Rip off.


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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I'm sorry, but this kind of has nothing to do with Spider-Man 2 in a way.

There's this movie that's going to play on SciFi called A.I. Assault, and it has these robots on some island with people or something.
Here's the plot from IMDB. "When a plane carrying a pair of top secret military robots crashes on a deserted Pacific island, a team of Navy seals must find them and turn them off as soon as possible for the longer they are activated, the smarter they become."

The robots from the trailers have tentacals and the claws on the tentacals look JUST like Doc Ock's. They don't have the red light, but the claws look the same LOL!

Just figured I would share that.
yeah, I guess every robot with tentacles is a copy of Doc Ock.
But yeah, kinda pointless, no offence.
None taken.^

But I'm serious, these claws looked almost EXACTLY like Doc Ock's did.
I hate it when movies or TV. shows copy things like that.
Because they copied an idea that wasn't theirs.
I think the giant robot from The Incredibles has similar tentacles too, seriously
BTW, Ive heard people saying that Doc Ocks tentacles are rip-off, since the sentinels in Matrix looked the same. And I think they do have some light...
AI is not an idea that was created by sony. its science :s
webhead731 said:
I'm sorry, but this kind of has nothing to do with Spider-Man 2 in a way.

There's this movie that's going to play on SciFi called A.I. Assault, and it has these robots on some island with people or something.
Here's the plot from IMDB. "When a plane carrying a pair of top secret military robots crashes on a deserted Pacific island, a team of Navy seals must find them and turn them off as soon as possible for the longer they are activated, the smarter they become."

The robots from the trailers have tentacals and the claws on the tentacals look JUST like Doc Ock's. They don't have the red light, but the claws look the same LOL!

Just figured I would share that.

LOL! I saw the preview for that too last night. i totally agree with you, the arms look exactly the same as Ocks and they turn on people and crap lol. stupid B-Movies! :down :mad:
Anywhere to see the preview online?
I tried that earlier and there were no matches.
yeah, sounds like the scene from "the incredibles" with the design of ock. lame!
i think its a bit of a leap to say that anything with tentacles is a rip off on ock.

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