No Mercy 64 is coming to WiiWare


Apr 3, 2002
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103 reported that THQ is going to put WWF No Mercy 64 on the Nintendo WiiWare service.

But that's not all. It will feature an UPDATED ROSTER!

First Fire Pro Wrestling Returns gets a US release, now No Mercy 64 comes to the Wii.

If you ever needed a reason to get a Wii instead of the overweight, overpriced, useless piece of **** device brick called the PS3 . . . now is the time.

And keep your PS2.
"can you smmmmmmeeeeeeeeellllllll what the rock is cookin'"

so many good times with the ill fated n64
How was it ill-fated? It had just as long of a shelf-life as any other console and had some great titles on it that I don't feel the next-gen consoles are topping.
I thought once the Smackdown series hit, all professional wrestling series paled in comparison and became unplayable
"dick dickity dick dickity dow"
awesome,i loved this game :up:
How was it ill-fated? It had just as long of a shelf-life as any other console and had some great titles on it that I don't feel the next-gen consoles are topping.

i like the just saying it never got the true recognition it deserved...:yay:
I thought once the Smackdown series hit, all professional wrestling series paled in comparison and became unplayable

If you mean paled in comparison to No Mercy 64 you are right. Fire Pro Wrestling Returns which is out now for the PS2 for $14.99 comes very close though.

i like the just saying it never got the true recognition it deserved...

I honestly disagree. And it still pwned all the crappy SEGA consoles.
If you mean paled in comparison to No Mercy 64 you are right. Fire Pro Wrestling Returns which is out now for the PS2 for $14.99 comes very close though.

I honestly disagree. And it still pwned all the crappy SEGA consoles.

disagree with what:huh:
Disagree with N64 not getting recognition. I think, being a cartridge console when everyone was doing CD's it proved all the doubters wrong.
I cant wait for this...any word on a release date?
No word on release date. All we know is that it will have an updated roster and be sold on WiiWare.
I hope the faces look better than No Mercy. I hated those low resolution textures I like WCW/NWO Revenge's faces much better. The current roster doesn't seem as good as the one No Mercy allowed to choose from. I love CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin and Carlito. I haven't watched wrestling in a few months, but I am surprised that there isn't a stronger Intercontinental Division right now.

This better have online play.
In that case I wonder who and who won't be in the game, as well as if much of the No Mercy 64 roster will be in it.
Disagree with N64 not getting recognition. I think, being a cartridge console when everyone was doing CD's it proved all the doubters wrong.

and pushed nintendo out of its throne.......cartriges were faster than cd's but at the expense of paying extra cash for each game.

the n64 was great but at the end of the day the ps won unfortunately
i havnt been keeping up so what is wii ware, it basically the virtual console
and pushed nintendo out of its throne.......cartriges were faster than cd's but at the expense of paying extra cash for each game.

the n64 was great but at the end of the day the ps won unfortunately

I don't really see it. Nintendo is still in business and is doing fine. The N64 was a great system and made some great revolutionary games. I didn't mind paying extra because usually you got some great games out of it. I thought the Playstation was a good and fun system, don't get me wrong, but N64 was still great.

So what if they were pushed out of the throne? They just got it back recently, with a system that's NOT hi-def, but it's still a great freaking video game system.

Grandmothers don't want to play PS3 and Xbox. They play the Wii.

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