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its been in planning forever-heres the final thing. someone please read it, i think its good and would like to now what others think.
The w.b. logo appears, the skys behind it blacken, it transforms into an upside down gotham city as we flip with it to see gotham city at night. Pan back to see we’re in Bruce Waynes study-Wayne is there, staring out the window. Wayne Manors completely rebuilt. “the theme plays subtly”-music will be a big part of this one. It is mentioned a lot. Bruce is waiting for something-he sees it. The bat signal illuminats the air. We follow bruce in his suit-down the elevator, into the newer looking batcave-pavement over the rocks. The creditsroll with this, this is the credit sequence. Improved computer. He suits up, and Alfred watches as the batmobile bolts out of the cave, and utters “It has begun”.
Cut to Gotham City docks-theres a major drug bust gone wrong. Cops are held hostages, while the dealers control of the docks. Cops are gathered behind a hill, watching as the drug dealers have blocked off the entrances gate. Gordon is with Loeb, Flass, and others. Suddenly, out of the night sky, theres a huge thunder. Seconds later and we seethe drug dealers at the gate look up in horror-the Batmobile ROARS off an overpass, 25 feet in the air and heading straight for them! Twin missiles shoot out from the front, blowing the empty gate houses and taking out the barrier as Batman simultaneously ejects and disappears into the night sky. The dealers dunk and scramble as He quickly takes them out while they try to shoot and hit. With the gate open and guards taken out, the cops swarm in. In a watch post above, a dealer readys a gatling gun to use on the cops-Batman quickly sneaks up behind him and takes him down. The dealers move the hostages onto a army type helicopter, and a trying to pull away while the cops round up the hostages. The chopper takes off as the cops watch, pissed that they got away. We now find out the mayor is in there! Suddenly, Batman grapple shooting up to-Batman is being dragged by the chopper in midair ala Batman forever, leaving behind a pile of knocked out thugs. Batman climbs up to the chopper, takes out the dealer, but the pilot jumps out. batman grabs the 3 gagged hostage and lowers them onto the rooftop passing below, and then tries to steer the helicopter out of Gotham. The tails don’t fit in the alley, and crashes into an alley, batman barely escaping.
After the spectacular opening scene, we got back to Wayne Manor. Alfred waiting up, in pj’s and obviously tired. Bruce arrives, a cut on his face. Its obvious from the silence between the two that alfred doesn’t want bruce to be batman. The next day at Wayne Enterprises, Bruce chats with Lucious fox that bruce has a meeting with Roman Sionis, in from LONDON to discuss Wayne Enterprises handling the construction of some Sionis cosmetics companies in Gotham.
Three sthiis MASSIVE Sionis tower then is opening in 2 weeks we learn, and bruce is being paid handsomely to prepare it. Romans an ugly and intimidating guy, and the 2 do not get along. The next meeting-with Lucious Fox in the same old basement, except now everything is reorganized, and much newer, and with lots of people working there. He shows bruce this amazing stealth fighter jet hes found. Its very small and wide, and very sleek. Bruce loves it, and “has it delivered to his house”. Fox is no idiot, but he does not let on he knows bruce is batman.
Its that night when Bruce is at dinner that he meets HARVEY DENT, aplay boyish type of district attorney.
He also meets SILVER ST. CLOUD a world famous actress in town shooting her latest blockbuster. Damn fine, too. She and bruce hit it off, so to speak, and end up back at his place. She’s asleep around 12:30, and bruce sneaks off and goes out to the batcave. Hes curious and types into the batcomputer bout wether or sionis has a crime record or not.
Meanwhile, across town, we see a very important business bruce met at dinner walking into the elevator of his apartment.
Next morning bruce wakes up and finds out he died, and the police seem to think batman did it. curious, bruce kisses silver good bye, and goes to town. Its here he meets up with Rachel dawes for lunch. We learn they usually meet once a month. Rachel good; going on a date with Harvey Dent that night. Meanwhile, brittish mob boss OSWALD COBBLEPOT arrives at the gotham city docks, and meets with SALVATORE MARONI. Apparently cobblepots got some goods ship there and is awaiting the last shipment to arrive before he can sell them.
