Professor X's new power in X2


Mar 28, 2006
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In X2, Professor made everyone in the museum and in the white house stop moving, like he stop time for them or something. I always wondered why the movie never explained how he could do that, so how did he?:confused:
It has nothing to do with stoping time and every thing to do with stoping the mental functions of everyones brains. Hence why the T V kept going and ligts flickered. If he stopped time everything would stop.
I didnt like the way it was presented because it mislead audiences a bit.
Abaddon said:
I didnt like the way it was presented because it mislead audiences a bit.
Yeah, at first I thought that he was stopping time too, but the second time I watchedI noticed that time hadn't stopped he was just mentally stopping their minds from thinking.
It's Xavier's oldest trick in the book. I don't really mind the not explaining bit, since telepaths used to pull that all the time and you didn't get an explanation either.

It's what you got No-Prizes for. ;)
It's a power he has used often in the comics. A 'mind-freeze' - inhibiting all conscious motor functions and mass hypnosis where he erases memories of an event.. such as when the X-Men's shuttle (piloted by Phoenix) crashed into the bay.

Anyone who didn't know that is showing they can't have read a single X-Men comic in their life.

Reveal your ignorance at your peril.
What the f... this was so obviously him using his mnd control power to freeze everyone. :eek: It's like hypnosis but on a whole different level.
I knew it was his telepathy but it confused alot of the non comic reading people.
Yeah,its obvious to anyone who reads the comics.But if I hadnt picked up an Xbook,I wouldve thought his powers somehow allowed him to stop time.
Exploding Boy said:
I knew it was his telepathy but it confused alot of the non comic reading people.
Well I never read a comic and I wasn't confused. I knew he was doing it telepathicly by just using information from the first film. I think if people were confused they probably didn't see the first film.
I argee with Enlight. I never have read a full comic book except for seeing a few cuts. I understood it, he just made the thoughts in their heads stop for only a few minutes.
Abaddon said:
I didnt like the way it was presented because it mislead audiences a bit.

i KNOW! But in the book(x2 novel), storm snapped her fingers then lightning had struck nightcrwler down, then using her telpathy and telekinesis, she froze his brain and held him in mid-air.
Now, you're mixing Jean Grey and Storm there. Jean held Toad in the air for a few seconds, but at that period in time, she was nowhere near the level of Charles Xavier. Now in X3, we're in a whole new ball park with her power levels.
Jean held him in the air with her psi-powers holding him place. Not freezing him. He still had active control of his motor functions and body, but could not move out of Jean's hold until she released him.

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