Michael Savage's " The Political Zoo"

The Overlord said:
Just because I live Canada I can't comment on him? That's stupid. Every time someone posts an article from him, he sounds like a *****e. Really, I'm not overly familar with Mahr but did he ever say anything as childish and insulting as "turd world nations"?

I said if you haven't listened to him, how can you call him a *****e bag? I
Matt said:
I'll pass. I don't normally read the psychopathic rants of a madman.
I do. Manson's latest book on tape is absolutely gripping.
C-$ said:
I said if you haven't listened to him, how can you call him a *****e bag? I

I can call him a *****e, because the articles he wrote that have posted on this board, are the writings of a *****e. Seriously in what context does the term "turd world nations" not sound childish and insulting?
C-$ said:
I said if you haven't listened to him, how can you call him a *****e bag? I

I can call him a *****e, because the articles he wrote that have posted on this board, are the writings of a *****e. Seriously in what context does the term "turd world nations" not sound childish and insulting? Most conservatives think he's a *****e.
The Overlord said:
I can call him a *****e, because the articles he wrote that have posted on this board, are the writings of a *****e. Seriously in what context does the term "turd world nations" not sound childish and insulting?
If it was in responce to someone from a third world nation calling you a poophead.
CConn said:
If it was in responce to someone from a third world nation calling you a poophead.

so then I can make derogatory comments about the US because Michael Savage is an *******?
C-$ said:
Has anyone here in this forum bought or read Michael Savage's latest book, " The Political Zoo"?

I read his stuff (some). I haven't read or heard of "Polictical Zoo" and I listen to Mike almost every night.

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