They mention batman, and we learn its been their plan to frame him and they have hired somebody to do it. appearently this person REALLY wanted the job. Meanwhile, silver surprised Bruce during a huge business meeting. She so gorgeous and charismatic that nobody else minds, infcat they seem to ENJOY her company and bruce plays it off very well, and it scores major points for silver.
That night batman meets up with Gordon on the roof, where he tells Gordon he did not kill the businessman. Gordon knows that, but Harvey dent who was in the shadows aint so sure, and comes out accusing batman of it. it ends with batman telling off dent, and leaving. Meanwhile across town we see another murder(it has ALREADY HAPPENED) and we see the BLACKMASK fleeing the scene. Of course bystanders say its batman. Batman shows up, and tangos with blackmask for a minute before making his way to the crime scene; where loeb tells his men to arrest him, and batman is forced to flee.
Pissed, Batman flees to the docks where he meets up with TOYMAN in a dark warehouse, and demands to know who is framing him. Toyman says the joker and batman says “Joker’s been gone for years. 2 murders and up and leaves”. Batman swoops by rachel’s office, and inquires if shes heard anything on the joker being around. She says no, but shes going to arkham to find out tomorrow. Bruce says not to it’s a danger zone, but she says “I go where im needed”. Dent interrupts, and Rachel turns to see him come in, and turns around and batmans vanished.
That night at the computer, Batman searches long for the joker’s picture. He tells Alfred whoevers doing must have a reason to want batman out of the way; something big has got to be happening. Also, the computers results for roman sionis reveal several assult and battery charges.
The next day bruce meets up with Roman Sionis again, and this time plants a homing bug on him. Bruce then goes outside with Alfred, about to drive when he sees a huge newspaper-“SILVER ST. CLOUD DATING BRUCE WAYNE!” their relationship is a huge deal to the gossipers. Bruce takes notice at a side column-“BATMAN WANTE DIN BUSINESSMAN MURDER!” While going to dinner that night, they ward off a swarm of reporters. Bruce even shoves some down in a very playboyish/******* way to make room for them, and of course silver thinks its fine.
While they see Harvey and Rachel on a date as well, and bruce’s playboy image is against it, is against it, silver invites them to join them for dinner and they do. They have a long convo about Batman and such, Silver says she feels Batman’s doing more harm then good. He is the one attacting all these psychos. Dent reveals rumor has it joker has been hiding out for a while, planning something. They are onto him. Bruce is interested. Meanwhile a the gpd, Gordon is in a council where loeb briefs them batmans to be taken down.
Hes taken the law too far with the murders. Gordon says they have no evidence, and the guys considered a hero. Obviously loeb shuts him down, tells the cops to knock him out and remove his mask first and foremost, and get a picture of his face. Back to Bruce, they drop of Silver at her hotel. Later Bruce confesses to Alfred in the cave before going out, he really likes silver. He doesn’t know why, he is just drawn to her.
Meanwhile, he follows the homing bug on Roman Sionis, and follows him to the docks.
To his surprise, he spots a short, fat Brittish man, who he realizes is Oswald Cobblepot(he takes a photo via BATCAMERA and searches results-alfred tells him the results), a famous London Gangster. Batman crouches in the shadows of the docks in a stack of wooden crates high above, he opens a crates and finds BALLOONS upon BALLOONS of this gas.
He snags one. Sionis and Cobblepot go into a warehouse, and Batman moves and hangs-upside down-outside the window, positioned to hear what’s happening on the inside. He spot’s Maroni, and now he knows their up to no good. He listens in as they talk about shipments being delivered on the 12th and 14th. Cobblepot will be making sure their sent and Maroni is making sure their delivered. “him and his guy sionis will keep the problem at bay” says Maroni, referring to someone off screen. Then another voice enters. The Joker. This is his first scene. They act like hes been there all along.
