Movies205's Reviews and Discussion Thread


Corporate Money
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
This thread use to be something a little different but now it something new... For every movie I watch(and I watch a lot) I shall post a review, here are the following movies I have watched and reviewed so far with links to the review

Movies205's Reviews!
40 Year Old Virgin, The (2005) 7/10
Aristocrats, The (2005) 9.5/10
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) 7/10
Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987) 8/10
Bewitched (2005) 6.75/10
Beyond the Sea (2004) 5.5/10
Blow (2001) 7.5/10
Brothers Grimm, The (2005) 8/10
Buffalo '66 (1998) 7.5/10
Cape Fear (1991) 6.5/10
Cocoon (1985) 7/10
Devil's Rejects (2005) 5/10
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 7.5/10
Dr. No (1962) 8/10
Dukes of Hazzard (2005) 6/10
Edward Scissorhands (1990) 9/10
Evolution (2001) 7/10
A Face in the Crowd (1957) 10/10
Fantastic Four (2005) 5/10
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) ?/10
Field of Dreams (1989) 7.5/10
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005) 5/10
Hotel Rwanda (2004) 10/10
Howl's Moving Castle (2004) 8/10
Independence Day (1996) 6/10
The Island (2005) 5/10
Labyrinth (1986) 6.5/10
Land of the Dead (2005) 4/10
M (1931) 6/10
The Machinist (2004) 7/10
The Magnificent Seven (1960) 7/10
March of the Penguins (2005) 7.5/10
Midnight Cowboy (1969) 8/10
Mission Impossible (1996) 6.5/10
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1993) 9/10
Must Love Dogs (2005) 7/10
Mystery Alaska (1999) 6.5/10
Oldboy (2003) 8.5/10
Overnight (2003) 6.5/10
Platoon (1986) 8/10
Red Eye (2005) 6.5/10
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) 8/10
Scent of a Woman (1992) 7/10
Sixteen Candles (1984) 6.5/10
Spy Who Loved Me, The (1977) 7.5/10
Strangers on a Train (1951) 9/10
Suspiria (1977) 8/10
True Romance (1993) 7.5/10
Taxi Driver (1976) 7/10
The Transporter (2002) 6.5/10
The Transporter 2 (2005) 8/10
Upside of Anger, The (2005) 8/10
Waterworld (1995) 6.5/10
War of the Worlds (2005) 6.5/10
Wedding Crashers (2005) 7.5/10
Wrong Man, The (1956) 7.5/10

AVG Rating: 7

Other movies I have seen but haven't rated:

Movies watched but not reviewed yet:
Gangs of New York (Martin Scorsese)
Dial M for Murder (Alfred Hitchcock)
Advise and Conscent (I forget )
Foreign Correspondent (Alfred Hitchcock)
Get Shorty

Feel free to recommend movies for me to watch that you think are good

Other Movies that need to be watched that I have

Dances with Wolves
Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah

The Man with the Golden Gun

Other User Reviews
Starman (1984) 10/10 - LastSunrise1981
Me and my brother keep talking about sitting down and watching the LOTR Extended Editions back to back and we can't even bring ourselves to do that in one day. Good luck!!
Theres alot of good movies you need to watch that you have there.
huskerwebhead said:
Me and my brother keep talking about sitting down and watching the LOTR Extended Editions back to back and we can't even bring ourselves to do that in one day. Good luck!!

Me and my mates did that, it was brutal. I think it was around 11hours 10 mins in the end. Don't make the same mistake I did though, we started watching it at 11pm, not good.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
uh,neat.I predict that you will gain weight in the next month.

Nah I've switched to a vegetarian diet and have been bike riding every day...
won't bike-riding cut in to your dvd-viewing. :(
Well,I guess if you don't watch all the extras you'll be all right.

