Next Film?


Nov 6, 2003
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According to the interview with Barbara Brocolli, the next film will be an original story, but will continue on something from Casino Royale.

What's the connection going to be? There have been rumors about that there will be a new SPECTRE-like terrorist organization that is backing Le Chiffre. Could that be it or something else?

I hope we have a new SPECTRE type group again. The early Bond's were great in how they slowly built to finding Blofeld. I think it would be a good way to get Bond back on track
Even though Christopher Nolan is busy with The Prestige and the Batman Sequel, I would love to see him do the next Bond film. Say they are going to release one every 3 years, going on the timeframe that he is working on at the moment and the timeframe that Casino Royale is working on it is possible that he could fit it in between Batman 2 and 3.

Batman Begins - Filmed from March to September 2004. Released June 2005

The Prestige - Filming from January to May? 2006. Released October 2006

Batman Sequel - Filming from March to September 2007. Released June 2008

James Bond 22 - Filming from January - Mid 2009. Released November 2009
Im pretty sure that isnt going to happen. Batman 3 will most likely come out in 2011.
Didn't Nolan originally want to direct Bond?
This is from an interview that I found...

BOM: Are you a James Bond fan—or an Ian Fleming fan?
Nolan: Both. I came to Bond through the movies, and I got interested in reading the books, which are very, very different from the films in terms of the story. The books are quite gritty in their own way. It's not as cheeky, though I think Sean Connery's Bond is pretty close to the [James Bond of the] books. What I like in the books is that there's a selfishness to the character, a vanity, just a little, at times.

Would you like to direct a James Bond picture?
Nolan: I'd love to.

This is from IMDB...

He is a big James Bond fan, and said to David S. Goyer, that his favorite James Bond movie, is "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"

Also just found this list of Nolan's favourite films. It has OHMSS at the top of his guilty pleasures list...

"George Lazenby is no one's favorite James Bond, but for me the anonymity at the center of this lavish production only serves to reveal the Bond machine firing on all cylinders: superb editing and photography, incredible score, great setpieces. The most romantic in the series, and it actually has, of all things, a tragic ending."
Geo7877 said:
I hope we have a new SPECTRE type group again. The early Bond's were great in how they slowly built to finding Blofeld. I think it would be a good way to get Bond back on track

Agreed. A recurring nemesis is what Bond has been missing for years. He has to find something that is bigger than him.
Yeah he really does need a recurring enemy. Make a big build up through the movies and then finally reveal a new master villain!
I've heard rumblings through several sources (and websites, alike) that the first three 'reboot' movies, beginning with 'Casino Royale', deal with a new SPECTRE type terrorist group. I think they are all supposed to be, excluding CR, original stories.

I hope that is indeed true, as if they go back and re-film the older classics, they are in for MAJOR trouble and a big backlash.
Geo7877 said:
I hope we have a new SPECTRE type group again. The early Bond's were great in how they slowly built to finding Blofeld. I think it would be a good way to get Bond back on track

I agree. I would love if they did that. A secret and modern organization kind of like the Syndicate guys on X-Files (no aliens involved of course :) ) who has many members and agents working for them to gain control of the world somehow. A modern SPECTRE.

What happened to the rights thing by the way?
Are they allowed to use Blofeld now?
Wasn't it Sony (or that Kevin guy who made Never Say Never Again) that was awarded the rights for SPECTRE/Blofeld, so now that they've bought MGM it should all be okay again shouldn't it?
I don't think they can use Blofeld anymore, but even if there was no legal problem, Blofeld has been weakened in DAF and FYEO and spoofed so often that I doubt they can reuse him. But they could recreate a Blofeld-type of Nemesis, making him close to the books-Blofeld.
hmm Smersh could always be used it was who le chirffe was working for in the book.
Mister C said:
hmm Smersh could always be used it was who le chirffe was working for in the book.

Yeah, but didn't they not fit in with our times or something?
Masut said:
Yeah, but didn't they not fit in with our times or something?
Its not hard to keep a name and change the reason why they are evil.
deathshead2 said:
Its not hard to keep a name and change the reason why they are evil.

I guess so. Let's see what they come up with
deathshead2 said:
Its not hard to keep a name and change the reason why they are evil.

Except that SMERSH was ispired by a real organisation in USSR and they are very associate with the Cold War. It might work if it became a part of the Russian maffia, but somehow I think a SPECTRE-like organisation might just work better.
My level of trust in a recurring crime organization to be successful is extremely low. Intheory it would be awesome but there are way too many over-ambitious hacks that could really screw it up.
But at the end of Casino Royale, Bond decided 'he would go after the threat behind spies, the threat that made them spy'. This is a set up for a larger organisation which I think the movie has a chance to do. Bond vows to go after the big boys. But then again it could also relate to other general terrorist leaders etc. So I'm not really sure what they will do.

Having a larger organisation to go after gives his vow more purpose.
James"007"Bond said:
My level of trust in a recurring crime organization to be successful is extremely low. Intheory it would be awesome but there are way too many over-ambitious hacks that could really screw it up.

Yes, this is a risk, but in the early days it worked so well. And more recently, it worked in different superhero movies franchises, although you could say to a lesser extend. It could work if they make a loose "trilogy" like the novels Thunderball, OHMSS and YOLT were, all with Blofeld as an ennemy.
Masut said:
Having a larger organisation to go after gives his vow more purpose.

And it also makes the threat seem more powerful and therefore mroe menacing. It gives more continuity to the movies as well.
I definately agree. they need to have the movies build to something. What Bond needs at this point is a great villian that is built up slowly, like Blofeld was. It's too bad the rights to him and SPECTRE are all screwed up. They could bring SPECTRE back at least.
SPECTRE sadly got soft after OHMSS, and Blofeld turned into a spoof in DAf, way before Mike Myers invented Dr. Evil. But a Blofeld-like villain would be great. I imagine a badguy from Hungary or Romania (I think it's the only two European countries that never gave "birth" to a Bond badguy, I might be mistaken though), very intelligent but sexually impotent (like Blofeld in the novels, again, and like Blofeld in the early movies as well), very calm, very cold, head of a freelance terrorist/assassins organisation that is totally apolitical, using violence as a tool for power, and using the power they gain from it for the sake of it. Basically, monsters in human forms, as Bond villains should be.
Everyman said:
Yes, this is a risk, but in the early days it worked so well. And more recently, it worked in different superhero movies franchises, although you could say to a lesser extend. It could work if they make a loose "trilogy" like the novels Thunderball, OHMSS and YOLT were, all with Blofeld as an ennemy.

The key words of your post are, "in the early days it worked well". Many things worked well and were executed in a more superior way in the early days. But these days, there are so many bull sh.1t writing hacks that fans of a franchise have to always be left in a state of panic and fear for the movies they love......but I do see what you'r saying.
As I said, there is a risk, but it is risk worth taking. I think a recurring nemesis gives a sense of continuity and a feeling of menace that a one movie ennemy doesn't

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