Photo Resizing?

Marvel Spider

An Insomniac.
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Is it just me or does the board automatically resize larger pictures now?
Yeah, it's not just you. I noticed that. Can't help but notice.
Not only have I noticed it, I approve of it.

The thing that's most annoying to me is my scans of a comic book page is now too small to read clearly now, like the two page origin of Superman I had posted on the favorite Superman pictures thread. So now I have to crop individual comic panels of a page so it's large enough to read on the site.
Well if people would have stuck the larger pics in spoilers to make it easy on page loads then The Admins wouldn't have had to do that.
I have implemented photo resizing and also cropping photo in PHP.
The thing that's most annoying to me is my scans of a comic book page is now too small to read clearly now, like the two page origin of Superman I had posted on the favorite Superman pictures thread. So now I have to crop individual comic panels of a page so it's large enough to read on the site.

Actually you don't need to do that, even though the image looks re-sized it isn't. If a poster right clicks and presses "View image" they will be able to see the image at the original size you posted it at.

For example the image below.

Actually you don't need to do that, even though the image looks re-sized it isn't. If a poster right clicks and presses "View image" they will be able to see the image at the original size you posted it at.

For example the image below.
Thanks, I had no idea this worked. I can now not have to resize pics to fit the boards. :up:

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