Directed by Ivan Reitman
Rating: 7/10

This movie is quite frankly SOLID. It's just a fun movie but at the same time I have to say it does feel like a ghostbusters movie from time to time which isn't nessarily a bad thing. Orlando Bloom's acting seems a tad out of place from time to time, I don't know where he's going whether he's the air-head scientist, the womanizer, or all that just a facade. I think some jokes just aren't funny such as Julianne Moore's character being a klutz. Also I was bother by the fact that Ducuvny(SP) ex-wife was brought in so briefly, and the cop character was somewhat expanded upon and then just left for dead. Also the score was hit and miss, sometimes it was great and other times it wasn't. The CGI Was a bit rough in some places but over-all solid. I loved all the different creatures and how the science actually made some sense. Though over-all I love the film, it has so much energy and characters that are just made for us to love, and some great film moments and quotes. I love when right after they slay the flying dragon thing they all just cock there shotguns and the music starts playing that was awesome. Some favorite quotes

[Dr. Paulson is going to pull the alien bug out through Harry's rectum]
Nurse Tate: I'll get the lubricant...
Dr. Paulson: No time for lubricant!
Harry Block: There's ALWAYS time for lubricant!
Harry Block: So, do they give the Nobel Prize out in yearly payments or is it just one lump sum, like the lottery?
Ira Kane: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Harry Block: Oh, I'm not getting ahead of myself. I've very concerned about the potential tax consequences.
Ira Kane: You wouldn't understand.
Dr. Allison Reed: No, how could I? I'm just a humorless ice queen in desperate need of a good humping.

Some great one-liners I have to say

Date Watched: June 24, 2005
Wilhelm-Scream said:
won't bike-riding cut in to your dvd-viewing. :(
Well,I guess if you don't watch all the extras you'll be all right.

I don't really watch DVD-Extras I occasionally do, there fun to have when you get bored but with this many movies who would have the time?
some movies I only buy for the commentaries, like, a really crappy movie, but the director *****es and talks **** about the cast/crew the whole time.Entertainment.
wow a bragger, instead of posting that u have stuff to do, turn your computer off, and go do it
Wilhelm-Scream said:
some movies I only buy for the commentaries, like, a really crappy movie, but the director *****es and talks **** about the cast/crew the whole time.Entertainment.
theJust said:
wow a bragger, instead of posting that u have stuff to do, turn your computer off, and go do it

Yeah I do like bragging about my collection :) I admit it, I think it's pretty self-explantory when someone makes a thread going off about how they ave 37 unwatched DVDs, but I mean who really cares? Are you telling me you haven't bought something or have stuff that you are excited about so much so that you just want tell people about it. I mean I just realized that I have this many dvds that need to be watched so why don't you stop being a deuche bag that wants attention and get the hell out cuz no one cares. Or perhaps you can join in the discussion and be an actual asset to the community instead of just an ass

Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987)
Directed by Tony Scott
Rating 8/10

Truth be told I liked this entry into the series better than the first something that doesn't happen often, I think it works better as a drama with comic relief then the otherway around. First off I like how they brought back all the characters from the first(minus the leading lady from last time) for the sequal and came up with a plausible idea for Axel to return to Beverly Hills. I like how they didn't rehash a lot from the first film of the cops hassling Axel, instead shifted the gears towards his 2 beverly hills cop friends being hassled. Over-all the story focused more on the solving the case. Now the problem with BHC 2 is that it doesn't manage to get over the hill that most sequals find themselves daunted by which is it doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's pretty much the same premise of the first film, it of course manages to mask the problem which is why the movie turned out so well by tottally not focusing on Axel folley being in a different enviroment like the first film did and just soley focuses on the case. Of course this still leads to some problems such as the Rosewood/Taggart relationship which is the same exact thing from the first one and it feels like sort of a been there, done that thing. Of course they try to spice it up a little bit by making Rosewood even odder and Taggart even more strict which I think did not work very well, in the first film there was a balance between these guys but by pushing the extremes one becomes extremely lame(taggart) and the other just stupid(Rosewood). Also the ending is so remarkably similar to the first one. Also the characters haven't evolved at all since the first one, everyone is the same and stays the same through out the movie except for the now traditional Rosewood/Taggart stand up at the end, that the reason this movie shines so much is how well crafted it is. It starts off with the robbery and then one of axel's friends down in BH getting shot , there's a shrowd of mystery on the whole thing, and then as the movie progesses the shrowd of mystery just starts to disappear and Axel Folley is such a fun character that it just so much fun to be there right along side him as he figures out the who, what, when, and where too this case. So that's why I give it 8 out of 10 stars because it's very well crafted, but it's a bit hollow on character development and feels a little too much like the first one.

