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Most Intriguing Superhero Films NEVER MADE!

What Superhero Film NEVER MADE most interests you?

  • Cameron's SPIDER-MAN

  • Burton's BATMAN 3

  • Singer's X-Men 3

  • Goyer's Flash



  • Nolan's BATMAN 3 (featuring Heath Ledger's return as Joker)

  • Rami's SPIDER-M4N

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


Master Tim
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
This is a poll and a discussion to talk about what you think were the most interesting Superhero projects that, one way or another, we'll never see realized.

I compiled a list of some of them, if there are anymore that you guys want to add, do so. But it's interesting to speculate on these projects and say, "what if"?

James Cameron's Spider-man:
-Was to feature Electro and Sandman as villains, though they'd have different civilian identities.
-Was to be a little darker and maybe hard PG-13 if not R rated.
-Was going to feature a Pete & MJ sex scene.

Tim Burton's Batman 3:
-Would feature Robin Williams as the Riddler
-Presumably Marlon Wayanes as Dick Grayson/Robin
-Billy Dee Williams as Two-Face, though this idea was scrapped when they rewrote his role in Batman Returns and gave it to Max Schreck (the explosion at Schreck's party was going to scar Dent creating Two-Face).

Bryan Singer's X-Men 3:
-Possibly would feature Project Wide Awake and the Sentinels.
-Would NOT kill off Scott Summers
-Would feature Signourney Weaver as Emma Frost
-Jean Grey's Phoenix saga would have been paramount.

David Goyer's Flash:

-Would star Ryan Reynolds as the Scarlet Speedster
-Would delve into the physics of the speed force and offer effects "never scene before".

Bryan Singer's Superman: Man of Steel:
-Would bring back the core cast of Routh, Bosworth, and Spacey.
-Would be much bigger in terms of action, and tighter in story.
-Would be comprable to Star Trek : The Wrath of Khan. As in enough with pathos and backstory and on with the ass-kicking.
-Would feature multiple villains, most heavily rumored and brought up by cast were: Lex Luthor, Bizzaro and Brainiac.

George Miller's Justice League: Mortal:
-Was to feature: Batman (Armie Hammer), Superman (D.J. Cotrona), Flash (Adrian Brody), Wonder Woman (Megan Gale) Green Lantern (Common), Martian Manhunter and Aquaman were also featured.
-The film would begin with the death of the Flash and the Justice League uniting at his funeral. The fallen Flash would be Barry Allen, with Brody playing Wally West, the new Flash.
-The Omacs, Talia Al Ghul, Brother Eye and Maxwell Lord were all rumored to be featured as villains in various combinations.

A Chris Nolan directed Batman 3 with the return of Heath Ledger's Joker:
-Would feature another villain but the Joker would continue to be an ongoing threat.
-It was revealed by Aaron Eckhart that it was the plan to bring Heath's Joker back for part three.

Sam Rami's SPIDER-M4N:
-Would include Adrian Toomes (Played by John Malcovich) as the new owner and Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Bugle.
-Toomes would have an estranged daughter who was an combination of his own daughter from the comics and Felicia Hardy. Felicia was to be her name, though her last name is unknown.
-Toomes would be killed as the Vulture, or at least assumed dead and Felicia would blame Spider-man, either donning the Black Cat identity or the mantle of her father becoming the Vulturess to avenger her father.
-Felicia was to be played by Anne Hathaway.
-Peter and Mary Jane were to have a child.

What are other superhero projects that were never made that intrigue you? Joss Whendon's Wonder Woman comes to mind. Any other?

Let me know.

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You forgot Thomas Jane's The Punisher: War Zone. Most likely to have been directed by Walter Hill, it would have been a gritty urban crime drama in the vein of Taxi Driver, and would have been darker, bloodier and more unfriendly than the first one.
I voted for burton's Batman 3, but why isn't Burton's SUPERMAN LIVES on that list?!!? I protest.
Tim Burton's Superman Lives:
-Was to star Nicholas Cage
-Was to feature Doomsday as a villain.
-Tim Allen was rumored to be in talks to play Brainiac
-Chris Rock was to play Jimmy Oslen
-Courtney Cox was signed to play Lois Lane

Darren Aronofsky's
Batman: Year One:
-Christian Bale was rumoured as a choice to play Batman
-Collaborated with Frank Miller on script
-Would give a face lift to the Batman origin
-Bruce would be an orphan taken in by a mechanic "Big Al" a take on Alfred

