The Dark Knight Pie Shop Wire mp3


Feb 7, 2006
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Emailing Glenn Barhyte resulted in a response from him referencing a document.

Going to Gotham Police Department Internal Affairs Division and typing BarhyteGlenn as the username and tevredenheid (Dutch for 'Satisfaction', Barhyte's favorite song as listed on his site) as the password gets you the document, which is a request for a sting operation at a pie shop.

The wiretap was set at Betty's House of Pies, a local diner suspected of Mob activity.

After going back to the website and logging in again as Glenn, you are taken to a page where a streaming media player has been set up, which will stream the wiretap hidden in a napkin dispenser at 1500 hrs, or 3:00pm EST.

At 3pm, wiretap monitoring began and the following stream was played:
Transcribing now...

Starts around 2:40


[Man 1] You order?

[Man 2] Just coffee for both of us. Nobody eats here

[Man 1] Flas did


[Man 2] Yeah, Flas would eat off a train floor

[Man 1] I heard he's lost a lot of weight

[Man 2] What'd you expect, the guy's a vegtable.

[Woman 1] Your coffee, you want anything with that?

[Man 1] Hey [name], just the special

[Woman 1] You're sure you don't want pie or nothing?

[Man 2] Ah, no thanks. Misses made three pies for The Thanksgiving. I'm all pied out.

[Woman 2] K., it will be $[?] for the coffee. What am I some kind of barista or something.

[Man 1] Hey, I promise we'll tip good.

[Woman 1] Half of my tables just drinking coffee. [?] Italians. Now, Mr. Falcone, he's like a piece of pie. Special for the [?].

End first part at 3:28
^^ they Were Talking to Betty, And SHe said Mr. Falcone WOuld Have Liked A Piece Of Pie

Carmine's Coconut Cream - Coconut filling topped with whipped cream, a favorite of our best customers.
[Man 2] Thanks for charging for the coffee. What do you know we got to here [?] be the drop point. Two bucks for the coffee.

[Man 3] It's okay guys, coffee's on the Department this time. Internal Affairs. Hands on the table. I'll take your side arms and we'll all go downtown.

[Man ?] Internal Affairs?

[Man 3] Keep your voices down. Hands on the table.

[chairs sliding...]

End second part around 3:49
Hey, if someone wants to provide a description of this event, i.e. how we discovered the clues, exactly what the clues were, what we are really listening to, I can edit my first post for new people. I would provide a description, but I am not exactly sure how we got here. :woot:

[Man ?] Get down, get down!

[Man 4] Fire, we got fire. Backup, we need backup.

[Man ?] Oh, God, Karl!

[Man 4] Officer down.


[Man ?] [?] Couldn't you nab us in the parking lot. You had to arrest us in the middle of a restaurant. Who do [gunshots], who do you think eats here? Boy Scouts? Just who the hell do you think eats here? Jesus Christ! Karl!

[Man 4] 2361, I need backup. 1445 Melaine.

[Dispatch] 2261, we have reports of shots fired. Units are on the way.

[Man 4] We got an officer down, repeat an officer down.

[Dispatch] Copy that [?]

[Man 4] Suspects are two white males


Hey, if someone wants to provide a description of this event, i.e. how we discovered the clues, exactly what the clues were, what we are really listening to, I can edit my first post for new people. I would provide a description, but I am not exactly sure how we got here. :woot:

We got the mp3 by typing "Barhyteglenn" into username and "tevredenheid" into password at this link:

However, I don't know how we got the username/pass...?
Yeah, I don't that part. The other stuff I pretty much knew.

Not true actually. Bauer cracked Barhyte's login by turning using the dutch translation of "satisfaction" as the password. Barhyte lived in Utrecht for a number of years, and his favorite song was hinted to be "(Can't get no) Satisfaction" by the Stones on the Internal Affairs apartment.
Not true actually. Bauer cracked Barhyte's login by turning using the dutch translation of "satisfaction" as the password. Barhyte lived in Utrecht for a number of years, and his favorite song was hinted to be "(Can't get no) Satisfaction" by the Stones on the Internal Affairs apartment.

Oh wow, kudos to whoever got that!
So how did we find out a bust was going down at that diner? Was it in emails from Barhyte to people who contacted him about possible dirty cops?
So how did we find out a bust was going down at that diner? Was it in emails from Barhyte to people who contacted him about possible dirty cops?

People started emailing Barhyte and he mentioned the number of another document, logging in as him you find that document and it was a request for the sting operation at the pie shop and it mentioned another document with further details about the sting. After all that was discovered, the next time you logged in as Barhyte, it took you directly to a page with a some kind of media player that you could use to listen to feed from the wire tap when it went down today at 3:00 eastern.
Thank you, I am trying to make a definitive account of how this wiretap came about.
i thought at the very end he said supspects two white males one fe
what was the tapping noise think it was too short for morse code but seemed weird
I still think it was Joker, because the person was making Jokes before shooting the cops, and the Joker makes jokes, remember people that this is probably one of the first mentions of the Joker.
So they were doing a sting investigation in a pie shop frequented by mobsters when the internal affairs guy tries to arrest them. Tiping off the mobsters they're cops and shootout ensues.

That the gist of it?

The internal affairs guy's voice did remind me a bit of Ledger's Joker. But he wasn't making any jokes as far as I know and the shootout didn't have a Joker feel. You could hear the internal affairs guy calling for backup.

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