No it hasn't been cancelled and isn't slated to be cancelled any time soon. It's the new LotDK in that the stories don't run concurrently with the timeline of regular continuity even if they are canon. Because of this it's the only book on the line that will still feature Bruce Wayne as Batman so all the whiners who say when Bruce comes back they'll start reading again here's a book for you.
Good! Yes, i know it's basically like the old LOTDK, i just wasnt sure if the book was continuing in light of all the ramifications of the new Batman, new ongoings, ect. Since it's Bruce Wayne as Batman in classic adventures, i wasnt sure if it was being axed or not. I'm glad it's not. Not ever arc is good, but some have been great.
As for "all the whiners' let me just say that i'm nt one of them. I'm highly amused by all that i've heard, and after reading your first post, i did additional research on my own, at and I just wanted clarification on theese items of interest. As i said, i've been away from the Batman books for awhile (a little before resurrection of Ras storyline), so i have a LOT to catch up with. Which i'll be doing very soon.
Again, as far all theese changes, i'm all for 'em. Fanboys get WAY too riled up , especially when thought-provoking and interesting stories and changes come. I'm not this way. and obviously, Wayne will return at some point, and , yes, as Batman.
It's the same book with some team members gone and some new members around also Bruce left orders for Alfred to lead them in the event of his demise. So Alfred is the new captain strategist on that book. If you'd like to catch up on recent events track down Batman & The Outsiders Special, Outsiders #15 and #16 I reccomended as the book has been very well written by former bat books editor Peter Tomasi.
O.k. Cool. I dig. "gave afred directions in case of his demise". That's so fricking awesome. I just caught the june issue preview cover, w/ alfred on the chair-it reminded me of "Star Trek" for some reason. I'll definitely be tuning in for this. Alfred in a more prominent role seems VERY cool.
All Star Batman is on hiatus but it has absolutely nothing to do with the regular books. It's the early years of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns universe. Batman & Robin is the continuation of Grant Morrison's Batman run. This is taking the place of BATMAN as the flagship title leading to it being the second main book like 'tec was.
Again, i just wanted clarification about ASBAR's status-i do know it's in it's own little world. It's the one book i've still caught up with in recent times (have all but one issue-#5). I always got irritated when fans complained about the rep of Batman in this series, just because of the Miller's tone and innuendo. When Batman slapped young Grayson in the face, and gave the whole damn Batman line, i laughed my ass off. To me, it just seemed realistical that a man as driven and intense as Wayne, still early in his career would act this way.
And look at the fanboys now-they hated Millers ASBAR, so theese new changes to the Batman line must be driving them crazy! I LOVE IT!!
The only problem with AS B is the absoultely wretched time/issue delatys. AS much as i've enjoyed, the series, the really need to replace with a new creative team and get this title a monthly schedule. My choice would be Geoff Johns and Neal Adams.
It's a maxi series (12 issue story) and it's about to wrap up soon.
A shame. I was hoping it'd be a monthly. I dig Jones art (he's not great, but i like it), and having Niles on a Batman series was cool. Any idea how sales for "Midnight" were? Hopefully, DC can get theese two on a monthly Batman....
I still see it on shelves and never heard of it being cancelled anytime soon.
Hmmm...something iffy is going on with this title. I just checked the DC Comics site, and it's last solicitation is for this month, March. It's missing from the months of April, May, and June. BUT , the thing is, when a series is cancelled, DC usually writes a last issue notation for the solicitation, and there is none for the March issue of Simon Dark...(issue 18)...
So , either Niles and Hampton are taking some time off, or something.
I hope the series continues, i thought the Dark character was interesting.
Any idea how sales have been on the title?
It has to do with a few things
Batman will still be heavily featured in two of his books as usual (Batman & Robin & BATMAN) so I don't get the gripe. What happened was that Greg Rucka created this new Batwoman back in 52 and we still haven't really seen her fleshed out so this provides an avenue to do that in without having to risk it by creating an all new title. Think of it as the testing grounds for a potential Batwoman ongoing until Brucecomes back.
Ok, yeah, i see your point. If "Detective" does well durring Batwoman's tenure, then when Bruce Wayne innevitably returns as Bats, he'll take back the spotlight in "Tec", and a spinoff "Batwoman" series will resume her stories.
Got'cha. Not a bad idea.
Yeah pretty much though as I said before the Steve Niles book is just a maxi and Azrael is a mini series going on right now. I don't read Justice League so I wouldn't know what to tell you about that I do know that book runs in line with the rest of the main DCU so we won't see Bruce in it but it's possible the next Batman would be a member I suppose.
Azrael is a miniseries. Allright. I was mistaken, then. Maybe DC will make it an ongoing if the mini does well.
As for "Batgirl", has DC Comics anywhere OFFICIALLY stated that it will in fact be an ongoing, because a noticed a Batgirl one shot is slated for June, but i havent seen anywhere where an ongoing is officially stated?
I got a few more questions too?
Do you remember sometime in 2007, when DC Comics announced an "All Star: Batgirl" ongoing series , with creative team of Geoff Johns and J.G. Jones. It was supposed to be in the same time frame as All Star Batman and Robin, but not neccesarily share continuity w/ that title. It was to Be the classic years of Barbra Gordon as Batgirl. Comic Book resources had a whole interview with Geoff Johns about it, and he confirmed it. It was supposed to debut sometime in 2008.
Anyway, have you heard anything on this?
I also recently heard something a bout a Huntress/ManHunter ongoing series, and a new contemporary Barbra Gordon series, either "Oracle" or a "Birds of Prey" reboot? Who knows, maybe she's the new Batgirl....
AS for the confirmed new series:
"Batman and Robin"-HOT.
"Gotham City Sirens"- Paul Dini writing, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and beautiful artwork by Guillem March-HOT.
"Streets of Gotham"- seems cool
"Red Robin"- looks interesting. Dick Grayson in the "kingdom Come" red robin identity searching for the MIA Wayne.
As for the new template/storyline, i think it's obvious Jason Todd is the new Batman, Damian is Robin, and Dick Grayson is Red Robin.......the only question then, is where's Tim Drake in all THIS?
I'm wondering if he'll get his own rebooted series, w/ a different name??
I also alway thought a Baman villians book, something called "Rogues" would be cool.