hey whered u get all the green screen stuff?
A friend of ours has a greenscreen mat so we just taped it up on the wall and boom..lol
The ninja with the big hat basically stole something precious... and the ninjas with the silver masks(yes a whole bunch of easyly disposable ones =) ) are basically told to retrieve it.
like i said, we only filmed a minute worth of footage.. if all the FX go as planned and im able to pull it off... then we'll continue and finish it.
-What are you doing for music
we have two guys that are gonna help out with that... but that would be in a loooong time if the film goes through well.
-How did you make those unbeleiveable costumes
haha.. well the ninjas with the silver mask was easy... i just put on a bunch of clothes and gear and took some quick pics and poof.. it looked cool, and the second director approved.
HOWEVER... when we posted pics of it on these boards someone showed us a pic of some rapper that has a VERY similar mask. so afterwards we blackend the mouth area to change it up
in post ill blacken out my face and make it look like my avvy.
as for the other costume... its actually hideous.LOL
the magic is the big hat and ribbons(which are super annoying to have to take care of while filming lol!). we took some pics and it was ok so we moved on.
The cool thing however is not the costume but the swords... we bought this one big sword and it splits into two swords(the pics in the first posts)
so far... not long enough.
-will we be able to see it on youtube?
damn right... why wouldnt i?..lol
btw- we sure as hell arent calling it "ninja".... i have no good(non-cheesy) title in my head.lol.