NYPD kills innocent man fleeing robbery


May 7, 2012
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A Bronx bodega employee was shot and killed by a police officer early this morning as he was fleeing a robbery inside the store.

20-year-old Reynaldo Cuevas and the bodega's manager were being held at gunpoint by three masked gunmen inside Aneurys Deli Grocery on Franklin Avenue in Morrisania.

A customer who became aware that a robbery was in progress phoned the police, and four officers were dispatched to the scene. Once they arrived, two of the three men, Orlando Ramos and Ernesto Delgado, ran into the store's backroom, leaving their accomplice, Christopher Dorsey, unarmed and alone.

Seizing an opportunity to run, Cuevas and the manager took off towards the door, but, on his way out, Cuevas, who had his head down, reportedly stumbled into an officer who had his gun drawn and was subsequently shot.

Cuevas was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.

"Mr. Cuevas, in an understandable effort to get away from the gunman as fast as possible, ran straight into the officer," Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said at a news conference this afternoon. "[They] became entangled at which point, we believe, the officer accidentally discharged his weapon with one round entering Mr. Cuevas' left shoulder."

Witnesses at the scene say no words were exchanged before the fatal shooting.

"He came out scared. The cops didn't say anything; no one did," an unidentified witness told the New York Times. "He ran out with his hands out, and they shot him. It was an honest mistake because the cops were frightened, as they were patrolling, he came running out."

A standoff with the suspects lasted three hours, but all three were eventually apprehended.

The officer who shot Cuevas was assigned to administrative duty while an internal investigation is ongoing

Sounds like an unfortunate accident but it's still sad nonetheless. Video can be found at the link

I can't wait to see how many people in this thread don't bother to read the article and just assume the cops ruthlessly gunned down an innocent man.
From what I understand he was hit in the artery under the armpit. It's the same way Selena died if anyone remembers her
Always look where you run.
Its no always that simple. Thats really terrible though. :(
Oh certainly. Don't get me wrong.

I was trying to make my point with sarcasm. Although I do think that is seems as though police officers are very trigger happy, I am not convicting the officer of being that way in this situation. Not to say this wasn't the case, but I just wanted to point out more than anything how foolish it is to claim that someone should keep their head up in a situation like that. I'd be running for my life too and hoping to not get shot by the police when I'm unarmed isn't exactly going to run through my head.
I can't wait to see how many people in this thread don't bother to read the article and just assume the cops ruthlessly gunned down an innocent man.

To be fair, that's kind of what the wording of the thread title implies.

Police brutality and corruption are very legitimate problems in America, but this just sounds like a really tragic accident.
To be fair, that's kind of what the wording of the thread title implies.

I know the thread title and the article's headline are misleading, but that happens all the time, and there's always someone.
I know the thread title and the article's headline are misleading, but that happens all the time, and there's always someone.

I can understand it, even if it's not rational. Police forces around the country have a really bad track record when it comes to preventing, investigating, and disciplining police misconduct. That's not to say that all police do awful ****, but the system does a pretty piss poor job of dealing with the ones that do. Especially in cases that deal with ethnic minorities. There's not a lot of trust built up there.
To be fair, that's kind of what the wording of the thread title implies.
Well, of course. It's the article's wording.
Modern news outlets business strategy includes using misleading headlines to get as many people as possible riled up, because it gets clicks.
That's a sad story. Killed making a getaway from an armed robber ... Sad.
Little did he know that it was safer being near the robber than the cop. Sad.
What an unfortunate freak accident. I can't imagine what the cop (and the victims family) is going through.
I can't wait to see how many people in this thread don't bother to read the article and just assume the cops ruthlessly gunned down an innocent man.

I wouldn't rule it out. :ninja:

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