Onimusha Film


May 1, 2003
Reaction score

Christophe Gans (Silent Hill)' next movie is an adaptation of the video game (ONIMUSHA) as all of his previous projects (Bob Morane, Rahan, Non coupable) are cancelled.

No word on cast yet, but I pray he can get Takeshi Kaneshiro and Jean Reno to reprise their roles from the third game.

This could be a really badass Samuari film if done well. Judging form the decent showing of Silent Hill I have faith in this adaption.

Takeshi and Reno in Onimusha 3

Info on Takeshi Kaneshiro

Info on Onimusha

i... uh... no... words...

just kidding... sounds good. i hope they do get at least Kaneshiro to reprise his role, tohugh.
Getting Jean Reno to reprsie his Jacques Blanc role for the movie version would very interesting.
I'm not a big Silent Hill fan, but I own all the Onimusha games. And I love them.

And well, I'm rather conflicted about this. I don't think these can work as big budget Hollywood movies.

But if it means that Takeshi Kaneshiro plays Samanosuke Akechi in live action, and Donnie Yen does the action choreography like the third game, it could be interesting.

The opening cut scene for Onimusha 3 is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, topping pretty much everything in live action and animation for quite some time. I don't they could make something equivalent to that in live action for cheap.
Damn, it'll be hard to wait for the third movie to see Jean Reno whipping the **** out of demons. :(
The 1st game was great,kinda bored with the sequels though,this will need a decent budget and Silent Hill supposedly being good is no guarantee that this director can nail this concept as well
...I think... I think this man is the anti-Boll.
If Takeshi Kaneshiro isn't Akechi Samanosuke then I won't care about the Movie.
hunter rider said:
The 1st game was great,kinda bored with the sequels though,this will need a decent budget and Silent Hill supposedly being good is no guarantee that this director can nail this concept as well

He's a good enough director if Silent Hill is any indication, that movies only real weakness is the script he had to work with.

THough I'm a bit suprised that it's Onimusha, before he was all like: "The next movie I'm doing for Konami is so different in tone from something like Silent Hill". So I was expecting a Konami game to movie that didn't involve the undead. :confused:

The past/future thing might be thrown out the window during early brainstorming, it was sort of cheesy. :o
my father told me before he died that a good director can take a script that says "something happens" and make a brilliant masterpiece of a film from it. Bless the man. That said, I have no thoughts on onimusha except that it looks badass.

I'd rather a shenmue movie though.
If anyone directs an Onimusha movie it should be RYUHEI KITAMURA, not Christopher Gans.
After seeing what he did with Godzilla:Final Wars, no thanks
That would be wicked cool, although I hope that Gans doesn't accidentally turn into the A-List version of Uwe Boll (as in makes a career out of game adaptations). Not that I'd complain if it turns out good, though! ;)
Timstuff said:
That would be wicked cool, although I hope that Gans doesn't accidentally turn into the A-List version of Uwe Boll (as in makes a career out of game adaptations). Not that I'd complain if it turns out good, though! ;)

I'm not sure if I would call him A-list. More like B-list, while Uwe Boll is more like C-list ;)
No, Boll is F-list. But Gans is probably upper B-list.
Wait a minute, didn't Gans say that his next project is based on another Konami property? Onimush ais Capcom. Or am I confused about him saying that his next video game adaptation was using a Konami property? :confused:
There isn't a letter for what list Boll is on
cabel said:
After seeing what he did with Godzilla:Final Wars, no thanks

Azumi and Versus say, YES thank you very much. Or domo arigato.
OK, this is probabyl the stupidest question ever, but I always thought the the character model for Samanosuke was based off of a deceased actor. I am almost positive that I read that a long time ago (when the first game came out). Has anyone else heard this, and if so, can someone please clarify for me?
kytrigger said:
OK, this is probabyl the stupidest question ever, but I always thought the the character model for Samanosuke was based off of a deceased actor. I am almost positive that I read that a long time ago (when the first game came out). Has anyone else heard this, and if so, can someone please clarify for me?

It wasn't Samanosuke, it was Jubei from the second game.

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