Ridin’ with Biden

So does Biden not care about the young vote anymore or..?
Not sure what you're referring to. The slaughter in Gaza? If so, I would certainly have handled this issue with more expediency than did Biden, but I think he's moving on the right track......just way too slow and innocent people are dying because of it.

I could see Netanyahu's coalition crumbling like a sand castle in a wave and a just peace being found in the not so distant future. It's just taking too damn long and, reportedly, Hamas has their hands in the relief that has been sent, so they aren't exactly Johnny Clean Hands here. Still, IMO, Netanyahu deserves the vast, vast majority of the blame for slaughtering innocent civilians after the terrorist attack on his country.

I'm quite sure Biden knows that young people are an important part of his coalition if he's going to be re-elected, but it's just one part of his coalition.
Not sure what you're referring to. The slaughter in Gaza? If so, I would certainly have handled this issue with more expediency than did Biden, but I think he's moving on the right track......just way too slow and innocent people are dying because of it.

I could see Netanyahu's coalition crumbling like a sand castle in a wave and a just peace being found in the not so distant future. It's just taking too damn long and, reportedly, Hamas has their hands in the relief that has been sent, so they aren't exactly Johnny Clean Hands here. Still, IMO, Netanyahu deserves the vast, vast majority of the blame for slaughtering innocent civilians after the terrorist attack on his country.

I'm quite sure Biden knows that young people are an important part of his coalition if he's going to be re-elected, but it's just one part of his coalition.

I’m talking about the TikTok ban that he has said he’s going to sign once it gets to his desk.
I’m talking about the TikTok ban that he has said he’s going to sign once it gets to his desk.
On the plus side, Steve Mnuchin is trying to put together a group to buy TikTok.......and that's supposed to make me feel better??? :lmao:
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I’m talking about the TikTok ban that he has said he’s going to sign once it gets to his desk.
I don't think they're ignoring young voters, I think they're not aware of them. Both patties leadership are run by the elderly: Biden, Trump, McConnel, Schumer, Pelosi, etc. Many of them, like Kamala Harris, don't even have children.

If they hear about young people it's second or third hand, or they get a biased view from the trust fund baby on their staff.

The elderly leadership also lie to themselves by listening to doctored statistics about the economic situation. For example I think most of them really believe that the inflation rate is only 3.2%. Speaking as someone with a family, I can tell you it's at least 10%.

Here's a good article from the WSJ on these issues:

I’m talking about the TikTok ban that he has said he’s going to sign once it gets to his desk.
WRT young voters, the candidates are in it to win and both Biden AND Trump KNOW that young voters are a key constituency, but probably take slightly different approaches to encourage or discourage young voters. They are also not single issue voters; though TikTok is clearly a concern. I suspect this is a way to push the sale of it rather than actually ban it as there are "some" legitimate concerns.

As a recovering statistician and overall political junkie, I've been part of political campaigns and I can assure you that the candidates want real numbers and aren't interested in being spoon fed a load of BS. That's not how you win elections. Biden is pushing this tax cut basically aimed at younger people who want to buy their first home or buy something a little better (he gets that housing prices are stubbornly high). It's why he is pushing for student debt relief. It's why he tried to get through a comprehensive education package to lower the cost of public education. I could go on.....

Will everything he does be aimed at making younger votes happy? No, but I guarantee you his advisors understand the importance or young voters and I guarantee you he's listening. There are issues like Gaza and TikTok where he's in a difficult position and I think, WRT Gaza, he should highlight his opponents position of "We have to finish the job" as a counterpoint to his own. Right now a lot of pressure is being put on Israel to change their position and if this can get solved in the fairly near future, I don't see it being a major issue in November. Right now, he knows this is a big problem and I think Schumer's (the most senior, Jewish official in US history) statement the other day about Netanyahu having to go is telegraphing the administration's next position if Netanyahu doesn't back the F*** off. That happened there is outrageous and the vast majority of the blame lies with the person who actually gave the orders to start the slaughter or innocents.
WRT young voters, the candidates are in it to win and both Biden AND Trump KNOW that young voters are a key constituency, but probably take slightly different approaches to encourage or discourage young voters. They are also not single issue voters; though TikTok is clearly a concern. I suspect this is a way to push the sale of it rather than actually ban it as there are "some" legitimate concerns.

