Mr. Face

You're probably right.

Webhead, l was wrong, your little circles with stupid little deatails my 7 yr old sister could draw, are in fact, art. Some of the best on this site.

Thank you.
Trip Like I Do said:
You're probably right.

Webhead, l was wrong, your little circles with stupid little deatails my 7 yr old sister could draw, are in fact, art. Some of the best on this site.

Thank you.

Would you just shut up please?
No, you only need to say your opinion one time. You've said it more then once.
webhead, your stuff is fine. it is what you like to do. don't listen to anybody else. if you like it, that is all that matters.
I can't wait to get a scanner and post my real art. Thanks spiderfan08
The smileys are stupid, but I'm not going to hate on you for it. I like the Dr. Doom one.
I'll say it was funny.

But some of the crapiest things I have ever seen.

loveable and cute.

but a completley useless thread.

I can't wait to get a scanner to.


........ummmm yeah-gonna have to say im not a fan..

If you are going to use these things as smilies you should work on a much smaller scale. Much of the 'detail' you have used is going to get lost when you shrink them down.

.......because god knows we need more smilies in the world...its a dying art ive heard...
Here are some more! I'll have more tonite!:D







How long did it take to make Thing? And are you using Microsoft Paint?
I think they are cool oh and just to let you know Kaod Er I just got off the phone they said they wanted SATAN back. Anyways you should lay off him I think the FACES ARE COOL and who totally owned you with the sleepy mr.Face, You keep doing what you want We Head and don't listen to what anyone else has to say, I think you're smiley faces are funnier than hell and I think they are artistic and Kaod Er why don't you try and post something other than going on google and typing in the word stop sign, and posting it, why don't you try and draw something for a change but until then lay off because you're as of right now are not better than this kid and also I appologize that god did not give you artistic abilities but don't it out on webs K
THE LIZARD#1 said:
I think they are cool oh and just to let you know Kaod Er I just got off the phone they said they wanted SATAN back. Anyways you should lay off him I think the FACES ARE COOL and who totally owned you with the sleepy mr.Face, You keep doing what you want We Head and don't listen to what anyone else has to say, I think you're smiley faces are funnier than hell and I think they are artistic and Kaod Er why don't you try and post something other than going on google and typing in the word stop sign, and posting it, why don't you try and draw something for a change but until then lay off because you're as of right now are not better than this kid and also I appologize that god did not give you artistic abilities but don't it out on webs K

:eek: Thanks!!!!

And, I think Kaod Er is banned.
And, LOL! at the first sentence.
Oh, that was a cool reply "THE LIZARD#1".
I like your sig too. That was funny when Spidey said that in the gameplay video.
Thanks for the cool reply!!!!:spidey::D
ABC said:
How long did it take to make Thing? And are you using Microsoft Paint?

It took about seven minutes to make the Thing. And yes, I'm using MicroSoft Paint.:D
Okay, here are some more.







HobGoblin is kind of small. Sorry.

LMAO, thank WEBS lol I just read the post again and lol I saw the I guess I was soo mad with the way the guy was putting you down that I made so many typos lol it was suppsoed to be I got off the phone with hell they said they wanted satan back or something I don't rember lol, anyways I love the GOBLIN faces lol and thanks for sticking up for me with the whole Lizard thing but I know they are just goofing off I try to amuse them as much as I can and make fun of my LIZARD fetish lmao. Anyways keep on drawing Mr. Face I think Mr. Face is SWEET! lmao,
Okay, here are three more. I'll probaly post three at a time. I have a few finished now, and a bunch more planned!







I love these. And anyway art is freedom of expression. Art is revealing your thoughs, ideas, inspirations, or desires to the world. Art is whatever the artist designs.

I hate modern art. But it is still art. I am not going to act like an idiot and deny it just because I don't like it. And if something looks like a 7 year old drew it, then I'd have to say that it's damn good because he has every 6 year old in the world BEAT.

Some of them are actually pretty good. Kids in my class couldn't draw some of those. And they make me smile. I think that the fact that you have these here and want to share them with everyone, that makes you just as good as any other artist. This is your style. If Alex Ross drew these exact pictures, do you know how many people would be on him, praising him for doing a unique style? Or say "Ah dude that was so funny..I love those"

People are only on your case because they want to whine. dude, take it from me. You rock. I know that this is not your best and that it's only MS Paint...But it's as good as anything else. Don't ever stop EVER. You hear me?

Fools are always looking to put people down. I can't stand it. These are just smiley faces you thought were funny and wanted to share. And then some flamer goes and tries to start with you, while you maintained equanimity the whole time. GRR!! For what? What did you do that was so wrong?!

I love these man...I would wear most of them as t-shirts in fact. Because they're just that awesome. Or a nice gift as a coffee mug.
ChineseFooD said:
I love these. And anyway art is freedom of expression. Art is revealing your thoughs, ideas, inspirations, or desires to the world. Art is whatever the artist designs.

I hate modern art. But it is still art. I am not going to act like an idiot and deny it just because I don't like it. And if something looks like a 7 year old drew it, then I'd have to say that it's damn good because he has every 6 year old in the world BEAT.

Some of them are actually pretty good. Kids in my class couldn't draw some of those. And they make me smile. I think that the fact that you have these here and want to share them with everyone, that makes you just as good as any other artist. This is your style. If Alex Ross drew these exact pictures, do you know how many people would be on him, praising him for doing a unique style? Or say "Ah dude that was so funny..I love those"

People are only on your case because they want to whine. dude, take it from me. You rock. I know that this is not your best and that it's only MS Paint...But it's as good as anything else. Don't ever stop EVER. You hear me?

Fools are always looking to put people down. I can't stand it. These are just smiley faces you thought were funny and wanted to share. And then some flamer goes and tries to start with you, while you maintained equanimity the whole time. GRR!! For what? What did you do that was so wrong?!

I love these man...I would wear most of them as t-shirts in fact. Because they're just that awesome. Or a nice gift as a coffee mug.

Thanks! This stuff is kind of easy to make. But it's fun too.
I've been drawing since 1999. My art is better now then it was then. LOL!

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