Joker tells them the problems being settled as they speak, and his boy romans done a great job. Batmans got all this in his headphone, with Alfred back at the bat cave recording it. Then a light shines on batman –“you there! Who are you! Don’t move-holy **** its him-stop-“ But Batmans already off and on the ground-the men instinctively shoot down at him into the darkness. Inside, joker, maroni, sionis and cobblepot react to the gunfire. Maroni whips out a shotgun, penguin a pistol. Sionis goes off by himself, while Joker doesn’t move, as if nothings happening. Maroni and Cobblepot arrive outside, and bark orders at their men “WHERED HE GO!?”-the men mobilize outside, spot lights shine down. They don’t want him leaving, now with what he could know. Cuts between the mobilizing men and a fast moving Batman evading the man in the stacks of wooden crates.
He finds a latter and begins a climb up. Maroni and his men get in carS, while Cobblepot escapes cowardly to his office. Meanwhile, Batman reaches the rooftop of the warehouse, and “blows off” the latter before Maronis men can get to it. A foot in a purple suit leg steps into frame. “is that anyway to treat public property?”- Batman turns-the joker is there opposite on the roof.
Brief words are exchanged-classic Joker-“nice suit”-good stuff. Joker whips out a Magnum pistol but Batman reaches for a Batarang-somehow JOKER HAS IT-“Whats wrong, Batman? Have you lost your Bat, Man?” as he holds up the batarang. The joker laughs and takes off. On the ground below, Maroni and his men hear the laugh. “hes on the roof!”. Joker begins running along the roof tops, leaping across the alleys. Batman follows. Joker reaches his destination-an already in motion army helicopter, his men inside. Joker climbs in.
He takes off, and Batman jumps and grabs a hold of the Bottom landing leg. He hangs on and climbs up as they pull out over Gotham. Joker barks at his men to go to Gotham Sqaure. They do. Then, Joker opens the door-Batman is there. Joker kicks him, Batman catches his leg and tries to pull him out, but a quick jolt to the side of the chopper and Batman PLUMMETS off the chopper, 100 feet in the air! Cops on the street see the chaos, and then see Batman. Joker grins at his men as the cops mobilize around the rooftop. “Fare-thee-well”.
The chopper takes off, and a bewildered Batman comes to as cops flood the rooftop-Batman gets up and runs. He comes to the back of an alley leading to gotham square. He sprints hard and leaps off the roof into the alley. In slow motion we watch as he takes out grapple-fires it-twin grapples latch onto either sides of the alley creating a human swing-Batman lunges forward. Out of slow mo, he swings down then back up, and soars over Gotham Square in a huge arc, 100s of feet above the ground. His wings catch air and he’s preparing to fly.
It appears like hes heading right for the cops. They shoot him down “mid-flight” and he spirals slow at first, then fast and faster till he hits. Hes knocked out but his wings broke his fall. A huge cargo truck SKIDS to a stop just inches from his face, and he causes a 4 car pile up and some fender benders. As a huge crowd gathers around the lit square. Cops force their way through the crowd to the unconscious hero. Back up cops arrive on horseback. The cops have a camera, ready to listen to Loeb. “what should we do”…”take off the mask”. A brave cop reaches down and tugs at the mask-it comes off. But as it does, suddenly black gas immerges.
Their blinds as bats. Choking and back away, we see through the gas that it also simultaneously revives a now unmasked Batman. His eyes have an intimidating black make up around them. Batman leaps on top of the cargo truck and runs, and jumps down, landing on an unoccupied horses back. The crowd and cops just feet away with back turns, Batman whispers “giddy up”. The horse takes off down the road, with people on side walks standing and pointing in terror. A cop turns to his horse to see its gone-spots Batman. He shouts to his men, who mobilize into their cars while other run and others chase on horse. Batman gallops away and right into Gotham park, staring up at a statue of a soldier on horseback.
