Need help with Megaupload

Ruined Angel

Dec 26, 2003
Reaction score
Megaupload seems to be really popular, but I just can NEVER get it to work when I want to download files. Ever. It's got a place to can you only use that site if you have an account there? And do you have to pay for the account?

I'm missing out on so many awesome things because of this stupid host. I just have no idea how to get it to work for me and why others don't seem to have a problem. I really don't want to have to pay to use it. *sigh*
You don't need an account. When you are directed to a MegaUpload link, you should notice a countdown to the upper right side. You'll need to wait for a minute then. After it's finished, a pop-up usually appears, simply close it by clicking the X and then voila, a link which will let you DL will appear.
Dr. Victor Lehnsherr said:
You don't need an account. When you are directed to a MegaUpload link, you should notice a countdown to the upper right side. You'll need to wait for a minute then. After it's finished, a pop-up usually appears, simply close it by clicking the X and then voila, a link which will let you DL will appear.

Yup. Also, if you have pop-up's disabled in your web browser, you may not get the finished DL or UL.


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