Real Names


The Best There Is
Jan 4, 2005
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After two nights of this in a row, I felt this needed to be done. We all know some of the biggest names in comics; Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, etc. But, what about the little known people who SHARE these names? That's right, somewhere out there is a Reed Richards or Bruce Wayne living an every day normal life like everyone else. So, the object of this thread is what comic real names have you actually seen or heard as being a living person's real name?

To reference the two instances I mentioned before, tonight on the Daily Show they had an author named Clark Kent Ervin. Last night, they had an upstate NY politician named Marc Spector.

What've you got?
Well, speaking of the Daily SHow, there is Jon Stewart.
Aren't you Logan Wolverine (I don't know your last name, if you even have one). Argh Wolverine.
I actually know someone called Logan James, which is close enough.
Pretty sure you and I share a name, yenaled. I think I've spweken on the subject though, so kk.
I forget where I saw it, but someone has th' name John Logan (a Wolvie alias).
Wizard had an article a while back where they actually called up a Bruce Wayne, who was in med school somewhere, and they were messing with him asking him questions as if he really was Batman, and the guy got the joke and played along.
Nicholas Cage's son is named Kal El....
Elijya said:
Wizard had an article a while back where they actually called up a Bruce Wayne, who was in med school somewhere, and they were messing with him asking him questions as if he really was Batman, and the guy got the joke and played along.

They did that a bunch of times. For example, they onece called up a Clark Kent who actually lives in Kansas. He got really upset when he figured them out.

Or, when they called a Wally West, who never caught on because he probably didn't know that's the Flash's name.
I know an Anthony Stark. I got wasted with that guy one night and bet him to take a dump in the trunk of some dudes el camino. I s**t you not.
Shame on you, Anubis. You know liquor and Anthony Starks don't mix. :mad:
There's a billboard on my way home from work for a chiropractic guy named Matt Murdock.
I do know a blind lawyer. But his names Tyrone Heart.
That doesn't count. I know a bunch of photographers with money problems, but none of them are named Peter Parker. :p
I went to college with a Kevin Smith. That's sorta comic related, right?
TheCorpulent1 said:
That doesn't count. I know a bunch of photographers with money problems, but none of them are named Peter Parker. :p

Well then I got nothing but a *****e bag named tony stark with four kids by three different women and refuses to take a job because they'll nail him on child support.
Anubis said:
I do know a blind lawyer. But his names Tyrone Heart.

You should get him to learn ninjitsu. You know, for laughs. lists 36 Anthony or Tony Starks across the country. And two Tonya Starks

meanwhile, there's 110 Scott Summers

13 Jean Greys (or variations like Jeanne, Jeanette, etc)

139 Peter Parkers

26 Clark Kents

25 Bruce Waynes

35 Diana or Diane Princes

12 Hal Jordans

6 Wally Wests

160 Barry Allens

300 Steve Rogers (maybe more, the search may cap at 300)
Very clever of you Elijya
If my last name was Jordan, and I had a son, I'd name him Michael Harold Jordan. Hal may be a badass Gl and the sucker punch king, but he'll always be second best to MJ in my mind.

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