Batman takes off, and heads for a stone bridge, as cops invade the park. Suddenly the batmobile zooms by the cops, who all turn and begin chasing. It cuts into the woods, swirving in and out of trees with cops cars crashing and get caught. The batmobile banks hard right, and is in the open. It comes to a stop-Batman gets in. he was controlling from the bridge via pad. The cops catch up and the batmobile off across the park, weaving around statues and sidewalks.
A couple walk their dog when the batmobile blares by and they dive for cover into the bush’s. just when they think its safe to get up 5 cops cars blare past. The batmobile pulls a hard right and heads back towards the city. One cop car cant stop and slams through a fence before flipping over. Twin cop cars get on the batmobile side and bump it until it falls sideways, tumbling over and over down a hill and crashing into the lake. It becomes a submersive and appears out the other end, and speeds through a cop barrier and into Gotham, turning hard and entering the gotham elevated expressway- an elevated highway 5 stories up, surrounded by immense skyscraper overshadowing the road.
It’s pretty crowded as the sky scrappers peer down. At this point we see that Maronis men are in 4 big black SUV’S pursuing the batmobile. 2 catch up and out of the sunroof pop out men with machine guns, raining bullets onto the batmobile. It cuts away. The men with machine guns decide to clear a path, and fire rounds at the 3 cars between the batmobile. The back car explodes while one skids out and slams through the wall, out into gotham city, smashing through a skyway before landing hard on the ground in an insane fireball. The other fishtails and is hit by another vehicle. Batman is pissed at this, and stop hard. The first suv behind slams into the back of the backpeddling batmobile, and is flipped into the air, and lands hard upside down infront of the batmobile. The batmobile then speeds away as the cops rejoin the chase. Batman turns hard and drives down a long solo lane bridge and onto the other expressway in the opposite way. He then slams off through the wall, through a building, and pops out the otherside on the other side of the highway again with maronis in pursuit and cops everywhere.
The 3 remaining suv’s catch up, and cut off the cop cars. Which collide and cause a 8 car pile up with a spectacular wreck flying over the cars and landing upside. Batman swerves away with the suvs stopping at nothing. Batman lays oil slick in the road, and then ignites with the backflame. One car drives the fire, the rest around it. The last one the men jump out and the car goes into the fire and explodes hugely in the middle of the freeway. 2suvs remain. Then out of nowhere, the jokers helicopter rejoins the chase, roaring up alongside batman. He rains gunfire onto the batmobile. Joker appears with a rocket launcher. He shoots. Batman pulls a swerve and the bullet explodes in the pavement right under one of the suv’s, sending it soaring into the air, flipping over and landing right side. broken, but the men ok. 1 suv left. The joker barks into a walkie talkie where batman is and soon 3 trucks appear in the chase, men firing.
The joker drives the helicopter insanely low, cars swerve to get out of the way but the chopper hits some, crushing their roofs and causing them to flip over. One hits the mid section and pulls a barrel roll while spinning back wards. The batmobile sees lots of people are getting hurt, and tries to pull away. The suv and 3 trucks pull up. The police back off and try to clean up the mess being left. An overpass comes up, and joker flys the helicopter under the overpass and bumps the batmobile, causing it fishtail in a circle before betting batman on track. The remaining suv pulls up and tries to run the batmobile off the road. Batman stops the short, and slams through the mid barrier, across the entire other side of the freeway tipping cars, and out of the war and into the gotham river. The men swim out. The freeway circles around back through the heart of gotham. The 3 trucks now try to box batman in on eachside. Batman is stuck, and they speed up, the batmobile comes to a total stop as anchors shoot out and crab lights poles-knocking down 3 each side before finally attaching and stopping the batmobile. The trucks on the left and right sides smash into eachother, and skid out, totaled. 1 truck left, and no suvs. Joker appears with another rocket and fires it down. Batman ejects as the batmobile gets blown to smithereens.
