New slurpees..............

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Ooh!...We've heard talk about these for a few weeks now and finally some pics!

There actually pretty cool. I'm gonna buy some.
I want the Magneto and Angel ones. :o
I have all 4 but unfortunatley I'm missing the Magneto disc.There are these discs that are attached to the bottom of the cups and if you put it to the light you see the character portrait.
IT's cool because they can't charge you for the actual cup as in what the cup is advertising but they charge you for the slurpee.The cups are 22oz so that's less than 2 dollars.So all in all I paid less than five dollars for all four cups.Which is about even but I thought that I would have to pay more.
berzerko89 said:
What am I talking about? I play Pokemon on GBA. Don't mind me.

Sorry, back on topic.
Mr Lex Luthor said:
What am I talking about? I play Pokemon on GBA. Don't mind me.

Sorry, back on topic.

Who doesnt?! lol. ;)

nyway, who named those things as "slurpeee"???
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