Date Watched: June 25, 2005
Movies205 said:
Yeah I do like bragging about my collection :) I admit it, I think it's pretty self-explantory when someone makes a thread going off about how they ave 37 unwatched DVDs, but I mean who really cares? Are you telling me you haven't bought something or have stuff that you are excited about so much so that you just want tell people about it. I mean I just realized that I have this many dvds that need to be watched so why don't you stop being a deuche bag that wants attention and get the hell out cuz no one cares. Or perhaps you can join in the discussion and be an actual asset to the community instead of just an ass

You've got to be kidding me. He's the one that wants attention? HA.
CorporalHicks said:
watch collateral first

I saw it in theaters and I liked it so I picked it up on DVD but I haven't watched it yet hence why it's on the list. It's a good movie :up: I watched Gangs of New York and Muppets Christmas Carol yesterday....

Land of the Dead (2005)
Directed by George A. Romero
Rating 4/10

If you're a gore hound then you'll love this movie for everyone else I suggest looking for another movie. First off I really wish I could say there was a plot to this movie or some kind of struggle per chance but there really isn't since these things take up probably less than 15 minutes of the movie, all it is for one hour and a half is zombies eating people, zombies getting shot, and ****ty one liners. Dennis Hopper's character comes off as merely something tacked on to fill up time since his character really isn't essential to anything other than to just piss people off. All of the characters are flat and 2 dimensional. You really could give a **** about any of them pretty much taking away all of the horror that there could possibly be. Secondly the zombies themselves aren't out scary, especially the smart ones, I actually started sympathizing with them as the movie progressed. Also the concept of the movie is great but is hardly taken anywhere. So if you just like random gore for a hour and half this is the movie for you, but for the rest of us Romero has let us down.

Date Watched: June 26, 2005
I return boys and girls with many more movies to rate...

Face in the Crowd
Directed by Elia Kazan
Rating 10/10

Amazing movie folks! This stars Andy Griffith and was coinsidently his debut role and saddly one of the few actual movies he starred in after this he mostly did a lot of TV for whatever reason. This movie deals with the theme that the people on TV have the power to control the masses and actual records how it change the scape of politics. To delievar this message the story follows how a drunken bum found in some hick town's jail manages to become the single most powerful and popular man on televesion, his name is Lonesome Rhodes, this is the character Andy Griffith portrays. This film greatest strength is how well it shows the change in Andy Griffith character since it begins with him being "just a simple country boy" to raving pompous ass who cares only for a power. It shows how Lonesome Rhodes becomes sort of a black-hole and how everyone around him then become sucked in and are changed in to cold unfeeling people as well. It's amazing film since it shows what powers does to you and to those around you. The performances are excellent, it goes without saying that Andy Griffith gives a great performance but one of my favorite characters in this movie was the quiet writer who seems to be just rolled over by the great steam engine known as "Lonesome Rhodes" and delievars one of the most powerful monologues that the silver screen has ever seen. So I give this movie a big recommendation!

Date Watched: June 29, 2005

The Magnificent Seven
Directed by John Sturges
Rating 7/10

I had the pleasure of watching Magnificent Seven untainted and what I mean by that is, I haven't seen Seven Samurai before. Seven Samurai was made in 1954 and directed by Akira Kurosawa, it is hailed to be one of the greatest, if not THE greatest movie of all time. Now The Magnificent Seven is the high-budget american remake of that, it was made in 1960. Now I woudn't call TMS ground-breaking, nor would I call it great, what I would call it is a good film something that's far over-look today since most of the movies that come out are not good. First off I think the acting is reasonably solid, I particularly enjoyed any scene with Yul Brynner. Now one of my minor quibbles with the film had to be the fact that I just don't think everyone got enough time nor did we even manage to get any sort of character development out of Yul Brennor's character, he play the lonesome badass type , though it doesn't hurt the film at all, there's no scenes where you really feel for his character since he never really has a struggle to contend with unlike some of the other characters. As for the other characters there was enough for most of them to get the point across but to me it was too little, I would of like a little more to chomp on. Another point to bring across is that all the characters were quite 2 dimensional except for the youngest cowboy. See that's where a movie ranks between a great movie and a good movie. This movie had a good story but to me it didn't have the characters to bring it into "great" status since they were all 2 dimensional and none of them grew except for the youngest cowboy. But this movie has some nice-pay offs at end, I can see how another version of this could be better, I'd say if the characters were better than this certainly could be a great movie. So if you just want relax and just watch a good old western I'd recommend The Magnificent Seven, I'd even recommend it if you didn't have anythign to watch, it still is a good movie.

Date Watched: June 29, 2005
Watch Monty Python And The Holy Grail or Animal House:cool:. There both classics

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