My 12 Issues with the X-Men


Dec 28, 2007
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Ha love that topic title. I dont have an issue with X-Men basically someone asked me recently if i was to write a 12 issue book on the x-men... what would you do. I said, id fix some of the problems mutants had before...So he the said ok, write 12 treatments of x-men with a story you would write and you can only include 2 new characters... one good, one bad... so i said ok, and here would be my treatment for the 12 issues... please tell me what you think?

My Idea...
(12 Issue Run)
Issue 1 - Scott Summers keeps having visions of Jean Grey everywhere, this effects his relationship with Emma Frost of which they split. Scott realises that with the choas that has happend over the past several years he's had enough. He heads to Alaska for a quiet life. After a couple of days as he settles into his new life, he heads to a bar he will make his local haunt. Whilst there he meets a character who only introduces himself as "The Doctor" whose story is very simular to Scotts as he has moved to this small town in Alaska to avoid the life he left behind. Later that night scott calls it a day and heads out of the bar, suddenly his body goes into his secondary mutation and he is unable to stop the energy beam from his eyes. Screaming in pain he is found by "The Doctor" who administers a seditive knocking him out. He later awakes in "The Doctor's" cabin laid on his sofa, he sits up and see's his ruby quarts glasses on the table, his eyes are open but there is no lazer shoots out of them. He panics for a second but "The Doctor" calms him down and says that he has fixed his mutation. After scott says there was nothing to fix and that he was proud of being a mutant "The Doctor" tells him that he still is a mutant but all he has done has enabled him to better control his ability. Scott then deminstrates that he can shoot the same red lazer but now has the ability to stop this without closing his eyes leaving him shocked and speachless.
Issue 2 - The Doctor reveals that he once worked for a mutant research facility, he was under contract to keep his research top secrete. His work wasnt to cure mutants but to help perfect there mutant genetics as some mutations were too powerful for some mutants to control. However people in the goverment wanted him to force a cure on all mutants but he declined and went on the run. Later the X-Men (Emma Frost, Logan, & Henry McCoy) turn up. Emma picked up on his disress earlier and came to the rescue. They manage to find the Doctors Cabin and burst in thinking he was a threat. Scott stops them and tells them that he is not an enermy and that he has helped him control his lazer. The X-Men then state that they have been picking up strange signals coming from the cabin and they demand to know what it is. "The Doctor" knows that they are refering too and is happy to show them what it is, they head to a shed just outside the cabin, as "The Doctor" opens it the x-men stand shocked. It's Jean Grey... Jean is in some kind of cryogenic sleeping chamber which "The Doctor" has been maintaining. Scott crys to see she is alive but cant believe its her because they had beried her. Emma Frost sees that Scott cant let go of Jean and she can not take anymore of this and she decides to Leave the x-men. Logan thinks "The Doctor" has been keeping her locked up however this isnt the case. When Wanda caused most of the mutants in the world to lose there powers. Jean was reborn, the phoenix is now totally perged from her body, its as if she had been reset before the phoenix had taken over. However her mind is locked inside and they need a powerful mutant to help. Emma refuses to help and they do not know where xavier is. Suddenly as Scott leans over the container, Jean awakes and says "Scott"