The w.b. logo appears, the skys behind it blacken, it transforms into an upside down gotham city as we flip with it to see gotham city at night. Pan back to see we’re in Bruce Waynes study-Wayne is there, staring out the window. Wayne Manors completely rebuilt. “the theme plays subtly”-music will be a big part of this one. It is mentioned a lot. Bruce is waiting for something-he sees it. The bat signal illuminats the air. We follow bruce in his suit-down the elevator, into the newer looking batcave-pavement over the rocks. The creditsroll with this, this is the credit sequence. Improved computer. He suits up, and Alfred watches as the batmobile bolts out of the cave, and utters “It has begun”.
Cut to Gotham City docks-theres a major drug bust gone wrong. Cops are held hostages, while the dealers control of the docks. Cops are gathered behind a hill, watching as the drug dealers have blocked off the entrances gate. Gordon is with Loeb, Flass, and others. Suddenly, out of the night sky, theres a huge thunder. Seconds later and we seethe drug dealers at the gate look up in horror-the Batmobile ROARS off an overpass, 25 feet in the air and heading straight for them! Twin missiles shoot out from the front, blowing the empty gate houses and taking out the barrier as Batman simultaneously ejects and disappears into the night sky. The dealers dunk and scramble as He quickly takes them out while they try to shoot and hit. With the gate open and guards taken out, the cops swarm in. In a watch post above, a dealer readys a gatling gun to use on the cops-Batman quickly sneaks up behind him and takes him down. The dealers move the hostages onto a army type helicopter, and a trying to pull away while the cops round up the hostages. The chopper takes off as the cops watch, pissed that they got away. We now find out the mayor is in there! Suddenly, Batman grapple shooting up to-Batman is being dragged by the chopper in midair ala Batman forever, leaving behind a pile of knocked out thugs. Batman climbs up to the chopper, takes out the dealer, but the pilot jumps out. batman grabs the 3 gagged hostage and lowers them onto the rooftop passing below, and then tries to steer the helicopter out of Gotham. The tails don’t fit in the alley, and crashes into an alley, batman barely escaping.
After the spectacular opening scene, we got back to Wayne Manor. Alfred waiting up, in pj’s and obviously tired. Bruce arrives, a cut on his face. Its obvious from the silence between the two that alfred doesn’t want bruce to be batman. The next day at Wayne Enterprises, Bruce chats with Lucious fox that bruce has a meeting with Roman Sionis, in from LONDON to discuss Wayne Enterprises handling the construction of some Sionis cosmetics companies in Gotham.
Three sthiis MASSIVE Sionis tower then is opening in 2 weeks we learn, and bruce is being paid handsomely to prepare it. Romans an ugly and intimidating guy, and the 2 do not get along. The next meeting-with Lucious Fox in the same old basement, except now everything is reorganized, and much newer, and with lots of people working there. He shows bruce this amazing stealth fighter jet hes found. Its very small and wide, and very sleek. Bruce loves it, and “has it delivered to his house”. Fox is no idiot, but he does not let on he knows bruce is batman.
Its that night when Bruce is at dinner that he meets HARVEY DENT, aplay boyish type of district attorney.
He also meets SILVER ST. CLOUD a world famous actress in town shooting her latest blockbuster. Damn fine, too. She and bruce hit it off, so to speak, and end up back at his place. She’s asleep around 12:30, and bruce sneaks off and goes out to the batcave. Hes curious and types into the batcomputer bout wether or sionis has a crime record or not.
Meanwhile, across town, we see a very important business bruce met at dinner walking into the elevator of his apartment.
Next morning bruce wakes up and finds out he died, and the police seem to think batman did it. curious, bruce kisses silver good bye, and goes to town. Its here he meets up with Rachel dawes for lunch. We learn they usually meet once a month. Rachel good; going on a date with Harvey Dent that night. Meanwhile, brittish mob boss OSWALD COBBLEPOT arrives at the gotham city docks, and meets with SALVATORE MARONI. Apparently cobblepots got some goods ship there and is awaiting the last shipment to arrive before he can sell them.