As a recovering statistician and overall political junkie, I've been part of political campaigns and I can assure you that the candidates want real numbers and aren't interested in being spoon fed a load of BS. That's not how you win elections. Biden is pushing this tax cut basically aimed at younger people who want to buy their first home or buy something a little better (he gets that housing prices are stubbornly high). It's why he is pushing for student debt relief. It's why he tried to get through a comprehensive education package to lower the cost of public education. I could go on.....
To suggest that the tax cut is aimed at younger people is to be out of touch.

Let's clarify, the credit will give $400/month to new homebuyers in a tax credit in the two years after they buy their first homes. It does nothing for affordability.

To be able to buy a home, you need to be able to put up what's called "down payment and closing costs". Depending on where you live in the country that is between $30,000 and $60,000. That is a lump sum of cash on hand. That is a fantasy for most young people, unless they get help from their parents or they have a sign-on bonus with Goldman Sachs / Google / etc. You also need a decent credit score, and a proof of income. For example if you want a $400,000 home you need to prove that the mortgage won't be more than 40% of your income, so probably an income of $80,000+/ year. Assuming they have no credit card, student loan, automotive, or medical debt. Again a fantasy for most young people.

You then need to pay for the mortgage, home insurance, property taxes, never mind repairs. Depending on where you live, that is between $4,000 and $10,000/month. $400/month for the first two years for the first two years is just passing the buck to hope for an interest rate cut, which is not likely to happen given the global situation. And by the end of the two years, mortgages will probably have risen by more than $400/month.

The Biden tax rebate is equivalent to a millionaire giving a bag of chips to a homeless man.
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Here are more precise numbers.

The median price of a new home in the USA is $511,000, but that varies by huge amounts depending on where you are in the country. Still, let's say $511,000. 3% downpayment + closing costs = $31,000, that is cash on hand needed to buy a house. The 30-year mortgage cost will then be 3473/month, so let's say $4,000/month with property taxes, insurance; or $48,000/year.

That needs to be less than 40% of your gross income, or else you won't qualify. So you need an income of $120,000/year. The number will be higher if you have any credit card debt, medical debt, student, debt, automotive debt, etc.

TLDR: To become a homeowner of the median home in the USA, you need $31,000 cash on hand, a salary of $120,000/year, no debts, and then you pay $48,000/year for your mortgage for thirty years. Biden is proposing $400/month for two years to help.

No wonder Gen Z is checking out.
To suggest that the tax cut is aimed at younger people is to be out of touch.

Let's clarify, the credit will give $400/month to new homebuyers in a tax credit in the two years after they buy their first homes. It does nothing for affordability.

To be able to buy a home, you need to be able to put up what's called "down payment and closing costs". Depending on where you live in the country that is between $30,000 and $60,000. That is a lump sum of cash on hand. That is a fantasy for most young people, unless they get help from their parents or they have a sign-on bonus with Goldman Sachs / Google / etc. You also need a decent credit score, and a proof of income. For example if you want a $400,000 home you need to prove that the mortgage won't be more than 40% of your income, so probably an income of $80,000+/ year. Assuming they have no credit card, student loan, automotive, or medical debt. Again a fantasy for most young people.

You then need to pay for the mortgage, home insurance, property taxes, never mind repairs. Depending on where you live, that is between $4,000 and $10,000/month. $400/month for the first two years for the first two years is just passing the buck to hope for an interest rate cut, which is not likely to happen given the global situation. And by the end of the two years, mortgages will probably have risen by more than $400/month.

