Honestly, the dramatics about the decline of the MCU seem so crazy to me haha Like, do we not remember the dark days? X-Men Origins Wolverine? Ghost Rider? Rise of the Silver Surfer?
There have been some real stinky MCU movies lately, but there's no damage that can't be fixed with some good writing and some strong films. People like to rag on these films but the moment they do another great movie that people start flocking. All anyone wants are some good movies.
I finally got around to watching The Marvels this weekend. People will blame that movie on so many things, but above everything it's a weak as hell story. Poorly written characters. I still remember coming out of the cinemas from Thor and Cap for the first time and they were flawed as hell. Pacing of Cap was all over the shop. Thor was better but still had it's own share of corniness and an obviously small budget. But what they absolutely nailed was the characters. Steve Rogers was so clear and sharp on the screen, that his tragic story with Peggy carried through the rest of the decade. And Loki has become one of the most popular comic villains of all time, starting with that one movie.
So I guess, I just look at the state of Marvel and then the way people react to it all and I just think it's a bit silly. We've had some fantastic stories out of the MCU and we can again. They don't need to reinvent the wheel, just give us stories that matter, characters we care about and stakes that keep us invested in where it's going. I mean lets be real, Superhero movies are soap opera with explosions... And what is a soap opera without story or characters?