They mention batman, and we learn its been their plan to frame him and they have hired somebody to do it. appearently this person REALLY wanted the job. Meanwhile, silver surprised Bruce during a huge business meeting. She so gorgeous and charismatic that nobody else minds, infcat they seem to ENJOY her company and bruce plays it off very well, and it scores major points for silver.
That night batman meets up with Gordon on the roof, where he tells Gordon he did not kill the businessman. Gordon knows that, but Harvey dent who was in the shadows aint so sure, and comes out accusing batman of it. it ends with batman telling off dent, and leaving. Meanwhile across town we see another murder(it has ALREADY HAPPENED) and we see the BLACKMASK fleeing the scene. Of course bystanders say its batman. Batman shows up, and tangos with blackmask for a minute before making his way to the crime scene; where loeb tells his men to arrest him, and batman is forced to flee.
Pissed, Batman flees to the docks where he meets up with TOYMAN in a dark warehouse, and demands to know who is framing him. Toyman says the joker and batman says “Joker’s been gone for years. 2 murders and up and leaves”. Batman swoops by rachel’s office, and inquires if shes heard anything on the joker being around. She says no, but shes going to arkham to find out tomorrow. Bruce says not to it’s a danger zone, but she says “I go where im needed”. Dent interrupts, and Rachel turns to see him come in, and turns around and batmans vanished.
That night at the computer, Batman searches long for the joker’s picture. He tells Alfred whoevers doing must have a reason to want batman out of the way; something big has got to be happening. Also, the computers results for roman sionis reveal several assult and battery charges.
The next day bruce meets up with Roman Sionis again, and this time plants a homing bug on him. Bruce then goes outside with Alfred, about to drive when he sees a huge newspaper-“SILVER ST. CLOUD DATING BRUCE WAYNE!” their relationship is a huge deal to the gossipers. Bruce takes notice at a side column-“BATMAN WANTE DIN BUSINESSMAN MURDER!” While going to dinner that night, they ward off a swarm of reporters. Bruce even shoves some down in a very playboyish/******* way to make room for them, and of course silver thinks its fine.
While they see Harvey and Rachel on a date as well, and bruce’s playboy image is against it, is against it, silver invites them to join them for dinner and they do. They have a long convo about Batman and such, Silver says she feels Batman’s doing more harm then good. He is the one attacting all these psychos. Dent reveals rumor has it joker has been hiding out for a while, planning something. They are onto him. Bruce is interested. Meanwhile a the gpd, Gordon is in a council where loeb briefs them batmans to be taken down.
Hes taken the law too far with the murders. Gordon says they have no evidence, and the guys considered a hero. Obviously loeb shuts him down, tells the cops to knock him out and remove his mask first and foremost, and get a picture of his face. Back to Bruce, they drop of Silver at her hotel. Later Bruce confesses to Alfred in the cave before going out, he really likes silver. He doesn’t know why, he is just drawn to her.
Meanwhile, he follows the homing bug on Roman Sionis, and follows him to the docks.
To his surprise, he spots a short, fat Brittish man, who he realizes is Oswald Cobblepot(he takes a photo via BATCAMERA and searches results-alfred tells him the results), a famous London Gangster. Batman crouches in the shadows of the docks in a stack of wooden crates high above, he opens a crates and finds BALLOONS upon BALLOONS of this gas.
He snags one. Sionis and Cobblepot go into a warehouse, and Batman moves and hangs-upside down-outside the window, positioned to hear what’s happening on the inside. He spot’s Maroni, and now he knows their up to no good. He listens in as they talk about shipments being delivered on the 12th and 14th. Cobblepot will be making sure their sent and Maroni is making sure their delivered. “him and his guy sionis will keep the problem at bay” says Maroni, referring to someone off screen. Then another voice enters. The Joker. This is his first scene. They act like hes been there all along.
