Minions -Despicable Me prequel (Sandra Bullock)

It made enough money at the B.O. so of course it had to have another movie attached.
I'd kinda surprised this thread only has very few posts
Me too. I couldn't find it at all. No one even posted the trailer.
I laughed at the trailer, much more than Ted 2. I think the Minions can hold their own in a movie.
Really like the look and design of Scarlett Overkill.

I think she's going to be a very interesting and fan favourite character.

I hope they have merchandises of her too.
I laughed at the trailer, much more than Ted 2. I think the Minions can hold their own in a movie.
I adore the Minions. I think this has a legit shot of being really good.
Has anyone seen the movie? I've been hearing that it's not the greatest.
It's already out overseas, ain't it?
Am I the only person who doesn't find the Minions funny?
I think they're cute enough, but I don't get why people are so crazy about them. They're background characters.
Has anyone seen the movie? I've been hearing that it's not the greatest.

I liked it. It was what I expected it to be, and if anyone went into it expecting anything more than what it was - pure silly fun - then I can't say I'm surprised they're disappointed.

We've had a bit of a rough couple of months in my family, so it was exactly what my mother and I needed while my father way away to relax and have a good laugh.

I really don't know what people did expect from it if they're saying it's "not the greatest". I can't imagine they were expecting something deeper from it.
I ended up watching it on Saturday I thought it was alright 7/10
I never cared for the minions in the Despicable Me movies, but I'll be taking my son, ugh. I'm sure I'll fall asleep.
This movie was okay. Jon Hamm's voice acting was great although Herb's voice reminds me of another character that I can't name. I think Sandra Bullock was poor casting as Overkill and they should've gone for a unique voice with range.
Minions is like Hannibal in the Hannibal movie; too much of a good thing.

I loved the minions in DM and the sequel but absolutely hated the Minions movie.
The movie wasn't made for me it's made for kids but that is a lousy excuse as Despicable Me wasn't made for me either but I loved it.
Minions is like Hannibal in the Hannibal movie; too much of a good thing.

I loved the minions in DM and the sequel but absolutely hated the Minions movie.
The movie wasn't made for me it's made for kids but that is a lousy excuse as Despicable Me wasn't made for me either but I loved it.

Ah, sounds like my fiancé's concerns are valid. He figured the minions are great as secondary characters and not suitable to carry their own movie.
This movie was okay. Jon Hamm's voice acting was great although Herb's voice reminds me of another character that I can't name. I think Sandra Bullock was poor casting as Overkill and they should've gone for a unique voice with range.

She sounds like she has range from what I've heard of the character. I don't know Bullocks' voice all that well so it's not taking me out of the flick or anything.
She sounds like she has range from what I've heard of the character. I don't know Bullocks' voice all that well so it's not taking me out of the flick or anything.
I meant a different, unique range. They should've gone with a menacing voice like Ursula or something.
When everyone was sure it was going to be Disney's year...
Hasn't Disney gotten to $3b faster then they have ever have? Cinderella, AoU, Inside Out already. And they still have Ant-Man, The Good Dinosaur, and Star Wars coming. They are doing just fine. :funny:

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