Issue 3 - Jean and Scott are reunited, Jean remembers everything up on till she died. They are left to talk things through, Logan heads back to the X-Jet and reports back to the mansion that Jean is alive, He then reflects on his feelings he had for her. In"The Doctors" Cabin Henry talks in length about how "The Doctor" was able to help Scott with his ability. "The Doctor" suddenly relised who Henry was and relises that his mutant ability has caused him to become more feral. After "The Doctor" does a few tests on Henry's mutation he finds that he is infact De-Evolving and that he is at risk of losing his sentiant mind to become more feral. However "The Doctor" can help. He gives Herny a serum that can stop's henry from further evolving, Henry takes the serum and instead of stopping the mutation it actually reverses his state back to his pre-furr days, he still retains his big hands and feet. When "The Doctor" investigates he finds that the serum has reverted the cells back to his true mutation state. But there is a rogue cell that has been causing his de-evolution which has now been suppressed. Suddenly Logan re-enters to find Henry in human form which he had once argued with henry about being proud of who they are. Suddenly Logan relises who "The Doctor" is... He call's him "Sinister!"
Issue 4 - Logan goes to fight "The Doctor" thinking he is Mr Sinister, as his appearance bears alot. Which the others relise is uncanny. However "The Doctor" has no idea what they are talking about. Just as Logan goes to slice him up Charles Xavier turns up. When sinister entered his mind, he knew all about "The Doctor" It turns out that his real name is Niles Essex, He is a clone that was made from the body of Nathaniel Essex before he rid himself of that body. Niles was the fail safe Clone just incase the machine that Essex had built had not worked. However when Essex plans worked and his mind was succesfully transfered into a new body. He forgot all about Niles and let him to rot in his cell. However Nathaniel had succeeded in making him immortal, he was found by a newly formed goverment at the time and later moved to a hidden location. Years later sinister found out about Niles and tried to retrieve his body to bring him back to life. However Niles managed to escape both Sinister and The Goverment... After a quick reunion with Jean xavier warns that The Goverment are aware of Niles's location and have sent a team to collect him, they must all leave. Just as they do the team turn up, they all fight except for Niles and Jean who make there way to the X-Jet. The rest soon follow as they make a retreat. They discover that Niles was working for Weapon X.
Issue 5 - They return to there base in san fransico where they go into debriefing. They realise that Weapon X has programes all over the world, since the x-men disbanded Weapon X grew, they can't have that. Xavier turns to Scott and says the're needs to be x-men. Scott agree's but refuses to serve under Xavier again. Xavier says that his mind has been manipulated by sinister, xavier's dream was warped by his own madness. Xavier looks at Niles and says he should lead the team and usher in a new era... Niles questions why Xavier would want a clone of there worst nemesis. Xavier states that Niles is only the body and intelligence of Sinister but not his mind. And from his work he has only tried to help the mutant race not hinder it like Sinister, Magneto and even Xavier himself have done. Dr.Niles Essex then forms a new team...The Ex-Men. Jean feels for Niles who has kept her safe all this time and Joins his team, she entices Scott to join. Henry goes to join but xavier requests his help. instead Logan joins this new team to keep an eye on Niles who he doesnt truely trust. Xavier and Henry leave as the new Ex-Men go on there first mission. Niles recalls tales of his capture with Weapon X and the number of mutants that are being held captive there. The Ex-Men head to the facility to free the mutants there. They succeed with the help of two mutants being held there who had been thought dead "Morph, Maggott" After helping them, Niles invites them to Join his new Ex-Men team. They later find out who was the face of that branch of Weapon x his name is "Serephim" Serephim was a mutant simulare to angel who hated being a mutant, he cut his wings off, Later Apocalypse came to him and warped his mind into working for him to rid the world of all mutants, However instead made him one of the horsemen, tranforming his body in the same way arch-angel had become with metal wings. However Serephim's mind was too strong, too full of hate he relised who Apocalypse was and rebelled against him, this later lead to Apocaylpse later finding Warren and turning him into the new Death of his Horsemen. Now serephim became part of a new formed Weapon X and has been building his army to take down Apocalypse who he sees as the Ultimate mutant he will conqure. The Ex-Men head back to there HQ to formulate a new tactic.
Issue 6 - Serephim reviews tapes of this newly formed Ex-Men team and decides to form his own team. This issue sees him approaching several familure mutants to join... the first is Toad who helps him out when he gets into a fight with his fellow 198 members. The second member is Sauron who his handed over by Sheild as a spy. After escaping the Young X-Men - Donald Pierce meets with Serephim and joins the team as a financle backer. He later visits Vertigo who has gone into seclusion after Sinister had not returned. She agrees to join. The last member to join is Arcade who is made the leader of this new psychotic Weapon X team. The Ex-Men then attend a mutant riot that had been formed by Serephim which he did to reveal his own team Weapon X: The Outcasts.