Joker tells them the problems being settled as they speak, and his boy romans done a great job. Batmans got all this in his headphone, with Alfred back at the bat cave recording it. Then a light shines on batman –“you there! Who are you! Don’t move-holy **** its him-stop-“ But Batmans already off and on the ground-the men instinctively shoot down at him into the darkness. Inside, joker, maroni, sionis and cobblepot react to the gunfire. Maroni whips out a shotgun, penguin a pistol. Sionis goes off by himself, while Joker doesn’t move, as if nothings happening. Maroni and Cobblepot arrive outside, and bark orders at their men “WHERED HE GO!?”-the men mobilize outside, spot lights shine down. They don’t want him leaving, now with what he could know. Cuts between the mobilizing men and a fast moving Batman evading the man in the stacks of wooden crates.
He finds a latter and begins a climb up. Maroni and his men get in carS, while Cobblepot escapes cowardly to his office. Meanwhile, Batman reaches the rooftop of the warehouse, and “blows off” the latter before Maronis men can get to it. A foot in a purple suit leg steps into frame. “is that anyway to treat public property?”- Batman turns-the joker is there opposite on the roof.
Brief words are exchanged-classic Joker-“nice suit”-good stuff. Joker whips out a Magnum pistol but Batman reaches for a Batarang-somehow JOKER HAS IT-“Whats wrong, Batman? Have you lost your Bat, Man?” as he holds up the batarang. The joker laughs and takes off. On the ground below, Maroni and his men hear the laugh. “hes on the roof!”. Joker begins running along the roof tops, leaping across the alleys. Batman follows. Joker reaches his destination-an already in motion army helicopter, his men inside. Joker climbs in.
He takes off, and Batman jumps and grabs a hold of the Bottom landing leg. He hangs on and climbs up as they pull out over Gotham. Joker barks at his men to go to Gotham Sqaure. They do. Then, Joker opens the door-Batman is there. Joker kicks him, Batman catches his leg and tries to pull him out, but a quick jolt to the side of the chopper and Batman PLUMMETS off the chopper, 100 feet in the air! Cops on the street see the chaos, and then see Batman. Joker grins at his men as the cops mobilize around the rooftop. “Fare-thee-well”.
The chopper takes off, and a bewildered Batman comes to as cops flood the rooftop-Batman gets up and runs. He comes to the back of an alley leading to gotham square. He sprints hard and leaps off the roof into the alley. In slow motion we watch as he takes out grapple-fires it-twin grapples latch onto either sides of the alley creating a human swing-Batman lunges forward. Out of slow mo, he swings down then back up, and soars over Gotham Square in a huge arc, 100s of feet above the ground. His wings catch air and he’s preparing to fly.
It appears like hes heading right for the cops. They shoot him down “mid-flight” and he spirals slow at first, then fast and faster till he hits. Hes knocked out but his wings broke his fall. A huge cargo truck SKIDS to a stop just inches from his face, and he causes a 4 car pile up and some fender benders. As a huge crowd gathers around the lit square. Cops force their way through the crowd to the unconscious hero. Back up cops arrive on horseback. The cops have a camera, ready to listen to Loeb. “what should we do”…”take off the mask”. A brave cop reaches down and tugs at the mask-it comes off. But as it does, suddenly black gas immerges.
Their blinds as bats. Choking and back away, we see through the gas that it also simultaneously revives a now unmasked Batman. His eyes have an intimidating black make up around them. Batman leaps on top of the cargo truck and runs, and jumps down, landing on an unoccupied horses back. The crowd and cops just feet away with back turns, Batman whispers “giddy up”. The horse takes off down the road, with people on side walks standing and pointing in terror. A cop turns to his horse to see its gone-spots Batman. He shouts to his men, who mobilize into their cars while other run and others chase on horse. Batman gallops away and right into Gotham park, staring up at a statue of a soldier on horseback.
