Okay... guess what I got...


Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
This should be easy for those who know me...


(More images to come after someone gets it right.)
And one o them electro finger ball thingies.
WHICH awesome Hawkeye statue?

(Come on, we have to plug the company it came from...)
No no no, the correct answer is..."Who gives a ****?"
I have never heard of Hard Hero.

But that does rule.
Roughneck said:
I have never heard of Hard Hero.

But that does rule.

I might suggest checking them out.

I'm already considering a second and third piece from them.

Captain America & Iron Man
Gambit8370 said:
You are correct sir.

You don't give a ****?

That's fine.

Get the **** outta Dodge then.

Eh, it's nothing personal. I just had to take the opportunity to use Triumph the Insult Dog humor.

BTW, you're in Elgin? I'm not too far from there.
Saint553 said:
Eh, it's nothing personal. I just had to take the opportunity to use Triumph the Insult Dog humor.

BTW, you're in Elgin? I'm not too far from there.
No problem...

...for me to poop on!

Ah...I know the area. I think there's a Meijer's right along that way. You do the ML thing?
Saint553 said:
Ah...I know the area. I think there's a Meijer's right along that way. You do the ML thing?
There are actually TWO Meijer stores between here and there.

Yes I do the ML thing.

And the SW thing.

And the JLU thing.

And the SMC thing.

Et cetera, ad infinitum, y nauseum.

I'm debating posting pictures of some of my other obsessions / collections (comics, toys, etc.).
I'm from Long Grove, about 20 minutes NE of there. How's the figure supply in the area?

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