Move.. You're dead!


Apr 24, 2007
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god bless Joe Horn.

god bless him?!?!'s rediculous, why didn't he, i don't know, take a picture of them through his window and wait for the police to arrive instead of killing them.

and couldn't he have have made a non-lethal shot if is had to shoot them?

i mean...he killed them, he ended their lives! they weren't attacking him or anything!

i'm not say it's ok to steal like that...but i don't think they deserved to die. Joe Horn should be punished.
Stupid cowboy crap. Just another guy who forgot the west has been won already. In this day and age he should know better than to take the law into his own hands.
I laughed. I couldn't care less about the lives of two petty crooks, brazen enough to rob someone's home in broad daylight. **** 'em.

His attorney is saying that he shot in self-defense. That's going to be a tough sell with Horn explicitly saying "I'm going to kill them". The thieves were about 15 feet away when Horn shot them and he said they came into his yard after he went outside. He wasn't even taken into custody after the shooting and there's been no decision made on filing charges as of yet.
I laughed. I couldn't care less about the lives of two petty crooks, brazen enough to rob someone's home in broad daylight. **** 'em.

His attorney is saying that he shot in self-defense. That's going to be a tough sell with Horn explicitly saying "I'm going to kill them". The thieves were about 15 feet away when Horn shot them and he said they came into his yard after he went outside. He wasn't even taken into custody after the shooting and there's been no decision made on filing charges as of yet.
This is, to me, a tough call. I agree with your first statement, but you can't say you're going to kill someone, do it, and then get away with it...can you?
Stupid cowboy crap. Just another guy who forgot the west has been won already. In this day and age he should know better than to take the law into his own hands.
this inbred belongs in jail , there is no possible way he could justify that shooting , i really dont care about the thieves but joe horn and his backwards mentality are a danger to society .
This is, to me, a tough call. I agree with your first statement, but you can't say you're going to kill someone, do it, and then get away with it...can you?
I imagine it would depend on how it happened. He could have talked to high heaven about killing those guys with the dispatcher, but his actions would be more determinative. If he goes out there and simply fires after the crooks see him, I don't think self-defense is gonna fly. If after the crooks saw him with the gun, they rushed into his yard, I believe it becomes a question of did they pose a reasonable threat to him and what role his drawing a gun on them played.

I found this in an article:
Under Texas law, people may use deadly force to protect their own property or to stop arson, burglary, robbery, theft or criminal mischief at night.

But the legislator who authored the "castle doctrine" bill told the Chronicle it was never intended to apply to a neighbor's property, to prompt a "'Law West of the Pecos' mentality or action," said Republican Sen. Jeff Wentworth. "You're supposed to be able to defend your own home, your own family, in your house, your place of business or your motor vehicle."

More details about exactly what happened when Horn went outside will have to be known, but somehow, I don't think this guy is going to be convicted, if he's even charged.
I wonder if we'll ever know if they "rushed" him. Somehow I doubt it, but what I think doesn't matter a lot in this case.
i think it would be obvious to find out if they were rushing him by looking at the photos of the dead bodies. where were they? what direction were they facing?

this **** should be open and close, check out where their getaway car is, check the window they broke into, check the stuff they were stealing, where is it in relation to mr horn? a ****ing monkey could see this piece of **** just wanted to shoot something. like the operator said, which a lot of people, on this site included, need to ****ing realize.


****ing idiots....
I am with J on this. I have little sympathy for the theives, but I also have little sympathy for the redneck that obviously was just looking for a reason to use his gun.

In this case it was just a matter of three idiots meeting one another, & ridding us of themselves. I say good riddance to all involved.
Two out of three idiot a-holes no longer doing damage to other people on this planet isn't too bad of a ratio. Too bad the third one is still breathing, though.

I couldn't care less about the lives of two petty crooks, brazen enough to rob someone's home in broad daylight. **** 'em.

Two out of three idiot a-holes no longer doing damage to other people on this planet isn't too bad of a ratio. Too bad the third one is still breathing, though.


Quoted for motherf**king truth. If they're stupid enough to break into someone's house in broad daylight (or night time, for that matter), they deserve to die.
Quoted for motherf**king truth. If they're stupid enough to break into someone's house in broad daylight (or night time, for that matter), they deserve to die.

How... Darwinian.
dumb crooks obviously werent afraid of dying if they were making it that obvious to steal from a house...although i dont like the mr.horns idea of shooting to kill...
2 criminals off the street is always a good thing.

But Mr. Horn deserves jail time. The 911 call flat out saying he's going to kill them, and then does so.
that dispatcher did not do nearly enough to convince the redneck to stay inside either

Yeah, you'd think repeating "Don't go outside" enough times would register with someone. :oldrazz:
When I was a kid that mentality was a lot more common and life was a lot better. You never even heard of thieves that brazen. Burglary and theft were far rarer. The guy should get a medal.

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