Issue 7 - The Ex-Men fight the Outcasts however they seem a little uneasy to fight. The Outcasts who had agreed to join this team have now all been fitted with explosibe collars and if they did not do Serephims will he will kill them. However that is his overal plan in the first place. The Ex-Men soon find this and the only way to stop it would be for them to stop Serephim. Cyclops makes a call to a mysterious mutant then tells the team to continue to fight. As they are locked in battle Serephim is distracted by Niles who he had tourted during his imprisionment with Weapon X. This distraction saw two mutants flying through the air. It is Rogue holding Gambit who grabs hold of Serephim and charges him with Knetic energy, this unlocks The Outcasts who then get beaten by the Ex-Men so they run off. Serephim now charged with knetic energy flies off into the sky screaming before you see a red bright light explode in the sky. The Ex-men head back to there head quarters where Rogue and Gambit have joined them, they soon find Henry and Xavier have returned and installed a new computer system called "Cell Finder" Xavier and Henry have been designing a new Cerebro that doesnt need psychic abilities to operate. It is Xaviers present to the newly formed Ex-Men. Niles offers Gambit and Rogue to join as they could use there powers. Not long after fitting Cell Finder, they locate one of The Outcasts Toad who they go to detain.
Issue 8 - The Ex-Men - now consisting of... Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, Beast, Morph and Maggott begin to build there very own Mansion, with money Xavier gave so that Niles and Scott could carry on his dream, there vision that he could not do. Wolverine is sent on a mission to pick up Toad who has stayed relatively close after the inciddent. Wolverine succeeds however toad reveals he no longer works for Weapon X but for someone he would be more loyal too. Suddenly Wolverine cant move as Magneto enters. Magneto returns to his old ways and is building a new brotherhood however this time still retaining the name "Outcasts" which had been tattooed on Toad for being in that team. Magneto is then joined by Virtigo who has also joined Magneto, she makes wolverine dizzy before Magneto makes his fly into the air and fly across the sky. Magneto, toad and virtigo leave the area. Back at the mansion, Cyclops is talking to Gambit about Niles as he has reservation working with a clone of sinister, However Gambit tells him that Sinister's consious has finally been destroyed and niles represents if anything, what was good in Nathaniel Essex. Meanwhile Niles starts to feel in pain, he looks into a mirror as he starts to mutate.
Issue 9 - Gambit goes to see Niles, Niles is sat stairing in a mirror. He speaks with Gambit and finds that his voice has become Hypnotic. Niles is going through secondary mutation. Niles fears that Nathaniel has once again found a way to come back. Gambit manages to talk him out of his histeria and makes a packed with him. If at any time Niles becomes Sinister, Gambit must stop him as he believes his knetic energy is the only thing that would be able to kill him. Gambit agrees. Suddenly the ex-men are called to action when Magneto finally shows up with his new Outcasts... Vertigo, Toad, and a couple of unknown mutants. They fight the Ex-Men.
Issue 10 - As the fight goes on, mysterious psychic soldiers turn up and cause everyone to stop fighting. there faces are covered but they all seem to retain the same features. Suddenly there leader turns up and reveals himself... It's Charles Xavier. when wanda got rid of all that mutant energy it unhinged earth, causing normal humans genetics to move slighty to the left, giving them a slight psychic ability. those that were able to harness the ability was made into a team, these are the psychic soldiers and that Charles Xavier is made there leader. Known now as X-Thought...They are there to stop extreme mutants like Magneto. Magneto takes this as a personal threat and swears Xavier as a personal enermy. They part ways... Later Magneto speaks to his Outcasts and says that humans have crossed a line, he gathers as many supporters he can find to join his Outcasts. Niles looks up the history of Charles Xavier as he has now taken his place in leading the X-Men. He is then visited by a bold women who he doesnt realise is cassandra nova. She informs Niles that Charles has gone bad and that he must stop him. It is later revealed that Cassandra has captured Xavier and is the real leader of the Psychic Soldiers.
Issue 11 - Everything starts to get even more stranger when the sentinal programe is re-instated, a war breaks out between EVERYONE all chaos has happend, Magneto's Outcasts are fighting the Psychic Soliders who are being lead by Cassandra Nova. Ex-Men are trying to keep the peace. To top this Sentinals are fighting back. Suddenly Charles Xavier manages to psychically contact Niles over what is happening. He tells him to help Magneto and stop the imposter Charles Xavier who is really Cassandra Nova. They do and Magneto succeeds however kills Cassandra Nova. All chaos has been averted, Cassandra had been planning this for some time, she was working for a higher power who wants to see the world drawn back to the survival of the fittest. And that all of this was for just a small task to be performed. Later when everything is settled down, Niles starts to hear voices. Sinister had entered his mind, Via Xavier. Niles becomes the new Mr Sinister
Issue 12 - On the run and very weak Niles/Sinister is heading to an unknown location the Ex-Men try to track him down and manage to follow him. They catch up with him and try to perge Sinister from his mind, However they are stopped by Serephim who had not died. Apocalypse rebuilt him, this time he has two horsemen with him. Niles/Sinsiter is to become the forth when Apocalypse reborns Sinister. However there is a problem... Niles manages to fight Sinisters mind and instead using his hypnotic ability and slight psychic gift he transfers Sinisters consious into Apocalypse... they merge to become an entity called "The End" who can only see destruction. This free's Serephim's mind who sees the full extent of what he has done and grabs hold of "The End" and travels into space. That is the end, Niles returns to the Ex-Men. Xavier says that he has truely shown that he was born to lead a new era as Xavier walks off into the distant.

Please let me know what you think, im thinking of becoming a writer... excuse the bad spelling but i could use the creative feedback.

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