The Biden tax rebate is equivalent to a millionaire giving a bag of chips to a homeless man.
I generally don't respond to you because I don't think a lot of what you post (foreign policy generally) deserves a response, but, of course, none of the programs I laid out are exclusively for young people (whatever that is, but, in the case of the tax break, I would say people in their mid 20s to mid 30s); nor is student debt relief or, for that matter, lowering the cost of education. What I'm saying is that these programs definitely do provide some relief for many, many young people and target them in that sense. Is it enough? No, but it helps. Take student loan relief. Without attacking the root cause of it, we just end up where we were in 10 or so years. None of this stuff is "enough", but we can look to the senate and the filibuster to thank for that. Biden has basically governed as an old school liberal, but legislative divisiveness has put a cap on what he can do.

And, BTW, I have some pretty severe disagreements with Biden and have pointed those out.

There’s more being done than some tax credits (and what we’ve seen in other markets like EVs is that capitalists will jack up prices in response to tax credits to customers.)

However housing is very much an issue controlled by local and state authorities primarily.
I generally don't respond to you because I don't think a lot of what you post (foreign policy generally) deserves a response, but, of course, none of the programs I laid out are exclusively for young people (whatever that is, but, in the case of the tax break, I would say people in their mid 20s to mid 30s); nor is student debt relief or, for that matter, lowering the cost of education. What I'm saying is that these programs definitely do provide some relief for many, many young people and target them in that sense. Is it enough? No, but it helps. Take student loan relief. Without attacking the root cause of it, we just end up where we were in 10 or so years. None of this stuff is "enough", but we can look to the senate and the filibuster to thank for that. Biden has basically governed as an old school liberal, but legislative divisiveness has put a cap on what he can do.

And, BTW, I have some pretty severe disagreements with Biden and have pointed those out.

There are expressions in the English language for the type of help you're referring to:
Swim against the tide
Piss into the wind
Plug a leaky boat
Since you were a statistician, you can go through the numbers I posted and you'll understand that that Biden's proposed tax credit fits that mold.

As for foreign policy, with respect, I too was once a conventional democratic party ideologue. Over time I strove to learn more about the rest of the world. I hope that you do too, as I believe that you mean well. I want to assure you that there are a lot of thoughtful, smart, and kind people living outside the west who are worth listening to.
There are expressions in the English language for the type of help you're referring to:
Swim against the tide
Piss into the wind
Plug a leaky boat
Since you were a statistician, you can go through the numbers I posted and you'll understand that that Biden's proposed tax credit fits that mold.

As for foreign policy, with respect, I too was once a conventional democratic party ideologue. Over time I strove to learn more about the rest of the world. I hope that you do too, as I believe that you mean well. I want to assure you that there are a lot of thoughtful, smart, and kind people living outside the west who are worth listening to.
I'm a socialist who supported the USSR in spite of its deformed political structure. The economic system of the USSR is now gone in the current Russia and the the political structure is worse than it was (post 1950s). I've spent over 40 years reading about the history of change. That includes Marx, Engles, Trotsky, Lenin, Hegel, Hobbes, Aquinas, Machiavelli, the Greeks, and other capitalist economic theorists (including Smith and Malthus). The idea that I am a conventional democratic party ideologue speaks to your ignorance about my core political beliefs and is probably due to my posts which are meant to be pragmatic. To me, Elizabeth Warren is a huge compromise in terms of getting my support.

So, anyway, I'll continue to read your posts as they pop up, but I've found that people who know they are right are the least interesting in terms of engagement. I'll listen to tripe, but prefer to not respond to it. If I find something that has merit, I'll respond to it.
There are expressions in the English language for the type of help you're referring to:
Swim against the tide
Piss into the wind
Plug a leaky boat
Since you were a statistician, you can go through the numbers I posted and you'll understand that that Biden's proposed tax credit fits that mold.

As for foreign policy, with respect, I too was once a conventional democratic party ideologue. Over time I strove to learn more about the rest of the world. I hope that you do too, as I believe that you mean well. I want to assure you that there are a lot of thoughtful, smart, and kind people living outside the west who are worth listening to.
Debate is fine, but please dial back the sarcasm. We don't have to agree but we can be polite. Thanks.

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