Joel Schumacher's Batman Triumphant:
-Scarecrow as main villain
-George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell would return as Batman and Robin
-Harley Quin appeared as the Joker's daughter
-The Joker would return (played by Jack Nicholson) in fear toxin sequences

Wolfgang Peterson's Batman vs. Superman:
-Dick Grayson, Alfred and Commissioner Gordon were all dead.
-Bruce suffers a mental breakdown following a 5 year retirement from Crimefighting
-He stabilizes after dating and becoming engaged.
-Clark struggles with his divorce from Lois Lane and becomes close friends with Bruce Wayne
-The Joker kills Bruce's wife on their honeymoon and Bruce hunts the Joker
-Clark, Bruce's best man, attempts to stop Bruce causing Bruce to blame Clark for his loss.
-It is revealed that Luthor is responsible for the entire plot to dissolve the World's Finest Heroes.
-Bale and Josh Hartnett turned down the Batman and Superman roles.

I couldn't be expected to get all of them. That's why there is an "other option". There is still the Batman: DarKnight script, J.J. Abram's Superman: FlyBy and a few others.

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Good idea for a thread :up:

I voted for Singer's X-Men3, if this had been made I think I would have been very happy with the X-trilogy, and we would have the closest thing to a perfect superhero trilogy there is. As is the Raimi SM movies are the closest, and as much as I like Spider-man3, it's not as well made or elegant as the first two films, although it does have aspects it does better than those two.
We will probably, hopefully get another Nolan Bat-film, so even though it will not feature Ledger, I didn't vote for that. His role may have been quite small in the movie for all we know, did n't Nolan say something along the lines that he wanted to get in everything you needed to know about the Joker in TDK? Which suggsts it would not have been a major role.
So, if I could hop over to an alternate reality and watch any of these I'd watch them in this order:

1. Singer's X3
2. Nolan's Batman 3 with Ledger
3. George Miller's JL (even though i was glad it didn't get made)
4. Whedon's Wonder Woman
5. Batman vs Superman
6. Cameron's Spider-man
7. Afono's Year One
8. Singer's Man of Steel
9. Schumacher's Batman Triumphant
10. Burton's Batman 3
11. Burton's Superman Lives
12. Goyer's Flash
13. Raimi's Spider-man 4
14. Tom Jane's War Zone

Also, M Night Shyamalan was going to do sequels to Unbreakable at one point, so I'd put those at the top of the alt dimensional hop list.
After seeing the Star Trek reboot...

I don't want to sound like a Raimi fanboy, but for me Raimi's Spider-man 4 is most interesting because we've seen him do three Spidey movies already. I liked all three, and I think the 4th would have been at least a decent watch. A continuation of that series has more to go off as opposed to some of the other ideas.

I would have preferred a 3rd X-Men movie by Singer, but his movies were overrated to me. They weren't soooooo much better than The Last Stand IMO. Yeah the third movie is inferior to the first two, but the first two weren't all that great in my eyes to begin with. I don't think Ratner or Fox ruined it like many people think. We still would have had mostly Wolverine fighting, Cyclops might have stuck around a little longer, and Magneto would have been up to something again. Unless he was going to unleash Apocalypse or someone major, we would have just gotten a better written Phoenix story to where Wolverine saves the day.

Goyer's Flash seems intriguing. His writing on Blade and Batman shows us that he's good at writing at least. Trinity was a major flop, but maybe if he focused on one movie he wouldn't be so bad again in the director's chair.

A Ledger Joker in another movie would be pretty damn cool, but having one performance by him isn't bad. We all loved it, and we appreciated it more now that he's unfortunately gone.
a 3rd Singer X-film for me, I loved the first 2, and was saddened when he couldn't/didn't make the 3rd.
Singer dominates this for me, REALLY wanted to see his Superman Returns sequel as that was a movie I loved.

But even more so I wanted to see his X-Men 3, the one we got IMO is one of the worst CB movies out there and the most dissapointing movie of my life. Singer's X-Men 3 would definately have been better and despite what people think, Cyclops was going to have a big role, I followed the development all the way through it was going to Cyclops saving Jean not Wolverine, for anyone who doesnt believe, listen to the commentary on X2. But that is the best CB movie we have never seen for me.
The two biggest for me are the sequel to the 2004 Punisher film, as previously mentioned by S. Grundy. I love the Thomas Jane film, and the script by Jonathan Hensleigh for the sequel was a great starting point for a sequel. Jane's ideas for the direction the film should have gone in were spot on and Walter Hill directing? That would just be awesome. They'd have my butt in a seat at least 10 times.

and the second is Aronofsky's "Batman: Year One" film. I really love the script, despite all the changes it made. Yet even so, it stayed true to the spirit of the characters. And i think, even if they made the necessary changes to make it more faithful to the Batman everyone knows, it still would have been good. I wouldn't mind if someone came along after Nolan though and made, not so much this script or even another year one film, but just a down & out gritty, low-budget crime thriller Batman movie.

