Photo Manip of Doomsday


Apr 9, 2006
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I have always wanted to See doomsday on the big screen, So I made this
to get an idea of what he might look like...


What do you think? has anyone else done anything similar?
you really sure that you made that ?

cause its been around....

and if you did!

awesome job! keep it up and i want to see more :D
WHAT?!? it's been around?!? THAT IS AWESOME!!! Heck Yeah I made it.. I put it up months ago on the IMDB boards and But I just started coming here so I thought I would post it....

Man I am so excited, I can't believe one of my manips is being shown around! I don't suppose you could direct me to where I could read what people said about it?
That's cool, but he needs way more spike-age on his shoulders. And why are there spikes on his head? Doesn't he have hair? Oh, and you left out one of his coolest features, the cage-spikes over his eyes! Anyway, those are my crits, but it is very cool.
Clarkparker said:
I have always wanted to See doomsday on the big screen, So I made this
to get an idea of what he might look like...


What do you think? has anyone else done anything similar?

wow thats awesome work!:up:
doommachine said:
That's cool, but he needs way more spike-age on his shoulders. And why are there spikes on his head? Doesn't he have hair? Oh, and you left out one of his coolest features, the cage-spikes over his eyes! Anyway, those are my crits, but it is very cool.

I had tried the large spikes on his shoulders, but they just did not look right, not on a photo real Doomsday. and I could not get the caged eyes to look right either, not while still retaining the anger his eyes have in this picture... Same thing with the head, I thought it looked better than the balding look he has in the comics... I guess they were just stylistic choices on my part... Thanks for the Critique though.
Clarkparker said:
I have always wanted to See doomsday on the big screen, So I made this
to get an idea of what he might look like...


What do you think? has anyone else done anything similar?
I like it, but why is he a giant?
He isn't that's a hill behind him. He's as tall as Hulk was in the Hulk movie.
Meh...looks like a giant to me.:D
ampersand said:
He isn't that's a hill behind him. He's as tall as Hulk was in the Hulk movie.

Yeah. I think that is a manip of a still from the Hulk movie.
i just noticed the b.routh superman in the bg. nice touch! very excellent work.
Thanks! he is actually Reversed..You can't tell but the \S/ is Backwords...

Has anyone else made any Doomsday Manips?
That is really cool!
I haven't thought of doing something like that...great job!
Thanks! I am glad you like it... I would really like to see some other Doomsday Manips, if anyone has done one or knows of one kickin' around.
They're not really manips, but rather proposed movie versions of Doomsday from the Superman Lives movie that never made it off the ground. I don't know the name of the artist, but the designs are cool nonetheless.


Doomsday sucks. :down

He's got the name of a professional wrestler and the spikes are ridiculous. It looks like when a 7 year old tries to make his own comic and creates a villain, with "EW,eeEEEEeevil!:eek:" spikes all willy-nilly. "Yeah! You know how the Devil has two horns? Well THIS guy has a HUNDRED horns! Horns all over his BODY!"

So dumb.
LOL hahahah,it's funny cause its true..actually I dont know,I know nothing of comics..what am I doing here..where did this cat come from
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Doomsday sucks. :down

He's got the name of a professional wrestler and the spikes are ridiculous. It looks like when a 7 year old tries to make his own comic and creates a villain, with "EW,eeEEEEeevil!:eek:" spikes all willy-nilly. "Yeah! You know how the Devil has two horns? Well THIS guy has a HUNDRED horns! Horns all over his BODY!"

So dumb.

Although I disagree with you on the "Sucks" part, I agree about him having too many spikes, thats why I toned them down a bit on my pic. The exoskeleton works really well with his origin, but they do go over board.

Oh! and yeah I saw those movie concept drawings before, they remind me a bit of the Covenent on Streoids.

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