Superman Returns New Returns Promos at Cannes!


Apr 30, 2003
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I've looked around but i don't think i've seen this posted. Found shots of some Superman Returns promos that are on display at Cannes where the world famous film festival of the same name will be held.



Cannes, FRANCE: Giant posters are displayed in front of the Carlton hotel in Cannes, 14 May 2006. The most keenly-awaited movie event of the year, the world premiere of "The Da Vinci Code", opens the Cannes festival next 17 May in which big name directors will battle some of cinema's hottest rising talent.

Very nice Retroman.

Everytime you come around there is something new.

Those are the posters we saw that were supposedly in Argentina's cinemas, it looks like they are also hanging proudly and larger then life in Cannes.
Nice find Retroman!

So, those posters are for real that we saw already in small versions!

And? Shall you come to Belgium to see the movie (july 12th) or can you wait till August 3 to see it in Holland?


this posters are nto only for argentina?

nooooooooooooooooooooooooo they suck so much that i am crying now.

this posters at cannes????????????????????????????????????????????? :eek:
We are jumping to conclusions. Those are hanging on the building at Cannes, as banners. We don't know if this is the same as the Theatrical Posters and we don't even know if that report from Argentina is real. There was no photo evidence of it being in the theater, we have evidence of these banners.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
so they are the posters? they suck.

I take it you don't like it them?

Showtime029 said:
Very nice Retroman.

Everytime you come around there is something new.

Those are the posters we saw that were supposedly in Argentina's cinemas, it looks like they are also hanging proudly and larger then life in Cannes.
No problem man.:up:
Showtime029 said:
We are jumping to conclusions. Those are hanging on the building at Cannes, as banners. We don't know if this is the same as the Theatrical Posters and we don't even know if that report from Argentina is real. There was no photo evidence of it being in the theater, we have evidence of these banners.

they still suck.
I don't have a problem with the posters. I think they look pretty cool.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
They look cheap..and badly done..

i'm not impressed


So you don't like the banners at Cannes, but that doesn't mean they are the theatrical posters.

I think they look cartoony from a distance, I would like to see them close up.
Showtime029 said:
We are jumping to conclusions. Those are hanging on the building at Cannes, as banners. We don't know if this is the same as the Theatrical Posters and we don't even know if that report from Argentina is real. There was no photo evidence of it being in the theater, we have evidence of these banners.
i think you dont get it showtime.

i will say it a little different: this banners suck. they dont look good. is this better now?

ok lets say that this are nto the posters they are still banners. and IMO bad banners.

so yes nooooooooooooooooooooooo this banners suck :D.
Spider-Steve said:
Nice find Retroman!

So, those posters are for real that we saw already in small versions!

And? Shall you come to Belgium to see the movie (july 12th) or can you wait till August 3 to see it in Holland?

I don't know where i'm going to see it Steve i'm definitely looking at the options. :)
dark_b said:
i think you dont get it showtime.

i will say it a little different: this banners suck. they dont look good. is this better now?

ok lets say that this are nto the posters they are still banners. and IMO bad banners.

so yes nooooooooooooooooooooooo this banners suck :D.

Whats to get, you thought they were posters, I responded to it. I don't wear a helmet.
whether they are posters or banners..they do not look good.
Nice find Retroman. In regards to the posters I'm not too impressed with them either, they look as though they were fan made.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
whether they are posters or banners..they do not look good.

I wouldn't say they suck, but they look very cartoony. I actually think the best one is Superman & Lois.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
They look cheap..and badly done..

i'm not impressed

I like the one of Lex and the Lois/Supes (great moment) banner. The Supes Daily Planet looks a little too fake to me.
Retroman said:
I don't know where i'm going to see it Steve i'm definitely looking at the options. :)

When i should life in Holland, then i should go to Belgium! I shouldn't can wait until August 3rd!

But another movie, Scary Movie 4 plays already in Holland and comes in June out in Belgium! :(

Showtime029 said:
I wouldn't say they suck, but they look very cartoony. I actually think the best one is Superman & Lois.

just my opinion dude.
Showtime029 said:
Whats to get, you thought they were posters, I responded to it. I am don't wear a helmet.
we are cool showtime? :)

i just dont like them. they look nothing like singers superman to me. this movie is not bright as S:Tm. this movie is darker.

and i fear that the wrong posters could confuse people.

IMO they looks childish. the superman poster is just extreme wrong. i could like the superman/lois and lex poster if the colours would nto be so bright.

i hope i am wrong. we need f... High-res.
dark_b said:
we are cool showtime? :)

i just dont like them. they look nothing like singers superman to me. this movie is not bright as S:Tm. this movie is darker.

and i fear that the wrong posters could confuse people.

IMO they looks childish. the superman poster is just extreme wrong. i could like the superman/lois and lex poster if the colours would nto be so bright.

i hope i am wrong. we need f... High-res.

I don't like the Lex poster at all, looks like a videogame. The Superman one is just ok, and ok is not good enough for Superman. I think the Lois and Superman one looks pretty good.
Showtime029 said:
So you don't like the banners at Cannes, but that doesn't mean they are the theatrical posters.

I think they look cartoony from a distance, I would like to see them close up.
Keep your eyes peeled on They always go to cannes and they always take snaps of the banners.;)

The theatrical posters will definetly be different and it will also differ per continent.

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