Other films that i would have liked to have seen would have been Singer's sequel to Superman Returns (i liked it...) and Schumacher's Batman Triumphant.
I certainly would have liked to have seen Raimi's Spider-man 4 though I feel like the end we got in SM3 put an appropriate ending on his triology. So it isn't really a case of unfinished business, just I would have liked to have seen what else could happened.

The same kind of goes for Punisher as someone mentioned. The Thomas Jane movie isn't necessarily a terrific movie, but it wasn't bad, and it is miles better than War Zone. I would be curious how the intended sequel would have went. Instead it got a reboot a 'la Incredible Hulk.

On the other end are two Singer movies. It would have been good just to see where the hell Singer was going to take Supes after Returns. Seems to me like he painted Supes into a corner.

But I think most of all...and I'm not even a huge X-fan...I would have liked to have seen Singer conclude the X-triology. He did a great job with the first two and served up such a slam dunk for number 3...but then came Ratner. I really regret that Singer didn't finish the series he started. It is nice that he is coming back though.
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Without a doubt, Superman Lives!

There is simply nothing like it. Whether or not it would have been a good film, impossible to say. Whether or not it would have been faithful to the comics - I would actually say yes, if you go and check out the 90's comics (alienated, long-haired messiah-like Superman, it's all in there). But it would certainly have been fascinating.
Most Intriguing as in a sick demented way, I would have been curious to see how awful Jack Black and Robert Smigel (aka Triumph the Insult Dog)'s take on Green Lantern would have been.

Staring Black as the main GL, and written by him and Smigel. Yes, apparently this was on the table at one time as far as having a script turned in; where Black the winner of a Fear Factor like contest is recognized by aliens (I guess they watch the show) who give him the ring.
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I really really liked spider-man 3, or sony's spider-man 3, so...Sam Raimi's SM3 & SM4 plz
Burton's Batman 3. I'd love to have seen what he was going to do with it.
Probably Batman vs. Superman is the most intriguing

The one I would have most wanted to see would be Singer's X3
I dunno about the best, but I give thanks in prayer every day that Joel Schumacher's follow-up to Batman And Robin starring Howard Stern as the Scarecrow never got made.
I dunno about the best, but I give thanks in prayer every day that Joel Schumacher's follow-up to Batman And Robin starring Howard Stern as the Scarecrow never got made.

That was just Stern spreading rumors/being funny. He's a Batman fan himself, but he never would have done that.
Yeah, back then there were rumors for everyone from Marilyn Manson and Howard Stern as the Scarecrow to Brad Pitt and Josh Hartnett as Batman....it was fun.

I would have loved to see Singer's X-men 3. It was clear he was getting better and better.
Singer's X-Men 3 mainly because the alternative wouldn't exist.
Im grateful we didnt get cam's spider-man but maybe it would of still been cool , who knows. ill always wonder if the vulteress was true or not,lol Also what about Whedon's wonder woman.
I would have loved to have seen
The Batman a script by Tom Mankewics (Superman :The Movie) that had Joker, Rupert Thorne, Silver St. Cloud.

Batman 3 with Keaton, Robin Williams as Riddler and Billy Dee Williams as Two-Face.

Batman Triumphnant with Scarecrow and Harley Quinn and an apearnce by Jack Nicholson as The Joker.

Batman: Darknight with Scarecrow and Man-Bat

Superman: Flyby by JJ Abrams

X-Men 3 by Bryan Singer

Spider-man 4 by Sam Raimi with John Malkovich as Vulture

Superman: The New Movie ( a film when The Salkinds had the film rights in the early 90's that Superman, Brainiac, and The Bottled City of Kandor)

The Flash movie by David S. Goyer
Definitely Nolan's plan for Batman 3. Joker as an on going threat? Awesome.

It really doesnt fit with the thread topic, but I've always wanted an adaption of Kraven's Last Hunt. It'll never happen. Its just too dark.
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