought into a court room, who had previously conducted crimes, these previous crimes would not be permitted to be issued as evidence, because it would be discriminatory or prejudicial, but she said she knows that they're guilty because of their character? Are you listening to what these people are saying to -- about these boys down there? Listen. Go ahead.

CLARK [audio clip]: Things that the media has not turned its attention to is the commonality of incidences such as this on campuses worldwide, in our communities, in our nation, and around the world.

SAVAGE: Hold on. Campuses worldwide are now going to influence the outcome of this case? This is the radical, feminist, lesbian agenda being acted out on our campuses in a witch-hunt manner against these white boys, very much like the socialist communist agenda being acted out on the American stage by the extras called the illegal aliens. I hope you understand what's going on in your country. And the reason it's happening, is because George Bush is such a weak leader, and because the Republicans have ceased to exist as a party that there is a power vacuum into which jump these opportunistic infections.


SAVAGE: So, it seems to me that there's a certain group of immigrants that's not very happy and they're all Hispanic. I don't see any other racial group out there in the streets, do you? Now, that's very interesting. I'm not allowed to raise the issue or the specter of brown supremacists behind these protests. Don't tell me this is all about compassion for immigrants, because it is not at all only about compassion for immigrants. They are trying to provoke the takeover of the United States of America, and what they're using is the ploy of compassion for immigrants all who all come here to work. I don't go for that rubbish.


SAVAGE: This DA needs to be thrown out of that city. He is worse than the Ku Klux Klan. He is a modern version of the Ku Klux Klan, which is the "Liberal Klux Klan." The LKK is far worse than the KKK. The "Liberal Klux Klan" is far more dangerous to your survival than the Ku Klux Klan because there are more members of the LKK than there are of the KKK. The LKK is behind the illegal aliens in the streets. The LKK is behind the degeneracy on our television sets. The LKK is behind the prognostication of defeat for the United States of America. They have an agenda, ladies and gentlemen. It is time to throw out the DA and accept that there was no DNA.


SAVAGE: Now, in America, you're supposed to be innocent until you're proven guilty. They take 20 boys, they take their DNA because a dirty, verminous black stripper says she -- the -- she was raped and beaten. They do the DNA, none of her -- none of their DNA is found on this woman.

— B.F.

Posted to the web on Friday April 14, 2006 at 7:04 PM EST

I'll let this nutcase's words speak for themselves.
Why they let that guy stay on the air is beyond me. He's not even entertaining. He's just an ass.

Bring the Wonder Years back :mad:


Oh... Wrong Savage :(
yes, us poor white men are so oppressed. :rolleyes:
sinewave said:
yes, us poor white men are so oppressed. :rolleyes:

Totally... I had to decice what car to take to the golf club today :(
Even more oppressed when the dry cleaning takes forever
Mentok said:
Totally... I had to decice what car to take to the golf club today :(

i assume you chose the hummer over the benz, right?
Brown supremacists. How can you have a supremacy if youre a minority? It deifes all logic.
Pffft! Whiners. At least YOUR polo tournament didn't get delayed due to soft sod like mine did! :mad:

Darthphere said:
Brown supremacists. How can you have a supremacy if youre a minority? It deifes all logic.

go back to tiajuana, you brown-skinned devil! :mad:

i keed, i keed!
sinewave said:
i assume you chose the hummer over the benz, right?

I took my jet pack... Just dont tell the black people... Its still a secret ;)
Mentok said:
I took my jet pack... Just dont tell the black people... Its still a secret ;)

oh, right. hahahahaha, those silly negroes, still using their legs like a bunch of cavemen!! oops, i'm late for high-tea with the dutchess. toodles.
Michael Savage is one of the worst human beings alive. It's a good thing he doesn't hold political office.
Maybe we could convince the million man march to take a detour to his front yard. :up:
Darthphere said:
Brown supremacists. How can you have a supremacy if youre a minority? It deifes all logic.

I don't think that has anything to do with being the majority or the minority....
I think that "racial supremecy" is just an ideology which beleives one's race is superior to other races and consists of beleifs in domination and subjugation.
Just don't bring up the "Indy 500 vs. Daytona 500" debate
bored said:
I'll let this nutcase's words speak for themselves.

The man's not a rascist. I know he says crazy stuff sometimes & I can't stand when he always disses rap music, but he did defend Kobe Bryant when he was accused of rape by a white woman. So I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
C-$ said:
The man's not a rascist. I know he says crazy stuff sometimes & I can't stand when he always disses rap music, but he did defend Kobe Bryant when he was accused of rape by a white woman. So I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Seems he has a vendetta against rape victims.
Darthphere said:
Seems he has a vendetta against rape victims.

He never defends the so called "victim".
He says crazy stuff to try to get his listeners to forget he used to write books about "herbal medicine"

With regard to rape, I have no sympathy for the raper.
Addendum said:
He says crazy stuff to try to get his listeners to forget he used to write books about "herbal medicine"

With regard to rape, I have no sympathy for the raper.

At least he dosen't always defend the Republicans like Rush Limbaugh.
C-$ said:
At least he dosen't always defend the Republicans like Rush Limbaugh.
Neither does Jerry Doyle. What's your point?

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