I know there have been comics and such about the origin of the transformers, but every time I try and search for "cannon" material it seems like it neglects something or changes something that was done prior. Ex: Quientissions (however u spell it) versus Primus
Even more disturbign to me I think is after 20 years, they have yet to explain how new Transformers actually come to be, not until Beast Wars did we get a better sense of sparks/protoforms.
But how do the transformers summon a spark to a protoform, and of course another biggie, does it take a male & female to create a new spark?
I curious if anyone knew when creators of Transformers would finally sit down and say, well this is how this happens, because i sympathize with Michael Bay having to trying a piece together the history of the transformers when its been so varied to date.
or does anyone have a take on how new transformers come to be?
Even more disturbign to me I think is after 20 years, they have yet to explain how new Transformers actually come to be, not until Beast Wars did we get a better sense of sparks/protoforms.
But how do the transformers summon a spark to a protoform, and of course another biggie, does it take a male & female to create a new spark?
I curious if anyone knew when creators of Transformers would finally sit down and say, well this is how this happens, because i sympathize with Michael Bay having to trying a piece together the history of the transformers when its been so varied to date.
or does anyone have a take on how new transformers come to be?