They made a cb adaptation of BB?! I would not mind seeing that, but, generally I find cb film adaptations a bit dry, and not enjoyable to read, just kind of interesting as a comparison to the film, seeing scenes they left out, and how the artist approaches the material.
I'm surprised they even made any a few years ago, back in the days when you could only hire the movies from the videostore, and couldn't buy them, I could see a reason for them selling well. but nowadays, I don't think many people would buy them, maybe that is why they stopped publishing them. But you would think with a movie as big os TDK they would have sold a few copies.
btw, not dissing your penchant for those types of books, they have just never read that well to me, but i can understand why some people would collect them.
I preffered the Star Wars cb adaptations, I still have my ROTJ one in book form, as the artists drew the characters like regular comics, instead of trying to draw from photographs of the actors, which is what the Batman89 adaption was like, and so the drawings were not that interesting.