Batman takes off, and heads for a stone bridge, as cops invade the park. Suddenly the batmobile zooms by the cops, who all turn and begin chasing. It cuts into the woods, swirving in and out of trees with cops cars crashing and get caught. The batmobile banks hard right, and is in the open. It comes to a stop-Batman gets in. he was controlling from the bridge via pad. The cops catch up and the batmobile off across the park, weaving around statues and sidewalks.
A couple walk their dog when the batmobile blares by and they dive for cover into the bush’s. just when they think its safe to get up 5 cops cars blare past. The batmobile pulls a hard right and heads back towards the city. One cop car cant stop and slams through a fence before flipping over. Twin cop cars get on the batmobile side and bump it until it falls sideways, tumbling over and over down a hill and crashing into the lake. It becomes a submersive and appears out the other end, and speeds through a cop barrier and into Gotham, turning hard and entering the gotham elevated expressway- an elevated highway 5 stories up, surrounded by immense skyscraper overshadowing the road.
It’s pretty crowded as the sky scrappers peer down. At this point we see that Maronis men are in 4 big black SUV’S pursuing the batmobile. 2 catch up and out of the sunroof pop out men with machine guns, raining bullets onto the batmobile. It cuts away. The men with machine guns decide to clear a path, and fire rounds at the 3 cars between the batmobile. The back car explodes while one skids out and slams through the wall, out into gotham city, smashing through a skyway before landing hard on the ground in an insane fireball. The other fishtails and is hit by another vehicle. Batman is pissed at this, and stop hard. The first suv behind slams into the back of the backpeddling batmobile, and is flipped into the air, and lands hard upside down infront of the batmobile. The batmobile then speeds away as the cops rejoin the chase. Batman turns hard and drives down a long solo lane bridge and onto the other expressway in the opposite way. He then slams off through the wall, through a building, and pops out the otherside on the other side of the highway again with maronis in pursuit and cops everywhere.
The 3 remaining suv’s catch up, and cut off the cop cars. Which collide and cause a 8 car pile up with a spectacular wreck flying over the cars and landing upside. Batman swerves away with the suvs stopping at nothing. Batman lays oil slick in the road, and then ignites with the backflame. One car drives the fire, the rest around it. The last one the men jump out and the car goes into the fire and explodes hugely in the middle of the freeway. 2suvs remain. Then out of nowhere, the jokers helicopter rejoins the chase, roaring up alongside batman. He rains gunfire onto the batmobile. Joker appears with a rocket launcher. He shoots. Batman pulls a swerve and the bullet explodes in the pavement right under one of the suv’s, sending it soaring into the air, flipping over and landing right side. broken, but the men ok. 1 suv left. The joker barks into a walkie talkie where batman is and soon 3 trucks appear in the chase, men firing.
The joker drives the helicopter insanely low, cars swerve to get out of the way but the chopper hits some, crushing their roofs and causing them to flip over. One hits the mid section and pulls a barrel roll while spinning back wards. The batmobile sees lots of people are getting hurt, and tries to pull away. The suv and 3 trucks pull up. The police back off and try to clean up the mess being left. An overpass comes up, and joker flys the helicopter under the overpass and bumps the batmobile, causing it fishtail in a circle before betting batman on track. The remaining suv pulls up and tries to run the batmobile off the road. Batman stops the short, and slams through the mid barrier, across the entire other side of the freeway tipping cars, and out of the war and into the gotham river. The men swim out. The freeway circles around back through the heart of gotham. The 3 trucks now try to box batman in on eachside. Batman is stuck, and they speed up, the batmobile comes to a total stop as anchors shoot out and crab lights poles-knocking down 3 each side before finally attaching and stopping the batmobile. The trucks on the left and right sides smash into eachother, and skid out, totaled. 1 truck left, and no suvs. Joker appears with another rocket and fires it down. Batman ejects as the batmobile gets blown to smithereens.