Mike Judge's Silicon Valley

The new trailer is up on YouTube and it looks hilarious! Can't link to it because of naughty language but check it out. TJ and Kumail look like they are going to bring the funny to the show
Anyone else watching this?


It helps also that I am a Software Engineer myself, so the dialog contains an extra layer to me. My wife is computer illiterate and she finds it just as hilarious.
This is hilarious.

"Names stick. My name's only Jared because Gavin called me that on my first day. My real name is Donald."

That keeled me over properly. Love this show so far.
The Peter Thiel Sesame Seed Scene From Silicon Valley Is Real!


For me, the turning point in watching HBO's Silicon Valley can be traced back to the Burger King subplot in the third episode.

That's when the broad caricature of Peter Thiel transforms from a smug, aspy(er)-than-thou venture capitalist—hates college, loves profit, take it or leave on human beings—into something exquisitely specific: delicious in its weirdness, but almost in awe of his intellect. Based on this article about Bill Gates and pea shortages in North America, Mike Judge's satirical take might not be that far from reality.

The sesame seed scene hinges on Peter Gregory, the lead investor behind Pied Piper, the compression software startup at the heart of the show. Gregory is maybe 75 percent Thiel, 15 percent Paul Graham, and 10 percent Quora questions. Another promising startup in his portfolio begs Gregory for an "emergency capital injection" of $15 million in order to avoid shutting down. However Gregory, played by the late great Christopher Evan Welch, is more consumed by a sudden curiosity about fast food.

"Have many of you ever eaten at Bur-gur King?

Well, I was just driven past one. And while I know that their market cap is $7 billion plus, I realize I am unfamiliar with their offerings. Is it popular among your peers? Is it. . . enjoyed?

And their selection consists solely of these bur-gurs of which they are presumably king [tiny laugh]?"
Only later in the episode do we see how Gregory's circuitous neural pathways lead him from hamburger buns to cicadas to Indonesian sesame futures, which will make him a tidy $70 million, enough for a $15 million bridge loan to keep the startup alive and save its employees.

In the real world, it's peas not sesame seeds and the investor is Bill Gates, judging by this Bloomberg report:

Because General Mills was early to recognize the potential of plant protein, the Betty Crocker owner has stocked up from suppliers like Canada's Alliance Grain Traders Inc. (AGT), creating a shortage that's left rivals rushing to catch up. How hot is this trend? Enough to attract investment from billionaires Bill Gates, Li Ka-Shing and Tom Steyer.
Gates being Gates, he's leveraging the "fashionable scarcity" of pulses (a branch of the legume family) to reduce climate change and improve animal welfare. One of his investments is Beyond Meat, a company that wants to produce "mass-market solutions that perfectly replace animal protein with plant protein." But that's what makes Silicon Valley so promising. Of course the venture capitalist would see an unexpected windfall as a chance to make a bridge loan.

Man I had no idea that the guy who played Gregory was dead, that really sucks. He is one of the great things about this show.

All in all this show really delivers. I haven't missed an episode yet and it really has that Mike Judge feel to it. I love TJ, he really cracks me up every episode. Him tripping in a bathroom and bringing home a little kid is hilarious
Man I had no idea that the guy who played Gregory was dead, that really sucks. He is one of the great things about this show.


I didn't know this, either. Apparently, he died in the middle of filming this show last year.

Here's some articles about his death that I found:

Mike Judge on how this affects the show: http://www.thewrap.com/tca-silicon-valley-mike-judge-alec-berg-hbo-christoper-evan-welch

An in-depth look at the Peter Gregory character and the actor's path to playing him and subsequent death: http://www.businessinsider.com/rip-silicon-valley-christopher-evan-welch-2014-4
Wow that's a huge blow to the show. Especially after the last ep being about how alot of it is about the two billionaire egos at each other.

I was not sold on this show after the pilot. But 5 eps in now, I'm pretty much onboard. It's a bit quirky going for humor over drama in most places (holograms, vomit gags, etc) which seems a bit odd for a HBO show, but the mural gag of the last ep had me in stitches. I guess we'll see in the next ep how much it'll be affected by Welch's passing.

I didn't know this, either. Apparently, he died in the middle of filming this show last year.

Here's some articles about his death that I found:

Mike Judge on how this affects the show: http://www.thewrap.com/tca-silicon-valley-mike-judge-alec-berg-hbo-christoper-evan-welch

An in-depth look at the Peter Gregory character and the actor's path to playing him and subsequent death: http://www.businessinsider.com/rip-silicon-valley-christopher-evan-welch-2014-4

Damn, I had no idea that he passed. Huge blow to the show. Gregory's scenes are always among the funniest.

Anyway, this show is really hitting its stride. I was skeptical at first (in large part due to the fact that I cannot stand the actor who plays Elrich)...but even he is winning me over. Although the show is not quite up to Veep level quality (hell, Veep's 30 minute take on the hedonism and hubris of Silicon Valley was leagues ahead of anything that this show has done), it is still an enjoyable way to kill a half hour. Plus, Mike Judge usually takes some time to hit his stride (Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill didn't really go full throttle until the second or third season). I am confident that this can be something special eventually.
You don't like TJ?! That's crazy talk man, he is hilarious. But ya This show is getting better and better. I assume like most of the things Mike Judge touches it wont be appreciated for a while
I love this show! TJ is my favorite of the bunch, but Ive liked the actor since Cloverfield so that isnt surprising.

When he saw that garage door, "What in the good ****!?" and later when the cops found the pot plants.:lmao:
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Jared's subplot in the latest episode was incredible. "Mr Car."
Last night's episode was hilarious. Show just keeps getting better and better
I've been catching up on it and after a slow start it has gotten better. I wasn't sure I would like it initially but now having seen up through the fifth episode it is interesting. Surprising on the death of Welch though.
I love this show! TJ is my favorite of the bunch, but Ive liked the actor since Cloverfield so that isnt surprising.

You should have seen him in The Goodwin Games. A very underappreciated show, IMO.
Erlich attacking the kid who scammed Richard was my favourite scene of the show so far. I lost it when he threw the bike over the hedges.
Erlich attacking the kid who scammed Richard was my favourite scene of the show so far. I lost it when he threw the bike over the hedges.

"You just brought piss to a **** fight!:

*throws bike*

"Now you get in that house and get me five adaral before I slit your ****ing throat! Ill kill your mother! I'll rape your father! Ill curbstomp that little face and your teeth will go flying!"

I was :lmao:!
The At&T girl was on last night's episode looking hot.
One page? 16 posts?

Where is the love for this show?

It just keeps getting better.
So Jared spent four days on that island with all those robots :funny:
Man not sure I would have noticed otherwise but Gregory's absence is very apparent to me. I wonder if they will try and keep it going with the busy billionaire charade for next season
Oh man that extended jerking algorithm scene. ****ing hilarious. This show needs more love!
Oh man that extended jerking algorithm scene. ****ing hilarious. This show needs more love!

What made it hilarious was they were serious and became obsessed with trying to find the answer.
Not only that but it led to a massive break-through in data compression.
This show is awesome. NEVER bring piss to a s@@@ fight lol

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